10-18-2008, 02:24 AM
With Halloween fast approaching, I figured this would be a good time to see what type of a comilation we can assemble.

Use this thread to post a dark, scary, ambient, etc. track from a game or movie OST. Here's my contribution:

Resident Evil 4: A Strange Pasture

10-19-2008, 09:04 PM
This always creeps me out, for maximum effect make sure you've seen Ju On or The Grudge


10-22-2008, 03:18 PM
Here is one of the creepiest themes from Evangelion:

10-22-2008, 05:51 PM
I cannot upload at wrk... but heres a link

Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi's Dead

10-22-2008, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the links, Tsubasa and discodan. Actually, discodan, I had a question for you. Are you the Disco Dan of OC Remix, e.g. the one responsible for http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01184/ (Triforce Majeure)?

10-23-2008, 01:39 AM
I cannot upload at wrk... but heres a link

Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi's Dead

Anyway you can upload that later? Good stuff.

Im heavily into ambient horror or percussion based ambiet tracks, and off the top of my head Id say the Silent Hill game rips (not the official OSTS) have a lot of those tracks, the Clive Barker Jericho gamerip, some Tyler Bates stuff from the Halloween promo score, Devils Rejects, Slither.

Also the Shining soundtrack, Exorcist (especially the Pendrecki stuff on there is all good, very creepy). Actually I recommend a lot of early Krystof Pendrecki, his stuff is all sorts of crazy creepy.

Theres lots of others Ill think up when Im at home.

10-23-2008, 06:03 AM
I guess I can contribute this...
I did a cover of John Carpenter's "Halloween" movie theme on my outdated Casio a few years ago. Tried to make it sound as accurate as possible but the quality is a bit low and tinny.
halloween-midi.mp3 (http://zhxhome.net/zen/zen_project/halloween-midi.mp3)

If I find the studio original, I'll post that too.

10-24-2008, 11:09 AM
You want to scare every single child who come to your house for trick or treat??:itsamystery:

You'll love this: http://rapidshare.com/files/132640089/2003-darklore_Manor-brutaly.com-by-thurinwethil.rar

They call Nox Arcana, and their music is used primarily in Disney's Haunted mansion or rol games, tv shows, everything that requires dark creepy horror music.

10-24-2008, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the links, Tsubasa and discodan. Actually, discodan, I had a question for you. Are you the Disco Dan of OC Remix, e.g. the one responsible for http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01184/ (Triforce Majeure)?

no, although i've asked that before.

10-24-2008, 07:50 PM
Fair enough. Hey mclan, I never heard of Nox Arcana before, but their music is great. Do you have any more of their stuff?

01-17-2009, 02:22 AM
The Playstation version of Doom and Doom 64 have some very eerie ambient music in them, some are kinda Silent Hill-esque.

01-17-2009, 10:27 AM
Nox Arcana's discography can be found here (thanks to domingo!!) Thread 38084
You should also check midnight syndicate albums. Finally, check this really creepy page.. Enjoy!! http://scarysounds.blogspot.com/

01-17-2009, 11:19 AM
Tofu, your sig is awesome.

But as for creepy, there's this one song from the cartoon Legion of Superheroes that sends a chill up my spine. It's Lightning Lad's dead little sister's voice over the radio singing, "The monkey rode on the rocket ship.."
If anyone can find it, I would be grateful.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnIoX1a0Qho&feature=related 1:25 - 1:43 (just remember the girl is dead)

01-17-2009, 04:00 PM
thanks!! however, cant help with your request..