10-24-2008, 10:48 PM
hello, I looking for the ost of killer 7 specialy the music og in stages and bosses

Red Arremer
10-24-2008, 11:01 PM
Killer7 was released on PS2, too? Is it any different to the GameCube version?

Abnormal Freak
10-25-2008, 12:01 PM
The PS2 version has some slow loading, I believe. I think I remember reading other things that make it inferior.

I own the killer7 2-CD OST (as well as the OST for another game the composer did, called michigan). They're AACs, however, but are 192kbps. I hope the format is all right. I always rip to AAC (.m4a) since I find it to be a better format than MP3.

I'll upload now and see how long it takes, and if it's not all uploaded before I go to bed, then I'll post the links in a few hours hopefully.

Edit: Uploading now, estimated time is 3 hours. :\ I have terrible upload speed.

Edit2: Well, here it is. Uploaded it as one big file... Hope that isn't a problem? When I began uploading I hadn't thought of any kind of limits; just assumed that if it allows me to upload 180.82 MB, that people should be able to download them. Sorry that I didn't split them up into the separate discs if it ends up being a problem.

Also, at some point I removed the composition credits on the ID3 tags. Not sure why. At any rate, tracks 12 and 26 on disc 1, as well as tracks 12, 13, 14, and 16 on disc 2 were composed by Jun Fukuda. However, I believe they are still performed by Masafumi Takada, since the credits also say "All Sounds Directed By Masafumi Takada."

Enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy. :)

10-25-2008, 04:49 PM
Thanks Abnormal Freak you is a good member what help other members, not like this "Sherlock" he only search insults other member in this forum take care of him, because could insult you to

Red Arremer
10-25-2008, 08:03 PM
lol. Idiot.

You know, I have asked for a difference because I have the GameCube soundtrack and didn't know whether there was a different soundtrack to the PS2 version.

But you just send me a PM going "You haven't posted a link, get it to me!". That sure helps me out to get you the right soundtrack.

10-25-2008, 08:33 PM
I have the musics too, but there's one song I can't find: The "Song for the Travellers". Know, that acoustic song what the street performer singing for Dan at the White Town. I need that.

Abnormal Freak
10-25-2008, 08:40 PM
I don't believe it's on the official OST, so I can't help you there.