10-17-2008, 05:06 AM

They say they narrowed down the list from 15,000 suggestions. Also, they gave themselves the rule that they could only use one piece of music per video game franchise.

Here's the list.

1. Legend of Zelda Theme - Legend of Zelda
2. Dr. Wily's Stage - Mega Man 2
3. Grabbag (Duke Nukem Theme) - Duke Nukem 3D
4. Super Metroid Theme - Super Metroid
5. Super Mario Bros. Theme - Super Mario Bros.
6. The Moon - DuckTales
7. Fear of the Heavens - Secret of Mana
8. Prelude - Final Fantasy
9. Gang-Plank Galleon - Donkey Kong Country
10. Green Hill Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog

The list feels safe to me. But it's all right. All the pieces are good songs or are historically important to their franchises.

If I had to choose all the franchises they did, I'd choose a few different songs.

Title Theme - Metroid
Transylvania - DuckTales
Into the Thick of It - Secret of Mana
Aquatic Ambience - Donkey Kong Country

Of course, there are some franchises on there that I don't think belong on such a small list.


10-18-2008, 01:17 AM
I agree with most of the list, but where is Chrono Trigger? Definitely a classic.

10-18-2008, 03:38 AM
I agree that the Chrono series (Time Circuits, Time's Scar) is a huge omission. Plus, they missed out on the Earthbound series (Kraken of the Sea), Castlevania series (Stage 1, Abandoned Pit), Ico/Shadow of the Colossus series (To the Ancient Lands, Swift Horse), Suikoden series (too many to name), Silent Hill series (ditto), and Turok series (which I'd put higher than most of the music from Duke Nukem).

10-18-2008, 04:28 PM
I agree that the Chrono series (Time Circuits, Time's Scar) is a huge omission. Plus, they missed out on the Earthbound series (Kraken of the Sea), Castlevania series (Stage 1, Abandoned Pit), Ico/Shadow of the Colossus series (To the Ancient Lands, Swift Horse), Suikoden series (too many to name), Silent Hill series (ditto), and Turok series (which I'd put higher than most of the music from Duke Nukem).

I think that narrowing the list to the "Top ten Video Game Themes Ever" is pretty damn stupid, I mean, At least it should have been like the "Top 25 Video Game Themes Ever". 10 themes is just so damn short. It doesn�t makes justice to A LOT of themes.

10-18-2008, 06:43 PM
I agree with Magma Dragoon I could choose 10 songs from Secret of Mana alone! Still of the Night? Secret of the arid Sands? A wish? oh well.
it's just as Stuttering Craig said, your list is gonna be uniqe in like.. the whole freakin' universe.
so 10 is way to few.
but it is a really good selection nonetheless.

Red Arremer
10-18-2008, 06:46 PM
What the heck? The Moon over Stepping Wind or Guntz' Theme?! D:<

t0m s3rvo
10-18-2008, 06:56 PM
Duke Nukem 3D? Seriously? Wow. Am I the only one scratching their head at that?

10-19-2008, 04:50 PM
These lists are hardly scientific.

10-25-2008, 02:33 AM
These lists are hardly scientific.
Like they were before? :P

I liked the list but then I was biased by The Moon and Gang Plank Galleon HELL YES! X3

10-25-2008, 08:01 AM
WHERE THE FUCK IS CLASH OF THE BIG BRIDGE? I get it, i get it, the Prelude is the staple of the franchise, but it's NOT AS GOD AS CLASH ON THE BIG BRIDGE!

Red Arremer
10-25-2008, 09:03 AM
Although I do agree with you that Clash on the Big Bridge is the best piece of Uematsu, this is not the reason to write all Caps and hurt me.

10-26-2008, 07:38 AM
Man, they must completely forgot about Castlevania and Starfox Series. There should be a tune from each in the top ten somewhere.

And maybe the Duke Nukem theme shouldn't be in such a short list, in a top 25 maybe, but in a top 10? I mean the best Castlevania tune is out, what the heck, right?

Oh and i think there are better Donkey Kong Country tunes than the one they picked. Like the tune in the "Brambles" level in DCK 2, i remember there where a lot of people who mentioned it in their forum.

10-26-2008, 06:23 PM
I would definitely disagree with the idea of putting any song from any Duke Nukem, Ducktales, Donkey Kong, and/or Seiken Densetsu game in a top ten situation. I'm also a bit biased here, but where's the love/respect for Street Fighter II?

Red Arremer
10-26-2008, 07:07 PM
Claw, oh Claw, your Spanish tunes will always accompany my life. You're right, Street Fighter 2 needs more love.

(Claw is Balrog/Vega, btw... I'd prefer the Japanese version - Balrog - but then noone would understand me, so I go with Claw~)

10-26-2008, 11:31 PM
As soon as I saw "ScrewAttack," I already knew this would be failure, and it is. Their programs are an abysmal waste of digital space. They have no journalistic integrity, their "comedy writers" are about as bad as Angry Nintendo Nerd's, and in general are about as worthwhile and "authentic" as Larry the Cable Guy. Bunch of know-nothing hacks.

Can you tell that I despise ScrewAttack? Because I do.

10-27-2008, 12:46 AM
Duke Nukem... Even on the list? Wha?

I would have gone for Ice Cap over Green Hill, though. Just look at OCR. >_>

t0m s3rvo
10-28-2008, 11:36 PM
Duke Nukem... Even on the list? Wha?

I would have gone for Ice Cap over Green Hill, though. Just look at OCR. >_>

Haha. I know. Ice Cap seems to be a popular stage theme. I would've just as easily gone for the Metropolis Zone. I love that theme.