Safer Sephiroth
06-17-2002, 12:37 AM
Ok, I'm already trying this out right now but I want to see if anybody else can do it to.

I'm going to try to beat the game without using materia at all, and without upgrading my equipment, like weapons, armor and accessories.

I really rely on Aeris's Healing Wind to keep me alive during battles since potions don't cure that much, and I use a ton of Grendades during boss fights for some strong damage.

I'm doing pretty good so far, I've already made it to the Shinra building and I'm about to fight Rufus.

For some reason I don't think I am supposed to post this in here, so if I wasn't I'm sorry:D

06-17-2002, 05:58 AM
Heh cool that would be kinda hard but real fun. Thanx iam gana try it!!:D :D :D :D :D

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-17-2002, 06:18 PM
This sounds good, I need a challenge and i'm just about to restart FF VII.

OK I'll try it. :D :D :D :D :D

Anima Relic
06-17-2002, 11:31 PM
I'll keep this open, this looks kind of interesting. Is anyone else going to participate in this? I'd like to see a few people post in here, see how they are doing, and possibly give us some updates?

Neo Xzhan
06-18-2002, 09:17 AM
Well I'm starting today trying it but u may use potions and stuff or else it would become IMPOSSIBLE. But I'm afraid that at a certain point u'll get stuck becouse the boss will be stronger then u r and u'll need materia for ur advantage. Nontheless I'm beginnen.

06-18-2002, 01:29 PM
Only one little problem though. You should rely more on potions cause Aeris and her healing winds will stop to blow on a certain moment, which I'm sure you are aware off
The challenge sounds hard yet intersting though, since well there are a couple of enemies which could give you a REAL hard time w/o any curative mataria...

06-18-2002, 01:46 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I remember a similar challenge being posted at anotehr board I visit a few months ago. It was something like no materia, no upgrading weapons, and only allowed to use level 1 limit breaks. I can't remember if it was allowed for armour and accessories to be changed or not; but I think you were only allowed to keep Bronze Bangle...

I didn't try this myself, but 3 or 4 people did manage to complete it. I won't be trying it, but good luck to you and anyone else that wants to give this a go. :)

Safer Sephiroth
06-18-2002, 07:20 PM
Yeah, I'm aware about Aeris but I'm prepared for that I'm going to use Yuffies Clear Tranquil Limit Break to cure me, and take a chance with Cait Sith's Slots Limit Break.

Neo Xzhan
06-20-2002, 10:12 AM
I'm now on my way to Kalm and thus far I'm doing fine. Though I noticed that I've gained my limits faster and am leveling more then I normal did. (ow btw it is nesecary to use materia once in the game, since u'll need it to get a Chocobo to past the Midgar Zolom).

Safer Sephiroth
06-20-2002, 07:17 PM
I'm going to try to go through the Midgar Zolom without using a chocobo I've done it before and I'm sure I can do it again, anyway's you can't use materia at all, that's breaking the rule's.

06-22-2002, 12:31 PM
Hmmmmmm, sounds interesting. Next time i feel like restarting my game i shall try it. You should have more HP in battles anyway.

Roneo Strife
06-22-2002, 03:08 PM
I could BARLEY see you going through the game w/o upgrading and no meteria but killing the weapons???
I don't see that happening.
Weapons stomp your arse even with meteria!!!
And I recomend useing master meteria for it all.
Kotr meteria is a PAIN to master.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-22-2002, 06:55 PM
I'm actually finding this a breeze, but perhaps its something to do with the fact i've got a whole team of 3 (Cloud, Cid, Red XIII) all Lvl 90, and i'm just past the Schizo Twins.
Takes ages to do though.

Setsuna Yuna
06-22-2002, 07:31 PM
Oh wow that sounds really challenging! I would try that myself, but I've already started my FFVII game over a long time ago, and so I've(obviously) been using materia and upgrading my weapons and such. Good luck to all those trying it though! ^_^

Neo Xzhan
06-22-2002, 08:36 PM
I'm past the Midgar Zolom (without materia). And I've completed the cave which u have to enter. I already have all 2nd lvl limits.

