11-11-2008, 03:40 AM
Hi, I've been looking for the soundtrack to HoMM 2, but I can't seem to find all of it. I'm missing about 8 tracks or so, does anyone have the entire soundtrack to both the original and the expansion Price of Loyalty for upload?

04-16-2009, 07:43 PM
Hi, I've been looking for the soundtrack to HoMM 2, but I can't seem to find all of it. I'm missing about 8 tracks or so, does anyone have the entire soundtrack to both the original and the expansion Price of Loyalty for upload?

Also looking for this (P.S. I'm the New Khalbrae, my cousing the old Khalbrae is no longer able to post...)

04-18-2009, 12:35 PM
You can download HoMM2's music frome here ( I don�t know where you can download the expansion set music.
