Metal Gear Flacid
11-26-2008, 03:04 PM
This is a rare promotional CD released in 2001 in the Power Pack to promote the Bionicle series. It came with a CD (), a rare silver Kanohi Hau (), and a small Tohunga (Matoran) figure named Hafu (). The CD contains three decent techno tracks, none of which are actually credited to anyone. I thought this rare piece of collectible history might be fun to share, so here are the tracks. (

11-26-2008, 10:14 PM
OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Thank's a lot. :)

11-26-2008, 11:08 PM
This is back when Bionicle was awesome. Then it got overfranchised :(

Metal Gear Flacid
11-29-2008, 03:38 PM
This is back when Bionicle was awesome. Then it got overfranchised :(

Amen to that, brother. I liked when it wasn't Power Rangers with Legos, you know? I still have my Tahu figure... (somewhere...)

02-15-2013, 04:48 AM
Outdated link, since Megaupload's dead. Can you re-upload to Mediafire? :/

The Kingpin
12-19-2013, 12:02 AM
Outdated link, since Megaupload's dead. Can you re-upload to Mediafire? :/

I'll second that

12-19-2013, 03:05 PM
One link to summon all in Unity, forging my Destiny as I have, and to bring all of you this is my Duty.


Track Info (
An exclusive set called the BIONICLE Power Pack was released. It featured a CD-ROM, Hafu, and a Kanohi Rua. The CD, featuring three music tracks, was produced by 19 Entertainment and distributed by Universal Music. Credits for the individual tracks were attributed to various Toa Mata
1. The BIONICLE Music, by Lewa: The best-known of the tracks, as it has appeared in several different media. It is best known for its inclusion in the Mata Nui Online Game during the Lewa vs. Onua episode, Kopaka's battle with the Muaka and the final battle against Teridax Episode. Later it was featured in the short Vahki movies.
2. Hura-Mafa Flow, Vocals and Guitars by Gali, programming by Kopaka: A darker piece, which features a vocal track which contains the words "Still Searching" and "Rock One, Rock Two, Rock Three". It is attributed to Gali because it is named after the Hura-Mafa River in Ga-Wahi.
3. Kumo Rocks, Vocals and Guitars by Gali, programming by Kopaka: A guitar-driven mix interspersed with the words "Rock Your World".