Rabid Monkey
06-22-2002, 03:56 AM
Ok, seen as my old topic is probably about 10 pages back by now I figured I would just start a new one... I'll start off with a few pomes for now, but might add more later if people actually reply to this thread (unlike last time).

I wrote this first one just tonight actually, gonna leave the title out because its named after someone... As for the second two, they were written during rough times over the past year or so.

A strange thought
Has just gone through my head
I�m no longer in pain
But actually happy instead

Because I have the perfect girl
To spend the rest of my life
And for the first time I feel
That everything is right

With one word
She puts a smile on my face
She seemingly has an unknown power
Her own hidden grace

I can�t describe this emotion
That she has brought forth from within
And if I ever tried
I wouldn�t know where to begin

The word others use
To define this inner elation
Is as simple as the letters love
But as complicated as creation

And in this simplified complexity
I have found my final truth
The one answer I have sought
Since the happier days of my youth

That I am meant to find love
The truest that only few knew
And who I am to share it with
And this person is you

The World Today

The shattered mind of a battered soul
The body that harbors them both
The twisted temper from tattered times
Spread wide from what is known
Sanity shackled and stored deep within
The chaos of a changing world
Happiness slowly ebbing away
And under sadness to be ruled
Rearranging but always remaining
Crippled dreams long since past
That control in full a blade made dull
By time that moves to fast
Leaving to die, and in death hide
The truth of a tainted path
By those taunted and tamed
By truths burning wrath
The loss of self in selflessness
And the pain of pleasure in plentifully plight
Of ego and id and morals without ethics
Of all that is wrong being deemed right

Life�s Greatest Lesson

Corruption has claimed my soul
Destitution ensnared my mind
While the light within me weakens
And the darkness makes me blind

I no longer have feelings of hope
For my emotions have gone numb
And it is not by a mere coincidence
That my fated hour has come

Though it is not a question of life
Nor the possibility of sudden death
There is still the lingering suspicion
That I may soon breathe my last breath

For I am trapped within myself
Encased in a tomb of hate
Shackled by my surroundings
And left dangling in a decrepit state

For every hit my mind has taken
My body has been made all the worse
The mere feeling of blood flowing through my veins
Has become my daily curse

Because it reminds me that I live
And that I must continue along my weary path
To a place where I may finally rest
And be done with the wrath of the past

When I find this place
Where my river of life runs clean
Where the forest sprouts of truth
And the light within is redeemed

When I look to my past and see
That I have passed all my trials
Turned my hate into my joy
And made peace with all my rivals

Turned the tide of time in my favor
And bent the hand of fate to my will
Lived the life I was born to lead
And from the cornucopia had my fill

Then I will know the struggle was worth it
And the trials all the same
For you cannot know true pleasure
Unless you have know the truest pain

06-22-2002, 04:17 PM
<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">aww, those are very good, rabid!

i think the best ones were the first and the third, but my favorite was the first one because it was sooo happy! it really made me feel good inside. love is so beautiful ^-^</font>

Rabid Monkey
07-05-2002, 02:19 AM
A Good Start
July 4, 2002

Life is a grindstone
And I�m the wheel
That the rocks of the world
Try to conceal

I�m the rock wall
That the vines hide away
Keeping out the light
Of a brighter day

I lay at the bottom of the well
To low for the bucket to reach
I sit at the back of the church
Too far to hear the pastor preach

On the corner of the unmarked street
I sit as the world goes by
At the desk of a classroom I sit
And listen to the professor lie

The world has told me to believe
A great many facts indeed
But now I think that its time
The world listened to me

It has blinded itself
From its own shame
And ignored
All the problems it made

In arrogance it begat ignorance
And in ignorance it shunned truth
But the chain is now off my jaw
And my tongue has become loose

For I had been bound
To silence by the mongers of hate
But they tried to close my mind
Just a little too late

And now, with an open mind
And a will to break theirs
I will tempt a fate
That no one else dares

It may be wrong of me
To think I may change other�s hearts
But I have found truth in my own
Which marks a good start

I am not out to condemn
Those that do not understand
Nor is it my place
To take justice in my hands

Rather I will challenge
What the world tells me is right
So that their own follies
Will be brought into light

So that people may see
How ill their moral have become
And what horrors indeed
Their greed has done

I do not know how
I will accomplish such a task
Or through how many years
My efforts will last

But I do know this
From the bottom of my heart
I have freed my own mind
And that is a start

Psuedes Psyche
07-10-2002, 02:13 AM
Very Nice. I like em. I can't write poems I'm a novel kinda guy. You can buy my latest project when it hit's the shelves J/K

But I really like the poems keep up the good work.

Rabid Monkey
07-17-2002, 05:01 AM
This is kind of a combination of my feelings about life and a message to a friend of mine... I just wrote it about ten minutes ago so don't be surprised if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes...

The Tides of Time

I�ve drifted down a dusty road
That I have roamed all to often
I have felt the pains of many words
That only the tonic of time my soften
I�ve lost the unlosable
I�ve gained the unwanted
And sorrow�s savoir in my life
Has always remained undaunted

In the tides of time I have waded
Looking for answers amongst the waves
Struggling to find the elixir of mind
To bring me sanity remade
But the answers I search for
The ones that gnaw at my brain
Are covered in the shadows of my soul
So hidden they shall remain

For I have traveled the darkness
That I bound inside long ago
That I sealed off from the world
For no one else to know
I have learned it is no longer part of me
But rather a lingering of a past gone wrong
The note that is sung off key
In an otherwise perfect song

But it will not leave me
It still grips me tight at night
And though I am winning the war
It will not give up the fight
For we all have darkness we hide
From the world and from ourselves
That weakens us from within
Like a book too big for its shelf

The knowledge within it is too great
And it causes the wood to crack
So we must set up supports
Where the woods natural strength lacks
It is only in this way I�m afraid
We can turn back the pain held inside
Never releasing it for ourselves
But rather allowing corruption to be denied

For the pain of a troubled past
Can never fully be taken away
It may only be eased and dulled
With the work of many days
It is not by choice we hold it
And keep it with us at all times
We can only learn from this pain
And no longer be victims of past crimes