06-23-2002, 02:07 AM
I tried...almost beat it though.The only materia i used was restore....come on you have to use that at some part of the game!But Sephiroth was too hard without getting new weapons....:(

Safer Sephiroth
06-23-2002, 04:21 AM
Nah, this is a breeze so far I'm doing great. And as for the WEAPONS I don't have to worry about Ultima he's just so WEAK!!!

When I got past the Midgar Zolom I already knew all of my Lv.3 Limit Break's.

As for the other two WEAPONS I probally won't even fight them.

And this is possible to do, you can complete the game without using materia and upgrading your weapons trust me:)

Well everybody try to stay in here and post your progress:D

06-23-2002, 06:43 AM
Ok, finally!! out from Midgar :P
It sure take a lot of time to beat that "Big Motorcycle"

I used potion a lot and usually i'm just defend myself each time i fought some boss ,after that i use my limit break :D

I'm on my way to chocobo's farm ^_^

Safer Sephiroth
06-23-2002, 06:48 AM
Man, I just got through fighting the Serpent in Junon and it was a tough battle, because I kept dying from that bubble he cast around you and it drains your HP and the only way to get rid of it is either to die or cast a spell on it(which I couldn't do) and it took me forever. Now I'm back on track and I'm doing pretty good now.

Neo Xzhan
06-23-2002, 03:25 PM
Yeah I died a couple of times at that Snake as well, fortunaltly I had some items which mimic magic attacks so I got rid of the bubble. After a long fight I won and now I'm entering the boat, I know all 2nd lvl 3 limit's and healing of Aeris keeps me going. After Aeirs is gone I'm gonna use Yuffie's clear tranquil.
I'll keep u informed.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-23-2002, 05:54 PM
I finally got past Ultima Weapon in Mideel (it is Ulitma Wapon there?)
But yeah it took me ages to beat him, only 3 times to beat him but each fight is REALLY LONG.

06-23-2002, 09:22 PM
Eh, tried it. Wasn't that hard. Just long(had to keep fighting random battles to level up). I almost never use materia, anyway, except maybe for stats. I rarely use magic because I'm very stingy with mp's.

Neo Xzhan
06-24-2002, 12:02 AM
Fighting Jenova Birth on the Cargo Ship was a bit hard for me cuz she keeps casing stop which is annoying. I battled her 3 times and the 3rd time I won. I arrived in Costa del Sol and I'm now an my way to Corel to go to the Golden Saucer.

Safer Sephiroth
06-29-2002, 01:31 AM
Hey I'm really behind on this because I've been busy playing Medal of Honor so I'm going to be out for awhile on this one, but I will continue the game once I beat Medal of Honorl.

Prince Lefty
06-29-2002, 05:18 AM
I just recently beat Final Fantasy VII without materia. It was a little easier than I suspected, I beat the game in 22 hours.

Dark Messenger
06-29-2002, 09:25 AM
I'll give this challenge a go, even though most people are allready out of midgar i'll try and catch up, are we allowed to upgrade accesorys?

Neo Xzhan
06-29-2002, 12:52 PM
No were not allowed to upgrade our accessories. I'm currently in the Temple of the Ancients. It's is quite frustrating when ur whole party get's changed in to frogs lol. I'm not sure what to expect from the fight against The Demo Gate, I've considered this 1 of the hardest fights in the game. Since he is well protected against magic it always was a matter of life and death when I used spells like barrier and slow/haste. I hope I can defeat him without dying once.

Safer Sephiroth
06-29-2002, 11:57 PM
No your not allowed to upgrade your weapons accesories or armor at all during the game and you can't use materia either.

06-30-2002, 12:45 AM
when did you guys start this? im too far in the game to start, but when i beat it, i might try & do the challenge! I'm at the part where i'm supposed to go to the crater, but i'm leveling up. :eek:

Neo Xzhan
07-01-2002, 07:56 PM
Weee I deafeated the Demon Gate and now I'm in the city of the Ancients so I'll b fighting Jenova Life soon.
I'll keep u informed.

07-16-2002, 08:00 PM mad???????? *lol* I could never do that!!

07-16-2002, 09:23 PM
I think I may try this eventually. It seems like it would add a real challenge to this game, which normally isn't all that hard.

