10-10-2008, 02:01 PM
Hi all

Today is the day that they will be releasing this OST. I cant wait for it.

If anyone already have it please, post links here all right?


10-10-2008, 04:01 PM

10-11-2008, 10:30 PM
Same here.

10-12-2008, 04:02 AM
I've been searching since Thursday night... It's getting tiring. Someone please upload it!!

10-12-2008, 04:26 AM
I concur. I crave a remixed version of "Tornado Thunder" like I crave oxygen.

10-12-2008, 05:28 PM
I'm also looking forward to this one. Just a small favor to request: if anyone does get the CD, could it be upload in [EAC] lossless? Sometimes this is already done in other places on the net, but not this time. :| If this is done, I'll gladly re-encode the music to high quality Mp3s and send whomever the uploader is the re-encoded files, for those that don't want [lossless] FLAC.

tutorial on how to do EAC lossless is in my sig.

10-12-2008, 08:17 PM
Second it on mp3 format :D

10-14-2008, 04:26 PM
I've ordered the track (before it came out, so it was shipped as soon as it came out), I don't know when it will get here though, probably sometime at the end of the week. But I'm assuming someone will get it before that time, if not, I'll try to find time to get it up on here for you guys, I know how annoying it is to wait for someone to get it up.

10-14-2008, 09:07 PM
Can anyone confirm if this song is part of the arrangement?

It's Wily Stage 2: We're the robots.


10-14-2008, 10:10 PM
Sounds like it probably is.

10-14-2008, 10:33 PM
Found two, very recent.

Ending Theme, vocal version.

Magma Man's

10-14-2008, 11:33 PM
The person on youtube needs a site to upload it to, I think, I can't seem to get through to him, someone help?

10-14-2008, 11:35 PM
The person on youtube needs a site to upload it to, I think, I can't seem to get through to him, someone help?

There's Rapidshare, Megaupload and torrent sites. There are more, but those were the first names that came up.

10-15-2008, 12:01 AM
I don't know, I think he's just uploading the whole thing through Youtube. :S
I won't be annoying about it towards him but, he is the only one right no so he's going to be hovered by many people for it.

10-15-2008, 12:05 AM
Why do people insist on using youtube? I don't understand it.

10-15-2008, 12:39 AM
oh boy but he really is uploading the whole album on youtube...that's a long time.

10-15-2008, 01:10 AM
You know, awhile back I preordered the album but stuff went down and I had to cancel my order. But now after hearing most of those arrangements, I'm quite glad I didn't get the damn thing.

I'm keeping a watch out on what this guy does: click (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KBBdGEnzW4)

His two fanmixes so far destroy that album as a whole.

Hosok PI
10-15-2008, 01:43 AM
Not really. I like the diversity that the Arranged Album has, from what I've listened to so far. I mean, those fan mixes are really awesome (if a little "paint by numbers"), but still, so is the Arranged Album. Can't wait for a proper upload, honestly.

I'm just sad that the one track that they've apparently fucked up badly is Tornado Man - which is my favourite track in the game. :(

10-15-2008, 04:36 AM
The boss song is overblown, I kept expecting it to turn into "Worthless as the Sun Above Clouds" (minus what makes that so cool), Hornet Mans song had potential until the bizarre lead synth kicked in, Wily 1 is a slow, somewhat forgettable rock ballad that doesn't get the blood pumping, I don't need to touch upon Galaxy Man's theme, Wily 3 is from OCRemix for all I know because it's preformed so awkwardly with a pretty low budget sounding synth.

And Magma Man? I actually have nothing against it.

All of these funky remixes would be appropriate for a second arrange album, but first I'd like to hear the 8-bit tunes preformed as what they are: rock.

I'm sorry. I'm just incredibly anal.

10-15-2008, 07:09 AM
All of these funky remixes would be appropriate for a second arrange album, but first I'd like to hear the 8-bit tunes preformed as what they are: rock.

I'm sorry. I'm just incredibly anal.


10-15-2008, 01:44 PM
Those songs he uploaded are (I think) the free samples from the Inti Creates website. If you google the CD and go to the site, you can click on and listen to each of them. They play in your browser, but you can go to the "View Files" option through Internet Options to copy the MP3s to another folder.

Edit: Nevermind, I found the guy on YouTube who is uploading the songs. I'm actually kind of disappointed by a lot of them. We're the Robots is great, though.

Generic Fighter
10-15-2008, 03:52 PM
I Converted what was Uploaded to YouTube into .MP3s. Here they are with a few other MM9 Remixes. Enjoy...



Generic Fighter
10-16-2008, 11:18 AM
Full album can be found here! (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?p=1158351#post1158351)

Rockerman ZX
10-16-2008, 02:17 PM
Full album can be found here! (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?p=1158351#post1158351)
Awesome!!! Thanks very much that :D

10-16-2008, 05:18 PM
Strange, I heard people complain about the tornado man arrange but I friggen love it. I didn't really care for the original for some reason.

10-17-2008, 01:51 AM
anyone one know where I can get the music from the game itself? I downloaded this, but I want to hear the music since I won't be able to get the game for ages. I do have all of the other mega man games that are worth getting(regular, mega man and bass, and the X series).

10-17-2008, 02:16 PM
I dont know if this was posted but

I found the ost in this blog

