06-24-2002, 04:34 PM
is ranma 1/2 good? cuz ive heard so much about it i was thinking about buying some of the eps.

06-24-2002, 05:14 PM
If you're looking for irreverant, no holds barred, totally psychotic comedy, then Ranma 1/2 is the anime for you. It is a must see for any otaku or lesser anime fan. For those who are just sorta into anime, it's still good for laughing your ass off with. There 50+ episodes as far as I know and 11+ OAV's, and surprisingly each one of them is still unique. Ranma 1/2 is among the better done animes.

Anything based off a Rumiko Takahashi manga has to be, or they've pissed off one of the best manga artists around.

06-24-2002, 06:00 PM
Of course, a person with the username "Ranma-kun" is gonna answer a "Ranma 1/2" thread, huh? XD XD

Well, Ranma 1/2 has to be one of my favorite manga of all time. I believe it's the blend of comedy, action, and story depth that draws people into this wonderful series. The story is so unique that it sets it apart from other manga. Buy of all Rumiko Takahashi's work!!! She is soo good! So, in conclusion, when somebody asks, "Should I buy a Ranma 1/2 graphic novel/DVD/video/etc.?", I say, HELL YES!!!

06-28-2002, 02:44 PM
Since we already have a Ranma thread, i'll redirect you all to the link below.. ^_^