Neo Xzhan
07-16-2002, 09:39 PM
Weeee I'm entering the Northern Crater!!!! Now for the hard part.
*grabs hold of his megalixers

07-16-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
Weeee I'm entering the Northern Crater!!!! Now for the hard part.
*grabs hold of his megalixers

God....How the hell did you get that far!!!!!

07-16-2002, 11:20 PM
I have a couple of questions about the rules. When you get new characters, they come with certain equipment. If we don't want to use those characters, can we transfer that equipment to another character, or does that break the rules? Also, certain characters come preequipped with materia, do we just have to sell that at the first opportunity?

Neo Xzhan
07-17-2002, 12:11 AM
Yes ur not allow to have any kind of equipment. So when u get a new char sell the bracelets and rings they're currently wearing and remove all materia. Take of all rings and stuff. Nothing is allow x'cept the standard weapon of the char.

07-17-2002, 04:07 AM
Wait a second! The initial post says that you're not allowed to *upgrade* the equipment. It doesn't say anything about not being allowed to keep the equipment they come with, which would definitely not be upgrading.

Neo Xzhan
07-17-2002, 08:18 PM
Yeah that's true but in the begin it says no upgrading and stuff no materia, so when a character comes preecuiped with matria and stuff I sold it.
BTW I'm halfway the crater!!!!!!!!!

07-17-2002, 08:31 PM
Hmm, the materia I agree with, since it specifically says that you can't use any materia whatsoever. The equipment, however- just says you can't upgrade it. Doesn't say that you can't keep the initial equipment.

Neo Xzhan
07-17-2002, 08:36 PM
Agree but Cloud and Barret and Tifa start with the worst asrmlets so I think everone else should 2. I removed them anyways.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-17-2002, 08:42 PM
Completed it, fucking hell that is one hard fucker. I don't think i'll go against Emerald and Ruby, they'll pummel me in a split second.

End result:-

Cloud Lvl 99
Red XIII Lvl 99
Cid Lvl 99

Don't know how long it took me. :D :D :D :D :D

Neo Xzhan
07-17-2002, 08:45 PM
Gratz :cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D :D
I finished it 2!!!!!!!!!!! In about 28 hours which was rather quick.
Results: Cloud lvl 99 4th limit
Baret lvl 99 4th limit
Tifa lvl 99 4th limit
and all other chars above 90 and 4th limits.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-17-2002, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
Gratz :cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D :D
I finished it 2!!!!!!!!!!! In about 28 hours which was rather quick.
Results: Cloud lvl 99 4th limit
Baret lvl 99 4th limit
Tifa lvl 99 4th limit
and all other chars above 90 and 4th limits.

Nice one, thats about the same as mine, but I think my time was about 32 hours, that's OK but Neo is definitley better than me.

Congrats Neo Xzhan.

07-17-2002, 09:17 PM
Agree but Cloud and Barret and Tifa start with the worst asrmlets so I think everone else should 2. I removed them anyways.
Okay, well if that's what everyone else is doing, then that's what I'll do too.

Neo Xzhan
07-20-2002, 01:32 AM
I was kinda surprised to have finished the game so quick, but I realised that u didn't have to do any of the sidequest which take alo of time to complete. I tried defeating Emerald and Ruby weapon, but I never won. Emerald I almost beat, cuz u have a full party but Ruby without materia and stuff is impossible. So how r u doing Agent??

07-20-2002, 03:23 AM
Hmmm, Ruby is harder than Emerald? I'm surprised. Emerald's Air Tam Storm does 9999 to everybody. How do you defend against that without materia?

Me? Haven't really gotten started yet. Still involved with something else. I'll start after I finish that.

07-20-2002, 04:10 AM
As soon as I get the PS back from my bro I am going to do this.

Neo Xzhan
07-20-2002, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Hmmm, Ruby is harder than Emerald? I'm surprised. Emerald's Air Tam Storm does 9999 to everybody. How do you defend against that without materia?

Read Aire Tam backwards and it'll spell materia. It does 1111 damage for every equiped materia in ur whole active party. So when ur whole party only has 3 materias it does 3333 damage. So u don't need to defend urself against it since u've got no materia at all. it'll do no damage.

The main prob with Ruby was that he removes 2 party memebers and then u'll have to fight on with only 1 which makes it very hard.

07-21-2002, 02:12 AM
I've done a no-materia quest(just going without materia) and it was too easy...I use potions all the time, whenever I get down to about 10 or 20, I just buy enough to get to 99 ^.^

Right now I'm lv. 25, outside of Corel. I know, it sucks. I'm trying to get to lv. 28 or 30, then get to about lv. 40 or higher in Cosmo Canyon


Divine Strike
07-21-2002, 03:12 AM
Well i'll do it.......yes I know i'm alittle late at saying that i'll try it but this is the first thread that i've checked in this forum for over a month and a give me a break......i'll be startin i'll keep you till then......*peace*

07-21-2002, 04:10 AM
Read Aire Tam backwards and it'll spell materia. It does 1111 damage for every equiped materia in ur whole active party. So when ur whole party only has 3 materias it does 3333 damage. So u don't need to defend urself against it since u've got no materia at all. it'll do no damage.
Materia backwards, wow that's clever. I never knew that.

Neo Xzhan
07-30-2002, 12:11 AM
R there any onther ppl who r trying this?? Cuz I am just wondering how every1 will do.

07-30-2002, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
R there any onther ppl who r trying this?? Cuz I am just wondering how every1 will do.

Me!! cope without Materia...I'd die after the first boss ^_^

07-30-2002, 01:42 AM
Neo Xzhan- I'm so glad you posted, now I can finally post without anybody saying I double-posted! I am well into this now. I'm currently at the Temple of the Ancients and my characters are around Level 30. Attack/magic items are my friends (particularly Swift Bolt and Fire Veil [I decided to do Yuffie's subquest just get this items, as well as X-Potion. Gotta love those Bizarre Bugs. Rapps was a hella hard to beat at the levels I was at, but I did it.) as are limit breaks. Limit Breaks are also my friends, particularly Red XIII's Lunatic High, Yuffie's Clear Tranquil and Cloud's Meteorain. So far there are about five and a half hours on my clock.

Me!! cope without Materia...I'd die after the first boss ^_^
Ahhhhh. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Why not give it a try? You may be better at it than you think!

07-30-2002, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth
I'm going to try to go through the Midgar Zolom without using a chocobo I've done it before and I'm sure I can do it again, anyway's you can't use materia at all, that's breaking the rule's.

all u have to do is right before the zolom is gonna attack u save the game then restart the playstation then continue on the zolom shouldnt be close to u at all anymore just repeat if it u have to

07-30-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Ahhhhh. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Why not give it a try? You may be better at it than you think!

I would...but I'm already in the middle of playing FF7 for the 12th time ^_^ (With materia) ;)

07-30-2002, 07:05 PM
all u have to do is right before the zolom is gonna attack u save the game then restart the playstation then continue on the zolom shouldnt be close to u at all anymore just repeat if it u have to
Yup. Oh, and I didn't even believe this was possible, but I've found that if you get extremely lucky on your run, you can even go through in one straight shot without having to fight him and without using a chocobo.

07-30-2002, 08:23 PM
MY "no-materia quest" stats:
Sivirus(cloud): lv. 60, 4th limit
Morika(Yuffie): lv. 59, 4th limit
Red 13(Red XIII): lv. 59, 4th limit

I know, my levels suck, and I just got in disc 3 :(

07-30-2002, 08:38 PM
I finished it without materia awhile back.
Cloud: Lv 79 4th limit
Cid: Lv:77 4th limit
Tifa: Lv 74 4th limit. took like 38 hours.

The lowest level I ever finished the game was 34-38, with materia.

07-30-2002, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042

Yup. Oh, and I didn't even believe this was possible, but I've found that if you get extremely lucky on your run, you can even go through in one straight shot without having to fight him and without using a chocobo. <font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yep, I've done it. :D

And for another challenge if you get bored of this one or complete it (congrats Neo Xzhan btw :D) you may like to try the game without gaining any EXP at all apart from boss battles and forced set battles. I didn't come up with the idea for this challenge, someone at another board did, but I'm trying it and I'm currently in Gaea's Cliff, Cloud is level 21. Well, that was off-topic... ;)

And Ruby Weapon doesn't always remove two characters. Go into the battle with two character's KO'd, and the tentacles will appear immediately. You can then revive the other two and they won't be removed. :D But I doubt you could beat Ruby with no materia anyway, physical attacks cause very little damage.

