The Oath
10-23-2008, 06:28 AM
I was just wondering what new final fantasy games are going to come out? I've heard about 13, but that is really it.

Is it just me or does it seem Final Fantasy games are getting worse? I used to love playing Final fantasy games when I was younger. 8, 9, 10, 10-2... they were all amazing to me, I was addicted. When Final Fantasy 12 came out I was so excited, and I instantly bought it. However I played it for about an hour and got bored. I haven't even touched it since, I'm not even past the beginning and already got bored. Talk about odd! Maybe I'm just too addicted to the originals...

Btw, I'm generally new here (Just made this account approximately 5 minutes ago). Hoping to meet some awesome people. :)

P.S. - I bought Final Fantasy 7... I never touched it either. People say it's the best one, I've never really touched it though. Share your thoughts.

10-23-2008, 07:40 AM
Welcome to the shrine.

I actually owned FF7 for about two years before I actually touched it. And you ARE too addicted to the originals, FFXII is an awesome game.

Also I guess if you are too addicted to the PS1 style, you'd probably enjoy FFVII a lot.

And actually more people say FFVI is best. You'd be surprised at how much VII is hated on. People don't say it's the "Best" one, it just has the biggest fanbase because it's kind of become a franchise of it's own.

10-23-2008, 07:59 AM
A lot of people and friends of mine felt the same way when they bought FFXII.
However I really got into it.

FF6 - 10-2 were my favourites, but you know I've moved on to World of Warcraft and have left my FF past practically dead~

Welcome and all that jazz~

10-23-2008, 09:19 AM
You'd probably like FFXII if you play it with an open mind and pretend it doesn't have Final Fantasy in the title. It's just some awesome RPG by SquareEnix... and nothing more.

The first few weeks of playing it, I'd sit for hours playing it and then feel really weird when I remembered that it's a FF game.

As for how many games, well, there is no number set in stone, they're ON 13 right now, it's far from being out though, so naturally it's a little early to start thinking about a FF14.

FF13 is gonna also have at least a couple spinoffs ALREADY, they have a few alternate games planning to be released in conjunction with it, taking place in the same universe but not as sequels or prequels.

10-24-2008, 05:47 PM
Right now, only SE knows what SE has in store for future FFs. XIII and its spinoffs are coming out next year so I'm sure we'll hear something more after they drop.

I won't really touch the "FFs are getting worse argument" again except to say that if you feel that way, branch out into other JRPG series. There are many greats such as the Shin Megamis and Tales of *insert random word here*. FF is popular, but it isn't the best thing out these days.

As for FFXII, you're not alone in your opinion. A good number of fans disliked it while many found it enjoyable if somewhat atypical of previous instalments. I don't care for the story, but liked the battle system and to me that's a win because gameplay can still be fun when built around, imo, a lacklustre story. I vote you give it another go.

Go ahead and play FFVII when you get the time. People say a lot of things about that game, but it is not boring at least. The first few minutes get that message across perfectly. The game is well worth a single playthru, I think.

Lastly, welcome. Have a good time.

10-24-2008, 06:07 PM
A lot of people and friends of mine felt the same way when they bought FFXII.
However I really got into it.

ditto, although im the only dork that plays FF among my friends

The Oath
10-27-2008, 07:07 AM
A lot of people and friends of mine felt the same way when they bought FFXII.
However I really got into it.

FF6 - 10-2 were my favourites, but you know I've moved on to World of Warcraft and have left my FF past practically dead~

Welcome and all that jazz~

Same thing happened to me... WoW is just so addicting =)

10-27-2008, 03:12 PM
I have yet to touch FFXII actually.. I should try it, but probably never will.

That being said, viewing the trailers for the up coming final fantasy XIII, I'm quite excited where it's going, and may yet rekindle a desire to play more FF that has since long past been dead.

As for final fantasy VII - don't listen to people on here, just play it and judge for yourself.

Also welcome.