06-17-2002, 03:25 PM
Both of my votes for the best intro/ending are going to FF8. The intro is the best for any game I have seen. The music is sweet and the gunblade fight is just too cool. The ending was also great. It looked great and it really did a good job finishing up the story.

Alice Wonderbra
06-17-2002, 09:27 PM
Well, i have never played FFX, so I can't very well know what it is like, but as for have playing all the others, I'm gonna hafta agree on 8.

The beginning was awesome--i used 2 watch it over and over cuz it was so kEwL.

The ending >SPOILER< was very long, so I enjoyed that, and it did a great job with summing up the game--especially with Squall. it didnt really leave u hanging as usual. the thing with the camera @ the very end was a really good idea as well.

06-17-2002, 10:38 PM
Based on what I have played( I haven't played FF8 yet) I would have to vote for FF9.

For one the ending was beutiful!!I loved it so much, it showed what we all wanted to see. I liked the way they rapped things up with Kuja instead of just leaving it at "we beat the bad guy". The beginning was good as well. Like a real classic beginning to a fairy tale(sort of). I like an ending that I don't know whats going to happen.

My second vote would be for FF10. The ending was great as were the feelings that came with it even thought we all new what was going to happen.

FF7 did have a great ending but the story itself was enough for me, since I new what was going to happen pretty much.

Just my thoughts....

06-18-2002, 06:03 AM
The best beginning and ending... Hmm...

I'm having a hard time deciding between FF9 and FF10 for the beginnings. I loved the beginning of FF9 for its imagery. It starts off like a movie, already drawing you into the game. FF10 is awesome, too, from the Zanarkand beginning to the Blitzball game. I love both, but I'm going to have to go with FF9.

For the ending... my pick HANDS DOWN, is FF9!! Hehe, but isn't it obvious that I was gonna pick that? Heehee. Anyway, it's the ending that nearly left me misty-eyed but feeling pretty darn good. And I'm not just talking about the way the game ended, I'm also talking about how the song "Melodies of Life" plays over the end credits and you get to watch the FMVs all over again. All the memories of playing the game came back. I loved it; the ending was worth all time time I'd spent playing it, and sealed FF9, in my mind, as the best game I'd ever played. :D

Bahamut ZERO
06-18-2002, 10:56 AM
Say what you will about Final Fantasy VIII (and I have said a lot of not so good things about it,) it DID have the best introduction of the Final Fantasy series I've played. A battle between two rivals, a build up of the major enemy in the game, it gives the setting and the characters a starting point.

As for ending, I think that Final Fantasy IX ties up all the loose ends and shows what happens to each character better than any of the others, although for pure drama, Final Fantasy VII is way up there aswell.

Safer Sephiroth
06-19-2002, 08:19 AM
I say that the best beginning would be FF8 and the best ending would be FF7(I never even completely understood what happened after the game ended.)I've beatin this game about a trillion times.

Angel Aeris
06-19-2002, 03:18 PM
My vote goes for FF8 cause the beginning was related so strongly to ending. Ending really cleared up the beginning and what it all really meant. Rinoa alone at the field, feather flying with the wind. The beginning made me to hold my breath and ending was just so... well, so like that.

I also liked very much ending of FF7. It made me feel warm inside. Tifa and Cloud probably didn't become a couble at least yet but Tifa really looked happy when she laid on Cloud's arms when he saved her. Also when Cloud said '...A Lifestream', I really felt good cause Aeris was there with them.

Rest of them... I'd really like to make my analyze but you don't read them anyway and my fingers are tired...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-02-2002, 06:16 PM
For me it would probably be

Final Fantasy VII, it is quite mystifying and leaves you wanting to know more, so you probably will play through until the end of the game.

Final Fantasy IX, it was quite emotional and kept you waiting for the end of it just to see if Zidane has survived and once you see that he has you just want to see what will finally ahppen in the end.

07-02-2002, 10:48 PM
Okay since this thread has been renewed.

Since my previouse post I have started FF8. I have to say that I liked the begging of FF8 better then any others. But I still stick to my decision on FF9 for the ending(yeah like that was a hard one to make)

07-03-2002, 09:33 AM
i would have to say the best intro's would be FF7 and 8 they we're pretty cool looking.

