Bahamut ZERO
06-25-2002, 07:43 PM
Interesting question that popped into my head after I started earning some money now I'm at work. Would anyone here fork out �200 for a console for the sole reason to play the one game, namely buying a PS2 so I can play Final Fantasy X? There are two other games that I would like to play aswell, GTA 3 and MGS 2, but seeing as one is out and one is due out on the PC, I cannot see the point of wasting �240 just to play one game. Would anyone here do so (any console for any game, not just the example I've used...)

Neo Xzhan
06-25-2002, 09:40 PM
I woul'd'nt buy a console for just 1 game, cuz it would b a waste of money. Though I am going to buy a PS2 for the reamkes of FF7-9 and FF10.

Death Knight
06-26-2002, 01:02 AM
Yes, I'd buy a console for one MAJOR game. With a few minor ones.

PS2- FFXI (major) Armored Core All, Devil May Cry, and more.

X-Box- Halo (major) DoA3, Project Ego, Ninja Gaiden, and more.

GCN- Metroid Prime (major) Zelda, RE series, PD Zero, and more

Just some of my favs.

06-26-2002, 02:34 AM
Well I have to tell you,

I decided to ask for a PS2 for the sole reason of FF10, at the time I was not old enough to work myself. If I did, yes I would have still bought the PS2 even if I did not know of any other games. I know that the PS1 had great games for a long time so I would hope the same for the PS2. Actually still the only PS2 game I have if FF10 and I've had it for about 6 months now. I just play PS1 games on it because I don't have a PS1 anymore and the PS2 games are $50 bucks! (I'll save up thank you)

Crazy Chocobo
06-26-2002, 02:49 AM
Nope, but it wouldn't matter. I always find more games to play on that console (except for gamecube, none of the games I want have come out yet, so i only have one game)

06-26-2002, 07:01 PM
That's pretty ridiculous. Although it's true that the only PS2 game I have is FFX, we mostly use the PS2 to watch DVDs or to play PS games because the PS1 isn't working.

Even if I did buy a console for one particular game, I'd probably buy more games.

06-26-2002, 08:49 PM
I bought N64 for Zelda. Don't regret it. Not only did I get one of my favourite games of all time, but I also got Mario for free :) :) :)

06-27-2002, 01:14 AM
I wanted to buy dreamcast for marvel vs capcom 2 which has a 3 character tag team.....I got the idea when the DC's price went down to 50 bux....I instead got MvC for PS

Alice Wonderbra
06-27-2002, 11:20 PM
I wouldn't buy a console for one game. You could rent the system and the game and play it that way or hope a friend gets it. Besides, more than likely they will make the game for pc.

Since ur contemplating on a ps2 for ffx, i would only buy the console if i didn't have a dvd player. supposedly, they are going to make ffx for the computer, but that may take some time becuase of all the other projects.

On a further note, maybe u should save ur money for when ffxi appears; it might get costly (take a look @ the ps2 on-line price thing thread).

06-28-2002, 01:38 AM
Well, I choose my consoles the same way Square does. Which means if FF goes to PS2, I buy PS2; if it goes to Gamecube, I buy GC. I've already got my PS2 and FF10...i'll have to buy a GC when FF comes out on that. I draw the line at X-Box though...even though i've heard dirty rumours MGS2:S is coming out on it.

Crazy Chocobo
06-28-2002, 01:52 AM
Don't worry ExS, the MGS2: Substance trailer says: PS2, Windows, and XBox.

06-28-2002, 08:46 AM
No, I thought about it for ps2 and FFX, but then came quickly releasing that would be the only game I like on the ps2 and once i'm finished with the game the ps2 would have probaly gathered dust. aka a waiste of time and money x_x
Unless a game sooooooo great that it will beat all records will appear on another console, then maybe I will buy it just for that XD

06-29-2002, 02:59 AM
Hehehe, yep, I bought the PS2 for the sole reason of playing FF10. I got FF9 a few months prior. Told myself if I liked FF9, I'd go ahead and get the PS2 and FF10 to "continue playing Final Fantasy." Well, that sure went well. Yep, I liked FF9 to an obsession. I got the PS2 and FF10. Played FF10. Liked FF10.

Think is, I'm still obsessed with FF9. Eh-heh. :uh?:

Oh yeah, I did also end up getting games like GTA3, Metal Gear Solid 2... Silent Hill 2... but that kinda came after the fact. FF10 was the reason I got my PS2. Haven't regretted it at all. I have a huge collection of PS1 games that put the consle to use, so... it's probably the best $300 spent (plus $50 for the game... and the $30 for FF9, but that's another story.)

Hehe, okay I rambled on. Um......... NEXT! :D

06-29-2002, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by ExS
Well, I choose my consoles the same way Square does. Which means if FF goes to PS2, I buy PS2; if it goes to Gamecube, I buy GC. I've already got my PS2 and FF10...i'll have to buy a GC when FF comes out on that. I draw the line at X-Box though...even though i've heard dirty rumours MGS2:S is coming out on it.

06-29-2002, 04:58 PM
Phoenix_Master, don't just paste someone's quote in here silly, reply youself =P

I actually did just buy a console in the past week for one particular game that is coming out. In the past week, I have spent roughtly $250 on a GameCube and various accessories.

I know it sounds stupid buying it for one game, but I also know games will come out in the future that will catch the eyes attention, plus I may go out and rent something that I end up really liking, so it's not all a waste.

Only bad thing at the moment, is that the game I want doesn't even come out until August =\

Hell, the only reason I wanted the PS2 was for Final Fantasy X ^_^

Tordragon Kivela
07-01-2002, 08:50 PM
The Holy Trinity (Tordragon ver. II): Tekken 4, Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2: SOL. Those are the reasons why I bought my PS2 a year ago.

Hmh, seriously I wouldn't buy a console, at least not for full price, just for a one game. If I'd know that there isn't going to be any more good games coming for that specific platform I think that I'd not buy it, it's foolhardy as far as I'm concerned. Although every three, considerable, platforms we have now have good amount of good games coming and because of that buying a console for just one game wouldn't be exactly foolish.