06-25-2002, 04:50 PM

06-25-2002, 05:36 PM
FFVI might qualify. The thing with FFVI is that there's no real "main character" in that you don't always have to have the same characters in your party. It begins with Terra, a girl, as the main character, then the story kind of gets broken up and there are a bunch of subplots all involving different characters, then halfway through the game everyone in your party gets separated and you take on the role of Celes, who also happens to be a female character. Celes spends the rest of the game doing subplots to find her friends (you can actually complete the game without getting certain characters back), and once you have over four characters you can choose to leave Celes out of your party.

Oh, and FFI has no main characters at all. If you're a masochist, you can even create an all-female party by playing four white mages. Why anyone would want to play four white-mages is beyond me, though. :eye:

Alice Wonderbra
06-25-2002, 10:46 PM
Yeah, Fujin's right. FF3/6 was the closest to a FF game with a female lead.

You should really play it; it is my favorite FF. One of the great things about it is that there isn't really a main character, so you learn a lot about everyone. Rent it, borrow it, whatever. It is called FF3 on SNES but FF6 on PSX. The psx version has crappy movie scenes and loading times, so I recommend the snes version. Play it! Please! humor me :p

06-26-2002, 02:40 AM
I have only played 7,9,10 and know 8. But ever since I played my first FF I thought they should make one with a female main charecter. I mean come on! 4+ FFs in a row all male lead charectures, come on! Lets do something new!

06-26-2002, 03:01 AM
Well, the FF Movie had a girl as the main character, which is kind of odd if you think about it. Other than that, there have been strong female characters in many FF games. In FF4, you had Rydia (the other girl, Cecil's bitch, does not count as she was submissive and had no real personality). FF5 has Faris and... err... that other girl... can't remember her name... FF6, as you all have said, has Terra, and as backup characters, Relm and Celes, one of the most interesting characters Square has made to date. FF7 has Aeris, Tifa and Yuffie as strong female leads. They sure knew their audience for that one... FF8 had Quistis... *shrug* and I tend to try and avoid any FF over that, just for my own peace of mind.

06-26-2002, 06:05 AM
I agree, it really is time for a female lead in FF. Personally I really think Terra counts as the lead in FF6 though. The story does seem to focus on her more than any other character, and she's the most crucial to the main storyline and stuff.

06-26-2002, 07:20 AM
Well, the "spinoffs" of FFX seems to lean towards Rikku and Yuna... so if you really wanna call for it, they are (though not really confirmed) to be the Main Characters of the FFX Spinoffs.

And FF3j... they all look like girls to me.... damn Onion Kids....

06-26-2002, 10:17 AM
I agree with most of you, FF6 does qualify as the game with a female lead. Although like previosly said it's not crystal clear who the leading role is in FF6
A FF game with a female hero would be good and a welcome change, maybe an idea for FFXIII xD

06-26-2002, 07:12 PM
I've always thought that Terra was definitely the main character in FF3/6, but in the other FFs, the females were main characters also. Rinoa, Garnet, Yuna, Aeris, they were all part of the character list as MAIN CHARACTERS. It's just we all seem to focus on the men...IMO.

06-27-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Miya
I've always thought that Terra was definitely the main character in FF3/6, but in the other FFs, the females were main characters also. Rinoa, Garnet, Yuna, Aeris, they were all part of the character list as MAIN CHARACTERS. It's just we all seem to focus on the men...IMO.

"Main character" refers to the person that the story revolves around, so it's someone you usually cannot have a party without including, and who is almost always there.

06-27-2002, 09:17 PM
That's what I've always thought, too.

FF7 - Cloud
FF8 - Squall
FF9 - Zidane
FF10 - Tidus

Those are the characters you play as for the majority (about 90%) of the game, so I tend to think of them as the "lead." I've often seen this topic come up on FF boards. I would LOVE to see a female character who is cast as the protector, the warrior.

Rinoa, Dagger, and Yuna may have changed and grown into stronger women as their games progress, but the fact is that none of them seemed (well, to me, anyway) to have personalities that would let them hold their own in battle. The strongest ladies were never leads... like Freya, Lulu, Beatrix... I'd love to see a leading lady like THAT heading up the game.

06-28-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by kurohime

The strongest ladies were never leads... like Freya, Lulu, Beatrix... I'd love to see a leading lady like THAT heading up the game.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

06-28-2002, 01:07 PM
Yeah, I really hope they get a female main character in one of the FF games but they probably won't cos in fantasy books and games the females mostly get the back light while the males take up all the limelight for some very odd unfair reason. Grrrrrrr.... I'm not a feminist BTW but ya know, us chicks are very under-represented.

Also, I don't think they are going to have a female main character in any of the future FF games much to my anger >_<.

06-28-2002, 04:50 PM
<font face="Creepy" size="4" color="Gold"><table style=filter:GLOW(color=green strength=6>In FFXI, you will be able to choose between different characters, so you might just choose a woman. She then would be considered the main character, wouldn't she?</font></table>

06-29-2002, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by Tetra Master
<font face="Creepy" size="4" color="Gold"><table style=filter:GLOW(color=green strength=6>In FFXI, you will be able to choose between different characters, so you might just choose a woman. She then would be considered the main character, wouldn't she?</font></table>

No, because there would be thousands of people playing, so there would be no main character xD

Your font is hard to read >=(

06-29-2002, 04:54 PM

But then wouldn't the main character in YOUR game be the girl? So technically she would be the main character in your game, wouldn't she?

06-29-2002, 05:00 PM
I suppose you could look at it that way... I wouldn't when I was playing, but I could see it.

Bahamut ZERO
06-29-2002, 09:44 PM
In my opinion, there already are female main characters to be the foil for the male main characters. In Final Fantasy VII, you have Cloud and Aeris, in Final Fantasy VIII you have Squall and Rinoa, in Final Fantasy IX you have Zidane and Garnet. To a smaller extent, in Final Fantasy VI you have Terra and Edgar, Celes and Locke. I'm still playing Final Fantasy V, so I can't comment there on whether Faris, Reina and Krile play a part in supporting Galuf and Bartz (or whatever his name is, I had to rename him, stupid UK version...) And I haven't started Final Fantasy IV yet. Sorry, waffling...

The male lead would not be that interesting without the female to build him up. Most good stories have a strong willed female to back up, support and perhaps fall in love with the male hero who does all the damage. The woman nurtures the man so that he gains the confidence, strength and courage to face his adversary. The man supports the woman in much the same way. Without the other, they aren't half as strong, and the story isn't half as interesting.

06-29-2002, 10:51 PM
In FFIV, Cecil has Rydia and Rosa to build him up and support him.

Hmm, good point......

07-01-2002, 01:23 AM
The main character in the FF movie was a female...

07-02-2002, 02:54 AM

07-02-2002, 06:27 AM
I always thought the FFI fighter looked rather feminine (until the job changes anyway), so I pretended it was a female.

Maria was one of the FFII cast, but if she was a main character she shared the spotlight with the guys.
FFVI, definitely it seemed were Terra and Celes. They were rather similar characters, I feel. Maybe they were originally the same girl, but Square wanted another female character so they split parts of 'her' story?

Corran Horn
07-15-2002, 09:52 PM
Out of female main FF character if you count these two. Terra from FFVI because alot of the story line revolves around her. In FFX, Yuna shares the main character spot with Tidus.