10-20-2008, 12:45 AM
I have come across a thread somewhere about the possibility of GOW 2 being ported for the PS3. Now from what I've heard Microsoft owns the rights to the game. Therefore Epic would not be allowed to make a PS3 port?

I am just curious because it would surely make more money being on both consoles? What do you think?

I'm personally saying it won't happen, due to the rights being owned my MS. But, maybe I have got my facts wrong. And didn't Bioshock and Star Ocean 4 lose/are losing exclusives?

10-20-2008, 01:40 AM
I hear that guy, creator of GoW (name escapes me), hates the PS3 control and for that reason would not port it to PS3. It was in some interview...I don't know if he was actually serious tho.

10-20-2008, 01:54 AM
Cliff Bleszinski is the director. Might have been this interview..

I asked, �Is it inevitable that the game will turn up on PC down the track?�

His response was swift and definite, �No, definitely not. This time we are just focused upon a console version of the game.� And yes when pressed he of course confirmed that by �console� he meant specifically the Xbox 360. Although he added �Gears of War could work on PS3, but we don�t think our publisher would be too happy with that.�

I'm assuming that means no.

Source (http://www.gameplayer.com.au/gp_documents/No-GoW2-on-PC.aspx)

execrable gumwrapper
10-20-2008, 02:01 AM
Gears of War is only exclusive to the 360 for the first 2 games. I believe they have said they want to make the series a trilogy. Odds are, GoW3 would be multi-plat.

Edit: Beat, you're thinking of Valve.