11-13-2008, 11:58 PM
Just wondering... I've played the game soon this year, and completely ignored the Mist Quickenings. I've only tried them once of twice, and the moment I saw it took all my MP away, I thought "what's the point of this, a desperate move? what a useless technique".

Yeah, turned out I never read all those in-game tips and had no idea that the Quickenings could me linked and recovered while at it. Even worse, I didn't get ANY of the double/triple MP bonuses you get when having 2 or 3 quickenings. ):
I only became aware of it the moment my brother started playing the game, and saw "wait, is that split-up MP bar? WTF HOW DID YOU GET THAT HUGE AMOUNT OF MP"

Funny thing is, well, I didn't really thought the game was hard or anything, even though I was extremely handicapped. Didn't even crossed my mind I could be doing something wrong, just thought the game was regularly challenging and had quite a time with it! http://forums.ffshrine.org/images/icons/icon10.gif (even though I had to use all my 6 characters in pretty much every boss battle, but I never questioned that either. :kirbyfly:)

So, was I the only one that made this pretty mess while playing, or did any other person fell for that as well? Just out of curiosity. ;)

11-24-2008, 08:17 AM
Nope, you did not make any mess. Learning Quickening is extremely helpful because it doubles your mp everytime you learn it. You should get all three quickenings on your 3 main characters ( Trust me, it helps A LOT when you are killing high rank mark). Also quickening helps you to finish off a mob when it's about to heal. Well, there are many reasons to use quickenings but this is just one of em. You should check out quickenings through FF websites.

Neo Xzhan
11-26-2008, 09:28 AM
I learned all of the Quickenings right from the start whenever I could. I wasn't actively trying to get them as fast as I could though. I had no idea that they'd require 1/2/3 parts of the MP bar that would double and later triple (same goes for summons). I think it's a nice challenge to play it with one small bar though, but it's rather needed to have the triple bar if you want to tackle the heavy (though optional) bosses in the game.

11-26-2008, 04:24 PM
It also took me a while to fully understand the process of how to chain Quickenings. I wasn't overly enamoured with them the first time I played FFXII, but on later playthroughs I really started to rely on them for tough marks and bosses.

01-03-2009, 11:23 AM
I did the same thing too, when I first started the game the year before last. I thought that certain quickenings affected certain characters in different ways. My little brother likes to watch me play and he recommended me to get the quickenings to beat the gilsnapper. So, when the gilsnapper is first available is how long I was without quickenings.

01-12-2009, 06:24 AM
It also took me a while to fully understand the process of how to chain Quickenings. I wasn't overly enamoured with them the first time I played FFXII, but on later playthroughs I really started to rely on them for tough marks and bosses.

THAT took me forever too.

I always got my Quickenings as soon as they were available, though i never really went out of my way to get them.

Plus, I think out of the whole game I only used Quickenings twice.

01-12-2009, 08:09 AM
Haha,same here,I was above 35 with only 1 Quickening on each character,I thought they were useless too,then a friend told me they double ur mp and I was shocked...Then the game was never hard again :O