Neo Xzhan
06-24-2002, 09:03 PM
I recently bouht this game and damn what is this a good game. The world where u play in is absulelty huge. It can take over an hour to walk to 1 city to another. The posiblity to create ur own character just the way u want it is really important to the game which makes the game different every time u play it. U can finetune ur character in every way u want. The graphics r stunning though there r some minor clipping bugs. Overall this is really a game u must get if ur a rpg fan.

Death Knight
06-26-2002, 01:27 AM
yeah, my friend just bought this too, beutiful weather effects and backgrounds with huge gameplay.

Only one thing would discourage me from playing this.......fearing that i'd never finish....AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

06-26-2002, 03:02 AM
I also have this game...but i have to play it on my bro's comp...mine wont run it. of course, ill start playing it when ive stopped playing Neverwinter Nights, but.......oh well.

06-27-2002, 04:28 PM
I havent checked it out yet, but I used to be a huge Daggerfall fan. Is it alot alike, because if it is, Im sold!

In case some dont know, daggerfall is anouther part of the elder scrolls games..I think thats how you say it..

Bahamut ZERO
07-02-2002, 07:39 PM
I've only done four things in the past three days. Eat, sleep, work and play Morrowind. It's been THAT addictive. The only real trouble is that my PC isn't really equipped to handle the game. (I'm using a Celeron 500, which is minimum spec.) As a result, the game drags in places, especially during battles. Looks like an upgrade is required.

This is the first RPG of this style I've played, and I'm already lost. I like walking around and just doing random stuff because I can. It's good fun!

Neo Xzhan
07-04-2002, 09:04 PM
*Leaves Morrowind*

Well if ur lost and u don't know what to do I suggest u go work for 1 of many guilds. This way u'll get a reputation and find various items that maybe of use. If u find some one on the road nearby don't hesetate to talk to him/her and u might get a quest and get usefull stuf. The higher ur reputation the mor the people in the game r willing to share there information with u. Yeah I'm still playing the game and to give u a good idea on how big the game is: I'm playing for two weeks now and I'm still busy till x-mas and then I won't have done everthing in the game and might even finished the game.

*Returns to Morrowind*

07-09-2002, 04:23 AM
I got this game for X-Box, and wow is it interactive. I'm still at seyda neen though, because i've been working on Halo and JSRF :rolleyes: