06-20-2002, 12:28 AM
Well now let's see.....

This is a matter which concerns me and should be open for discussion.
What is the big fetish with falling in love with Final Fantasy characters?
I have played the games backwards yet i still cannot understand how people can devote themselves to a particular character.
Personally I think it's rather sad.
My question is which FF charcter would you wish to fall in love with and why you would want it to happen?
And also what makes them appeal to you?
Because for the sake of this doomed world- they are not real!!

06-20-2002, 02:46 AM
Tifa Lockheart is my soulmate. She is a fantastic character, really, she's got so much that I look for in a woman. She's independant, perserverant, caring, and totally down to earth - and on top of it all she's gorgeous! :D There's no girl in the world quite like Tifa, so it makes sense to fall in love with her.

That and I'm a pathetic geek =)

06-20-2002, 03:16 AM
Eh, there's a difference between falling in love with a FF character and just being a big fan. For instance, I'm a big fan of Zidane. Fangirl, yeah, that's me, I guess... But does that mean I'm in love with him? Er... no.... and I'm sure my boyfriend would have words with me if I really was in love with the pixels on screen. :D

I'm a fan of Zid's character. Enough so that I say I admire his traits and looks and yaddah-yaddah-yaddah.... just like I admire any character's traits. *shrugs* Is that so wrong? *L*

What makes him appeal to me? They made him a friendly, charismatic, funny guy. He's philosophical, but he's fun-loving. I liked that he was a leader to the FF9 gang. I liked that once I got his Theivery up to 9999 HP damage, he could flatten anything in his path. ;)

Any good story has characters you can somehow relate to. Sometimes their emotions are written in a way that you can imagine that you would feel the same way if it were real. Sure FF isn't real, but it's not like all of us become delusional into giving up our reality, thinking FF is real, right? Anyway, that's just me rambling. Hehe, I KNOW Zidane's not real, and basically, I'ma geek and I don't care. I still think he's cool. ;)

06-20-2002, 03:49 AM
Mainly the same reason that people fall in love with anime characters. You're usually too timid to deal with real girls, and you pick an anime/game character, since, essentially they cannot fight back. That usually leads to some sort of personality complex as you convince yourself that since characters, unless they're exposed, have no character flaws, that they're superior to normal women. Either that, or people in love with anime characters just aren't that interested in real girls, but like the "I AM in love, just not with someone I can have" excuse.

- masteroftheobvious, saying goodnight

06-20-2002, 04:20 AM
I Once Fell in Love With A Final Fantasy Character...

Her Light of Hope And happiness Will Shine Upon All In The Beutiful Form of Aeris

Then i played FF8 And Then There Was Selphie... What A Babe... Happy And Carefree All You wanna Do Is Sit in A Corner With her And giggle At Squall

Then There Was Celes... Cute In An Opera Dress And A great Voice to Match Celes... Is Really Pretty

Kekfa... Youre Being A Bit hypocritical... *remebers Playing FF8 For the First time With You* You Said Something like "Man Squall Has A Cute Ass In That Dance FMV"

Plus I know you Like tidus... Dont you Kefka!

06-20-2002, 05:21 AM
I tend to like the main characters. I usually like the guys, especially. They have such great luck with women.-_- I want to be like them. Also, they're usually the strongest in the game, and the most developed.

06-20-2002, 04:20 PM
It's not really that you just fall in love with a specific character, but it is more of the way the story focuses on the character and revolves around them that makes you perceive them in a different sense.

I really would not fall 'in love' with any character, I mean it's just a game. Of course, it is the aforementioned way that the developers present the character in the game that really makes you like them.

You just can't help but sympathize or empathize for that character and eventually it makes you feel a certain connection with that character.

In essence, graphics don't make a good and likable character, the storyline does.

With that all said, I would go with Rinoa. It's just so hard not to feel sorry for her. Then again, it's just so hard not to get up and hump your television screen either....:uh?: ;)

Safer Sephiroth
06-20-2002, 08:23 PM
The reason I fell in love with certain FF character's is because of the way they act: Like Tifa the way she tries to cheer up people when they're down that reminds me of my girlfriend, And Squall the Lonewolf which reminds me of myself. Aeris, because she's so nice and sweet like one of my friends I know from school.

06-20-2002, 11:18 PM
Well I feel the same way about all the stuff said above, about really feeling that you know the charecters because of the way they are protrad and some you relate to more then others.

Personally I never really was.....connected if you will.....with any of the girls in the FF games that I have played(7,9,&10) they were either to vunerable and sweet or to pushy and showy. But thats probably because I am a girl and I don't focus on the girls as much just because thats how nature is, I'm a girl so I pay more attention to the guys, if I were a guy I would pay more attention to the girls. Simple as that.

Anyway the two charecters that I really connected to and really became attached to would be:


I really think that I connected to Vincent because I am like him,(just sheck my sig out) that is I am secretive I don't have anyone(friends wise) and I don't say much but when I do I say things that count I don't clutter up my life with words that are going to be forgoten tomarrow. I want what I say to count. Unlike Vincent, you probably would not notice I'm this way until you really spend some time with me. In other words I fake it well, I'll make a few comments so people don't suspect anything of me, I'll be nice to you even though I dont want to sometimes. Things like that. I really wish I could be as stright forward as Vincent is. "No I really don't want to say anything right now so no, I'm not talking".(but I really care deep down for the people that take the time to get to know me.)

As for Zidane, he's is more like a boyfriend figure you know? Someone you can talk to and be seriouse if you really want to or just goof around. Something I really don't have in my life. Plus I really liked his story, Oh and Kuja I really understood where he was comeing from sometimes and I'm glad that they devolped his relationship with Zidane more in the end.

Okay I quess I got my two cents in.

06-22-2002, 10:06 PM
Well, I don't think its that hard to fall in love with a real video game characters. Square developes these characters so that they are almost like real life people. The only difference from Sqares characters and real-life people is that Squares characters in video games. Plus anime girls and Square's girls are usually developed so that they are hotter than hell. They have no flaws.

My vote is with Rinoa. She has a great personality and she is just so damn HOT! :D~~~~

Incubus Tribal
06-23-2002, 03:00 PM
Well from FFVII, it would be Tifa, of course you already got that revealing attire(hehe), but behind that Tifa is kind of a strong character to survive so much but still be able to continue, she is a good person overall, I mean she was well-like as a child and she helped Cloud even when he didn't want to be help or it could be Yuffie, sure she's a bitch on a good day but it takes a lot to do what she does and she is not completely cold. She's a cute girl too..^^

and From FFVIII, It would probably be Quistis sure almost no one has a chance with her but she is like the only one who looks like she is capable of the conversation at my level, or it could be Rinoa, sure she can be a little bossy at times, but she kinda helped change Squall with her very soul, I really liked that.

and from IX...the only girl is Dagger...but I can relate SOOOO much with n' all. Sure being a master of a whole civilization is entirly another thing, but a lot of everything else, and simular to the game, I am well traveled so I could help Dagger see the world.

Well, X... it would have to be Rikku, I mean she is the really the only who looks like she share my views, and Lulu (besides being 5 years older than me) is depresing almost all the time. I don't know about Yuna thoguh...

Setsuna Yuna
06-28-2002, 10:43 AM
Well, I don't know if it's actually love that I feel for the characters...more like a love for their character and personality. It's like, "Hey Squall is a hottie......okay." FFVII I liked Tifa the best. She was sweet and caring, and she always tried to keep the morale up. I also have a childhood friend like her, too, so I can really relate to her character. I dunno about Cloud though. At first I liked him, then I thought he was a fruit, and now I just think he's strange...I guess I don't like him all that much.

From FFVIII, I immediately took a liking to Rinoa's character. I thought Squall was a complete bonehead. After the story went on though, I came to like Squall's personality as well. He is good looking, you know.

In FFIX, I never felt any attraction to Zidane...maybe some sympathy since he loved a princess you know? I liked Dagger a lot in this game. It was like watching a girl becoming something more than her right to rule. I could really relate to her.