07-30-2002, 11:17 PM
Get bored of it? :) Let's just say there's no way I'm quitting it until I beat it.

you may like to try the game without gaining any EXP at all apart from boss battles and forced set battles.

Okay, wow, that sounds hard. Good luck with it. I might consider trying it...

And Ruby Weapon doesn't always remove two characters. Go into the battle with two character's KO'd, and the tentacles will appear immediately.
Yeah, I know that. But there's no item that casts Life2, so Ruby would probably toast them almost immediately after they got revived. And then I'm betting it probably long before Cloud became fricassed spiky hair himself.

08-04-2002, 06:53 AM
I beat it!

Cloud: Level 73, Limit 3/2 (or 4/1 if you count the final final battle)
Yuffie: Level 74, Limit 4/1 (but set to Limit 3)
Cid: Level 73, Limit 4/1

Time: When I got to the final save point, my time on the clock was 13:24, so I guess between 14-15 hours. That doesn't count the two times I went to the battle arena to try to fight for Cloud's Omnislash before giving up and saying who needs it and giving up and also when I tried to take on Sephiroth with the levels a bit lower and got decimated.

Couple of things that surprised me:

The game only let me form one party going into the battle against Sephiroth. That's never happened to me before.

Safer Sephiroth was only able to get in two Super Nova Summons before I beat him. Surprised the hell out of me. I was all revved up to go after him for another round and then all of a sudden Yuffie's simple physical attack (which I had already confirmed before he summoned Super Nova) killed him.

Strategies: My main strategy was to just power through most of the dialogue and stuf and try to get through Discs 1 and 2 as fast as possible. I defeated pretty much all bosses using mainly Limit Breaks and relied a lot on X-Potion, Phoenix Down and Hyper when the going got tough, as well as magic items like Swift Bolt, Fire Veil and Lunar/Light Curtain.

(Oh, and I really hope this won't be considered double-posting. I just went and read the official rule on that [finally found the "official rules" post, I'd been looking for that!], so I guess this should be okay.)

Skye Vrbas
08-04-2002, 11:20 AM
15 hours :eek:

You sure ?

08-04-2002, 04:05 PM
Well, I know what was on my game's clock. However, I have asked before if it seems to anybody else like the time runs slow on their Final Fantasy VII clock. I'd like to know if it's just me, or if it's everybody else too, that way I know if this time is a fair comparison.

I just checked, and 1:11 on my stopwatch is approximately thirty seconds on my FFVII clock.

Setsuna Yuna
08-05-2002, 07:38 AM
Oh wow...people are actually doing it...AND beating the game. :shock: Now I've got to restart my FF7 game and try it. :p

I probably won't finish it in 15 hours (I like to take my time), but if I can't upgrade my weapons and buy materia, then I should be able to finish the game faster! :D

Neo Xzhan
08-05-2002, 08:02 PM
hmm gratz I see that ur lvls rent maxed or as high as mine or Def's but u did a good job. Though I think 1hour in the game is 1hour in real life or otherwise the clock would make no sence (makes sence right?). But 15 hours is possible lookig @ ur lvls.

08-05-2002, 09:18 PM
Though I think 1hour in the game is 1hour in real life or otherwise the clock would make no sence (makes sence right?).
Well, maybe. Of course, we all know the Highwind is amazingly zippy to make it across the world as fast as it does. :D Why not try running a stopwatch the same way I did and see how the clock is on yours? That way, I have something for comparison.

BTW, there's no way I'm going to try to max my levels on this challenge. I beat it and I'm done with it. The boredom of trying to raise my levels any higher would probably be hazardous to my mental health.

08-08-2002, 03:04 AM
Whoa I cant do that... Cuz u know, I played ff7 bout 3 times thru and Im currently playing it on my 4th... And uh thats enough for me.

