06-18-2002, 05:47 PM
this is a really awesome manga, and i was wondering if anyone else had read it. Its got the best writng and art style ive ever seen in a manga. I was wondering if im the only one with this opinion or not.

06-19-2002, 02:19 AM
Blade of the Immortal rules
i have 3 mangas, and share them with my friend

Blade is quite.. raw. you see real violence on those manga drawings.. a head chopped off.. more like old RK OVAs.

Manji is da shiat
Magatsu rules too. badass hair style.

06-19-2002, 04:21 PM
Oh, chopped off body parts. *closes 3x3 Eyes* Not too unusual...
Kay, I�m going to give you my opinion on this manga next week when it will be released. Yay, yet another manga series! Even less money!
But it has been bothering me for long enough that I did not know this series... I hope it is as good as everybody�s saying.

You back? :) Whee!

06-21-2002, 02:22 AM
Is this Blade of The Immortal the same as Blade/Sword of Recca.....I've heard good things about that anime.

06-21-2002, 03:35 PM
I�ve only heard about Flame of Recca, and that�s a completely different manga/anime...

Anyway. I got my fingers on Blade of the Immortal sooner than I�d thought. ^_^ So I can finally tell you my opinion on it. I�ve so been waiting for this moment. Okay.

I�ve read lots of mangas and seen lots of drawing styles, and I was glad to see that this one is absolutely different and great. It�s well drawn and the style fits with the atmosphere, the story and all. I doubt it will be one of my favourite series, but it wil certainly be one of my favourites. Plural.
It�s cool. Yay.

06-21-2002, 11:57 PM
Misao: yeah im sort of "back"

Manji series is quite good.
I'm not well aware of the entire plot, but i knew fragments of it.

a great Blade of the Immortal site.

Pater Lamberto
03-08-2011, 04:45 PM
hi does anybody know where to get the soundtrack for this???
thxs for the answers, if someone answers^^

03-08-2011, 10:38 PM
I really like this one. The style is kinda different from the other manga I'm reading.

03-24-2011, 08:42 PM
Yes, it's my favourite manga. All other mangas are beneath it IMO. The story is so mature, shocking, awe-inspiring, gripping and unique. I own all of the ones translated to English.

I've stayed away from the anime. I've noticed in the one episode I watched for about 5 minutes that they cut out much of the dialog. To me, it's like ripping out pages of the bible, Qu'ran or whatever.

06-15-2011, 07:35 PM
Cheezez, the thread started in 2002 o_O Just how old FFshrine really is??