11-24-2008, 05:26 AM
Has anyone heard anything lately about the remake for the game?
I know they completely rode the false hope train with the demo of the game for the PS3, and completely gave out the wrong impression.
And then I gave up on that dream long ago.
But now things are going around about the remake being true and rah rah rah.
So has anyone got any articles or anything on whether they in fact are or aren't doing a remake? >.<

11-24-2008, 04:17 PM
The demo that was shown was a technical demo. Which means that it was not necessarily a preview of a remake. It was to show the capabilities of the PS3. Although, I have to admit it looks pretty good.

I personally don't care about a remake. I do like VII, but I'm not wetting my pants in anticipation. If it is done, I'll buy it. But what I find frustrating is that even though XIII is still in development, people are complaining about a lack of, and petitioning for, a VII remake. Hey, here's an idea, can we get Sony to revamp the PS2 and give it a fresh look? Or can we just move onto the next thing?..

I do think Square-Enix are being twats by not giving a clear answer on it. Shinji Hashimoto has said that the voice of the fans is important. But the team can't focus on every body's needs at once. Jesus Christ, just give an answer!

Oh, as for articles. I think you can find as much as the next person by looking here. (

Neo Xzhan
11-26-2008, 09:31 AM
What I don't get is this:

If you all believe that this is such an awesome game (classic), then WHY does it have to have a remake? If the game was so great, then why not leave it in it's classic envoirment?

On a nother related note, there's never gonna be a remake, stop hoping.

11-26-2008, 10:00 AM
Did you care to read my post? Because to use the adjective "all" when only two people have posted in this thread, one of which (me) never said anything along the lines of "hoping" for a remake, is pretty silly.

11-26-2008, 02:44 PM
I'm sure that there will be a remake if you just wait long enough.

FF 1-6 have a total of like 20 remakes (might have counted wrongly), so I'm sure that 7 will have a remake on a at least a handheld if not on console.

12-05-2008, 05:39 AM
i've never heard of a conformation of a remake but i really hope they do it.i personally love the game i have beat it only once but i would like to do it on a newer version i mean i love the new and improved graphic/music/etc but then again the original is still great.i just wish that they would make it so you could save it on a aps2 memory card lol i got off topic but oh well

12-27-2008, 06:06 AM
A remake would be great.

In an interview i read somewhere Hashimoto did say that there would eventually be one. Just that it would be in the far future and that no plans for a remake was even made yet. He also said that they are focussing their attention on f13 since its an ff that is planned to have multiple releases of the series, its gonna be a huge storyline, planned from the very beggining, which btw sounds very cool, i wonder if you would continue with the same stats in the next game as you had in the previous game.??

anyhow, the reaason he says that the game ff7 would be remade is because everyone at the Square really wants to remake it too. Apparenty he says Its something they want to do because they love the ff7 world, and are very attached to its characters.

However, still the feeling will be very different, I really like the old ff7 graphics with the blocky cartoony people. It left alot of imagination to the gamer, especially it allowed us to imagine their facial expressions based on their body gestures.

If the game was remade, it wont be the same kid of feeling. I just hope that when they do it, it will feature more sidequests like exploring more of midgar's other sectors, slums and upperplate, both. Maybe also new areas, like healin lodge from AC and modeioheim and stuff from CC. Off course none of this stuff should interfere with the storyline at all, but it should be a place where you can stop and rest and be like a rest stop in a journey.

Kinda like FF10, you felt like you were really traveling., i dunno i digress, but what do you guys think. sorry i probably have tonnes of typos.

12-27-2008, 12:54 PM
It's been too long since we had one of these threads~

12-27-2008, 11:28 PM
Since when is it fun to flog a ded horse?

01-25-2009, 05:52 PM
What I don't get is this:

If you all believe that this is such an awesome game (classic), then WHY does it have to have a remake? If the game was so great, then why not leave it in it's classic envoirment?

On a nother related note, there's never gonna be a remake, stop hoping.

Along the lines of my own thinking

Darth Revan
01-26-2009, 12:22 AM
It seems every two months or so, a thread like this pops up... It's amazing how fanboys hear/read things which were said, years ago, and take it as gospel :loldata:

Onto the topic at hand, there is another reason why there will never be a remake because Sony published it and own the distribution rights to the game and the library files for the software hence, any remake would need those files, and I sincerly doubt Sony will give those files over to SE.

If SE wanted to do a remake without those files, either they'd have to construct the entire game from the ground up a very costly and time consuming exercise for what is a 12 year old game now.

The script writer for FFVII, Kazsughe wahtever his name is, doesn't work for them anymore, he's an independent writer he works for a company called 'Stellavision International', neither does Nobuo Uematsu. who composed the soundtrack for FFVII or Hironobu Sakaguchi , the guy who came up with the original concept idea... the 'Gaia theory'.

04-05-2009, 03:46 PM
Cool well firstly I'm a fangirl. Girl. Giiiirrrll.
Secondly, I was just wondering if anyone had heard any confirmation. Despite the fact that Xiahou Dun thinks I'm a "fanboy", he/she actually answered properly.

Thank you. :)

04-07-2009, 07:08 PM
Well in a way I would like a remake but I know its better that they not remake it, they will only mess it up, like if they add voices for example the movie AC some people like the voices in Japanese better while others like it in english better. If they remake it I would rather they not add voices, it would help it retain its old school feel.

Shadow mage
04-19-2009, 02:30 AM
A remake would be great.

In an interview i read somewhere Hashimoto did say that there would eventually be one. Just that it would be in the far future and that no plans for a remake was even made yet. He also said that they are focussing their attention on f13 since its an ff that is planned to have multiple releases of the series, its gonna be a huge storyline, planned from the very beggining, which btw sounds very cool, i wonder if you would continue with the same stats in the next game as you had in the previous game.??

anyhow, the reaason he says that the game ff7 would be remade is because everyone at the Square really wants to remake it too. Apparenty he says Its something they want to do because they love the ff7 world, and are very attached to its characters.

This is a very nice way of saying "No we are not making a 'remake' for a very long time".

Square could easily say this but it would seem very mean and people would just think theyre fags. I guess they just said the above to make seem a bit more polite and then fans wouldnt get upset as much.

04-20-2009, 11:20 PM
Home-brew apps allow Final Fantasy VII to be played on the Playstation Portable hand-held console.

Which is more then good enough for me.

04-24-2009, 03:44 PM
I'll close this as it'll no doubt attract all kinds of species of FFVII fanboys.