08-08-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yep, I've done it. :D

And for another challenge if you get bored of this one or complete it (congrats Neo Xzhan btw :D) you may like to try the game without gaining any EXP at all apart from boss battles and forced set battles. I didn't come up with the idea for this challenge, someone at another board did, but I'm trying it and I'm currently in Gaea's Cliff, Cloud is level 21. Well, that was off-topic... ;)

Um......Is it really possible? How would you beat bosses like MAteria keeper, and Demons gate? Considering at those levels you would be killed instantally by thier attacks. Well if you could actually make it to the highwind, just get KOR and finishing the game would be possible. Like Materias Trine attack would mess your party up real bad, and demons gates rock attack would kill 1 of your party members each hit.....

08-19-2002, 01:54 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yes it is possible, I have actually managed to complete it now. :D

Basically, you need to have the patience to sit there ocntinually stealing Ethers from Kalm Fangs (or other enemies, but Kalm Fangs are the easiest as they don't kill you easily), then sell all those Ethers in Cosmo Canyon and buy HP Plus materias. By the end of the game I had over 15 HP Plus materias (5-7 for each character, depending on the situation).

Anyway, from about Materia Keeper onwards, I discovered the usefulness of the back row. First attempt I left everyone on the front and I died easily. Second attempt I put everyone on the back row, and I survived until it used Trine which killed everyone (I had shared out the HP Plus materias between them, at that point I had 4-5 of them). Then the next time I decided to put everyone on the back row, I gave two characters defence against lightning by putting Elemental-Lightning on theyr armour, and then gave ALL the HP Plus materias to the third character. That way, everyone could survive a Trine attack. Not too hard, you just need a strategy. ;)

And again, by putting everyone on the back row, Demons Gate can't kill you in one attack. And put Barrier on, and everyone can survive 2 attacks. :D Still took me about 5 attempts even like that; Limit Brekas were about the only thing I had that were worth attacking with.

Carry Armor was by far the hardest boss, it took me about 30 attempts, and everyone needed about 6-7 HP Plus materias just to survive one Lapis Laser attack at full HP. But I managed it eventually, and it wasn't too hard after that.

And it would be impossible to get KOtR. To do that, you'd need to catch a chocobo. To catch a chocobo, you gain unnecessary EXP. Gaining unnecessary EXP is against the rules of the challenge. :D

08-19-2002, 10:44 PM
Yep, I read about the stealing Ethers for HP plus, so I decided to take up that no random battle challenge as well.... Im now on Carry Armour....damn the Lapis lazer basically kills me....I can't seem to take him down....Its gonna be tough.

08-19-2002, 10:46 PM
Hmm. I see now how this can be done, although I don't think I'm going to do it. I don't really have the patience for that sort of thing.

08-20-2002, 02:41 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Get everyone's HP up to 1700 or so (if it's not above that after all the set battles, you'll need to buy some more HP Plus materias). You should be about level 26 before that battle.

My setup:

Cloud: 7 HP Plus, Sense, Restore-All, Enemy Skill. Dragon Armlet, Ribbon.
Red XIII: 6 HP Plus, Magic Plus, Comet-Added Cut, Enemy Skill. Wizard Bracelet, Ribbon.
Cid: 6 HP Plus, Enemy Skill, Luck Plus, anything else...

Put everyone on the back row. Get into random battles and get limit breaks for everyone, then go into the battle. You will need to get the first attack or it will probably use Lapis Laser. If it uses Lapis Laser or Arm Grab straight away, it's probably worth resetting. Use all your limit breaks (Lunatic High would be good), then the genal strategy is for Cid to use items like S-Mines and the Dragon Fang, Red XIII to use Comet with Added Cut, and Cloud heals anyone that is physically attacked. As long as you get an attack in every turn, and you don't cause too much damage to the arms, it shouldn't be able to use Lapis Laser. Cid will have to use Trine if you run out of items, but be causeful not to cause too much damage or someone will get grabbed. Once somoene is Arm Grabbed, it will be able to use Lapis Laser no matter what. But it seems if you can attack at least once every turn, it shouldn't use Lapis Laser.

