Safer Sephiroth
06-20-2002, 09:51 AM
Yeah, just wandering if anybody knows how much HP Sephiroth has in each of his three forms?

06-20-2002, 10:04 AM
According to some random FF Site:

Bizarro Sephiroth
82500 Hp

Bizzaro Sephiroth B
2000 Hp

Bizzaro Sephiroth C
10000 Hp

Bizarro Sephiroth D
6000 Hp

Bizzaro Sephiroth E
4000 Hp

Safer Sephiroth
150000 Hp (that's a less then I expected o_o)

Sephiroth vs Cloud battle
He doesn't have any Hp in this battle

so, did this answer your question? I got the info of another FF Site, dunno if they stick to the truth though, but now you have at least something :)

Have a nice day.

Neo Xzhan
06-20-2002, 10:09 AM
I have a game guide from Playstation tips and according to that Safer Sephirtoh only has 120000HP.
And when u count all of the HP's of Bizarro Sephiroth u'll get 104500HP, according to the walkthru it has 107000HP. (I don't know how much for each part). I hope this helps u out.

Safer Sephiroth
06-20-2002, 07:21 PM
Thank's now I atleast I know what I'm up against when I fight him:)

Divine Strike
06-24-2002, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Teknoman
According to some random FF Site:

Safer Sephiroth
150000 Hp (that's a less then I expected o_o)

Sephiroth vs Cloud battle
He doesn't have any Hp in this battle

so, did this answer your question? I got the info of another FF Site, dunno if they stick to the truth though, but now you have at least something :)

Have a nice day.

actually safer Sephiroth has that amount of hp before you get to cloud to level 99................lets just say when you get cloud to lvl 99.....he has enough health to withstand....One Omnislash (every hit 9999), a Catastrophe, and a Highwind, then after i did all that i used one final omnislash to finish him you figure it out.......he's not that much of a push over if you don't know what your this case i never lost the upper hand.......Oh and before Cloud was lvl 99, I killed safer sephiroth in 10 seconds or how ever long an omnislash is.......that was cool^_^

06-24-2002, 07:02 AM
The final Sephiroth that only Cloud vs has 1 HP since anything from Omnislash to a slight breeze could kill him in that form.

Neo Xzhan
06-24-2002, 12:40 PM
How do u know that he only has 1 HP?? I know that if u don't attack him (yes I waited for it to happen) he'll attack u, but he never does enough damage to kill u. After that u counter (never fails) and u do arround 8000-9999 damage and he dies.

tom the bomb
06-27-2002, 01:03 PM
1st about 100 000 including all body parts
2nd 150 000
3rd not a lot about 90 000

07-11-2002, 08:56 PM
Here's a really cool page I found that tells you exactly how his HP is calculated: FF7: OSG Sephiroth's HP (