t0m s3rvo
10-28-2008, 11:13 AM
Yep. I have a soundtracks blog. If anyone's interested in it I'll give the link out. Granted, it's kind of sparse at the moment. Maybe only 10 soundtracks are up, but I hope to have more in the coming weeks. I sure could use the traffic.

*Edit* Cripes. Wrong forum. Um..I'd kindly appreciate a move up into the download links section if someone's not busy?

10-29-2008, 09:42 AM
Um... not un less you're posting direct links to soundtracks.

I'm interested in a game music soundtrack blog, I wanna know what's out there and how it sounds without having to download it beforehand.

t0m s3rvo
10-29-2008, 09:56 PM
Actually, it's a direct download blog. Heh.

retroandcurrent.blogspot.com. Seems I underestimated the want for this kind of thing.

t0m s3rvo
10-30-2008, 02:47 AM
For those of you who have just stumbled across this..keep checking back every other day. I'm still in the process of uploading more soundtracks in my little collection.

t0m s3rvo
10-30-2008, 05:24 AM
Thanks for the move. *Waves, goes back to uploading.*

10-30-2008, 07:37 AM
Oh,it's nice to know another use blogspot as a place to share soundtracks :D
keep uploading,man :D

btw,your upload is illegal,so if blogspot know,they will send an email to warn you,and they will ban your acc.Remember to make a backup blog for your upload (ex: you can use wordpress,...)

p/s: my soundtracks blog is put on my sign :D

t0m s3rvo
10-30-2008, 05:22 PM
Thanks, man. Please. Post this link around. I'll have more stuff up by the end of the weekend.

t0m s3rvo
11-14-2008, 08:32 PM
Okay. MAJOR update time. I know I've been kind of lax on updating it lately, but my laptop burned out on me the past week. I'm in the process of uploading some Final Fantasy soundtracks at the moment, so by the end of the weekend they'll be all up. And.. After I upload my Metal Gear stuff, I'm considering moving to movie scores.

t0m s3rvo
11-17-2008, 01:10 AM
All official Final Fantasy Soundtracks have been posted. Well, minus XI and XIII.