In FFX, the only time I really got to liking Tidus was near the very end(during that really sad CG cinema). I felt so bad for him that I almost cried. Yuna's determination was really astonishing. She didn't seem so strong on the outside, but through the game, I realized she was one of the strongest characters in the whole game. So I liked them for their feelings and actions, not because I loved them. (Geez...I dunno if I stayed on topic or not...:p Oh well...)

06-28-2002, 12:56 PM
Squall cos she's really cute, but I don't like him that much that I'm literally kissing the TV whenever he comes on. Does anyone honestly do that? *Giggles.* ^_^

06-28-2002, 04:47 PM
Well I don't necessarily kiss it.... :uh?: ;)

06-30-2002, 09:02 AM
Take a look at name.



It doesn't mean I'm head over heals, totally obsessed and do nothing more in my day than fantisize over Garnet. She's just an awesome character with great qualities. Besides, I have a girlfriend, and couldn't be happier.

So all in all, you can't OBSESS, but y'know, liking a character ain't gonna' kill you.

06-30-2002, 07:23 PM
It's very much like being attracted to,.. say, an actor or actress. Someone you really like, but you'll know you can NEVER have. It 's just the same with video game and anime characters, only they really aren't real.

And yes,.. as you can no doubt guess from my sig and the rubbish under my avatar, I'm obsessed with a certain orphaned summoner-turned Alexandrian princess who likes wearing sexy ball gowns and tight-fitting body suits,..oooo ooo...

Before I descend in some inane doggerel about Garnet, I think I'll quote the sadly now-defunct gaming magazine Gamer's Republic, as my final word on the subject:

"If finding a video game character attractive is a sign of impending mental-collapse, which I believe it is, then jab in those needles and switch off my forebrain! Because I'll be happy to stare at her blankly for the rest of my days!"

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"You spikey headed jerk!! One more time!! Let's go one more time!!" Yuffie, wanting a re-match, after she was defeated, FFVII.

07-01-2002, 10:00 PM
Enkidoh: Instead of saying "An actor or actress" I would propose amending that to "a role that an actor or actress plays". Video game characters, essentially, are 2-D personalities. You get what you can of their personalities from the decisions and challenges that programmers make them face, but they aren't actually real. Their personalities and appearances were built, block by block, by programmers. You might as well fall in love with the people that create these characters.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-07-2002, 08:17 PM
I once read in a PS magazine that an ex-British Army officer, fell so deeply in love with Aeris that when he saw her die he killed himself as well.
Now thats what I call obsessed. :D :D :D

07-10-2002, 10:49 PM
dunno how old this is, but i was bored and browsing. i wanted to add something ( i think Master of the Obvious touched on this):

for some people, traumatic experiences in love end up making them fall in love with someone they cant have.

basically, they fall in love with an imaginary character, gaming or otherwise, because its safe, and they cant get hurt.

i, for one, have been hurt in love, but i didnt fall in love with anyone from FF. however, i did say about Tifa: she has large breasts. and for Selphie: she's fit for a drawing.

after 5 seconds, forgot about it :rolleyes:

(if sumone already posted a similar thing, then i said, just browsing)

07-12-2002, 12:44 AM
This is rare, but Yuffie. I can sympahize with her attitude sometimes ("This is boring, let's go find some materia.") She also amuses me a lot and we have the same zodiac sign.

07-18-2002, 08:18 PM
I think final fantasy 8 had the best ff females...Rinoa my favourite, but selphie close behind.....

07-18-2002, 08:37 PM
I would never like someone out of a game....

07-29-2002, 05:57 PM
I am not pleased I was expecting porn.:D

Anyway I usually like the 'evil' guys mostly cause theyre so cool.

08-06-2002, 10:35 AM
Would seem kida unlikely, but... Professor Hojou from FFVII. He is one of the more... underappriciated bad guys. And that mad scientist charm is so damn sexy.

And have you seen some of the doujinshi with him in it? Dayum....