Safer Sephiroth
06-18-2002, 06:01 AM
Ok, I'm not sure if I'm even supposed to post this in here but I will. This story is dedicated to Cloud and Tifa those two were meant to be with each other from the begining so I wrote a short story about them but that's all it need's. It may not be the best story ever but I liked it so I hope you enjoy reading this.:)

This Story is based after the events of Final Fantasy VII this is just what I think happened after METEOR hit�s the planet.

The sky turned dark with dust and other debris, the entire planet was engulfed in total darkness from the impact of METEOR, Cloud, Yuffie, Barret, Tifa, Cid, Vincent, Caitsith and the pilot crew watched in despair as they watched there homes, friends and family get destroyed by the massive impact. Cloud stood by the cockpit and starred out in the distance. �Damn, I wish I could have done something sooner to stop Sephiroth, if I did this wouldn�t have ever happened!� Tifa saw him standing there so she decided to go and try to cheer him up even though she knew it wouldn�t help any. �Hey Cloud it�s going to be ok.� She said as she put her arm around his waist. He knew what she was trying to do for him and respected her so he decided to agree with her. �Hey Cloud?� She asked without looking at him. �Yeah�? Cloud said as he starred at her. She starred back at him with a innocent look on her face � What are we going to do now�? Then she looked back out into the distance at what was left of Midgar. �Don�t know but I�m glad it�s over now, I just wish I could have prevented this.� �Don�t worry Cloud it wasn�t your fault we did all that we could do now we just have to live.� �Tifa, when I killed Sephiroth in the Crater�I saw her�Aeris was right there reaching out for me, like�she wanted me to rescue her from the life stream.� Tifa looked up at him �Do you miss her?� He looked back down at her �I�I don�t know, I don�t know what I�m feeling right now, but like Barret said that�s all in the past and theirs no way I can change the past, all that matters right now is that you�re still here with me.� Tifa looked at him with tears filling her eyes �Cloud I�� He put his finger over her lips �Shh don�t say anything right now I just want to be with you.� Cloud put his arms around Tifa and she put hers around him �Cloud� then they put there lips together and kissed. �Cloud I have to tell you this, I love you, I always have but I�ve always been to afraid to tell you I was afraid of what you might say if I told you, but now I know that I was just being childish.� Cloud stared at her in the eyes his eyes were bright and filled with emotion and hers were too � Tifa, I love you to I just never wanted to tell you because I didn�t know how you felt.� Tifa�s eyes filled with love. Then they leaned towards each other and kissed.