07-04-2002, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Dante DMC
i would have to say the best intro's would be FF7 and 8 they we're pretty cool looking.


I probably can't really choose, but just because FF7 is my most favorite game of all time, I'd probably have to say that. Like Deftones said, the begining was very mystifying and made you want to play it to know more. The ending was lengthy, great in graphix. If only it had voices, hoho, how awesome that would be... ^_^

07-05-2002, 12:45 AM

Neo Xzhan
07-05-2002, 08:27 AM
FFVII has the best intro/outro. The beginning is some what mysterious, u realy wanna know what's comming.
The ending is simply the best the whole FMV is excelent the way Meteor is stopped from destroying the earth and in the end seeying Aeris just adds that little something to the game.

07-05-2002, 04:20 PM
FF8 had the best beginning I mean come on Seifer and his gunblade v.s Squall and his gunblade
as for the ending though FF9 had the best ending I mean it was all pretty rapped up the square guyz didn't make you wonder what happend next because you already know

07-05-2002, 04:40 PM
Intro:FFVIII ( Squall vs Seifer ===> cool one )
Ending:FFIX ( This is what i call a "Happy Ending" :P )

Kool Ranch
07-08-2002, 06:58 PM
I guess I'm a little biased on this subject, since FF7 is my favorite FF, but I think I liked FF7's intro a little better. It just did a really good job of setting the mood, and it eased into the actual game really well.

As for ending, well, I guess IX's was my favorite. I didn't like this game at all when I got started on it, but the more I played the more I liked and the ending really made me love the game.

Psuedes Psyche
07-11-2002, 08:29 PM
Best begining...
Hands down FF8 *SLICE*

07-12-2002, 12:42 AM
Best Beginning: Final Fantasy VII

Best Ending: Final Fantasy VIII
Runner-Up: Final Fantasy V

I can't comment on IX or X, having played neither of them.

Corran Horn
07-15-2002, 09:55 PM
My favorite is FF8. They both bring out the energy in the story. The end is neat as well because it kind of explains what happened to the characters.

07-22-2002, 01:55 AM
The best beginning to me is FF8 because it was suspenseful and it kept me asking as to whether Squall caught Rinoa. It was a cliffhanger as well, and I kept wondering if they'd get to the rest of what happened later on in the game.

And the best ending. . . I'm stuck between FF7 and FF9.

FF7, just because of the graphics and how everything (kind of) came together. But it was a cliffhanger too and it kept up the debate with me and my friends if Aeris was resuurected or not. (if the ending had voices, that would be kick ass!)

And FF9 because out of all the endings, it didn't leave you hanging. They let you know what happened to all of the characters. If it weren't for the ending, I pro'bly wouldn't have liked FF9 as much as I did.

07-29-2002, 04:06 AM
I'd go with FF8 for both. That Intro was the most amazing I ever saw. And the ending was soo sweet too. I don't think anything else compares.

09-12-2002, 07:09 PM
For best intro, I'd have to go with FF8. It was so beautifully done, and got you so anxious to find out who these characters were, what the story of the game would be. I was rather fond of popping in the disk and watching the intro over and over and over...

And the best ending hands down goes to FF9. What a way to end a game. It made me laugh, made me cry, did a wonderful job of resolving things with all the characters with out revealing a little too much. I especially liked the way things were wrapped up with Kuja. Giving the main villan the closure he deserves is something I'd like to see more often. I definitely felt I got my money's worth, and that all that game play wasted wasted on some short ending. It was long and beautifully done. I also like the tiny little change you can earn for the ending, though it doesn't make too much of a difference.

09-13-2002, 01:34 PM
Intro: FF8
End: FF9

Reasons mostly stated above. These two FMVs have stuck with me more than any other. The begging of FF8 was exquisite and made me really want to get started into the game. I still like it.

FF9's ending was phenominal, the way it tied everything together like no ending before had done was wonderful. FF9's ending made you feel that these characters were made of something real, not just forced to say some lines.

God of HellFIRE
09-14-2002, 11:48 PM
The best beggining in my opinion was from FF8 and the best ending was the FF9 ending...

09-21-2002, 08:23 PM
yah I agree. The beggining of ff8 is the best ever! The ending is okay too. But the best ending ever would have to be ff4's.