Well, good luck. It still took me about 30 attempts. ;) If Red XIII's Death Sentence runs out, revive him as quickly as possible, but still get an attack in. If you don't have a Curse Ring, it will take longer. And you don't want that. ;)

08-20-2002, 02:50 PM
Heh, Nice strat man! Thats a huge help, I might be able to beat him now.... Humm, My summers almost over, I might take 1 more challenge...Maybe try and finish the game under 15 hours, I think I can do it...saw a pic of some dude once that made 11:52...

08-23-2002, 11:56 PM
The time challenge sounds interesting. I'm beginning to get a bit bored with working on maxing out my current characters, so I may try it.

08-31-2002, 01:04 AM
I beat it! 7:24 was the time on my game clock when I got to the battle with Sephiroth, so I guess total time was around eight hours.


Cloud: Level 56, Limit 2/2
Yuffie, Level 57, Limit 2/2
Cid, Level 56, Limit 2/2

09-01-2002, 01:06 AM
that'd be hard... im gona try

09-02-2002, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I beat it! 7:24 was the time on my game clock when I got to the battle with Sephiroth, so I guess total time was around eight hours.


Cloud: Level 56, Limit 2/2
Yuffie, Level 57, Limit 2/2
Cid, Level 56, Limit 2/2

.....dude you sure? fastest time I've EVER saw, was 10:31 and they were using some PAL version where them could aviod all random battles, and finished around Lv 41.....sry but that time just isn't believable.

09-02-2002, 02:38 AM
.....dude you sure? fastest time I've EVER saw, was 10:31 and they were using some PAL version where them could aviod all random battles, and finished around Lv 41.....sry but that time just isn't believable.
I'm telling you, that is the time on my clock. And as I've said before, I'm certain that the time on my FFVII game's clock runs slower than it should. I'd still like to know how it is on other people's machines. It seems like it's always run slow for me, not just on this machine but on my others too. But that definitely was the time.

09-02-2002, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I'm telling you, that is the time on my clock. And as I've said before, I'm certain that the time on my FFVII game's clock runs slower than it should. I'd still like to know how it is on other people's machines. It seems like it's always run slow for me, not just on this machine but on my others too. But that definitely was the time.

Must run alot slower....your time wouldn't be that fast if you did all that leveling up....You got a screen shot? I'd love to see it....if not then well....

09-02-2002, 02:57 AM
Gah. It wouldn't let me add an attachment, so I just killed that post and here we go again. The screenshot is attached. BTW, I stopped two or three times to level up and also battled some Magic Pots in the Northern Cave as well as battled the final enemies.

09-02-2002, 03:04 AM
Humm.....well that pic looks very....real, although I know how easy it is to modify with photoshop...I'll trust you on this one....heh i'd say thats a world record. Humm....i was going to attach my time buts its too big...o well.

09-02-2002, 03:07 AM
Heh. Would a savegame file be any more convincing? I can send that too, although I guess that could be edited too. I guess like Cait Sith said, you just have to trust me.

09-02-2002, 03:13 AM
Humm....Check ur pm's.....anyway, I'd like to have that save file....I know no way of editing them, that would prove it for sure.

DUDE!!!!! I JUST TRYED THAT FILE.....THATS TOTALLY SICK MAN! I can't believe my clock must run really slow....cause it clearly shows just over 7 hours.....O_O

09-04-2002, 01:49 AM
ive been looking for something to do in vii, my characters are invulnrable. i will have to start next summer though. school and all. check in with updates as i get them.

Neo Xzhan
09-07-2002, 09:44 AM
Hmm agent your time mayb very fast but somehow I dont believe that you won the finalfight without materia and stuuf. When I played for the 1st time I never got bahamut Zero and KOTR or Ultima and that kindastuff. further more the boss battle would have been very hard when I look at ur lvls. I dont want to inslut you but it looks as if you used a trainer.

09-07-2002, 04:52 PM
If you're talking about the time around 7 hours, I did use materia for that. The challenge there was just the time, not no materia or anything. If however you mean the other one, with the levels around level 75, it is most definitely possible to kill off Sephiroth at those levels without materia.

09-07-2002, 10:34 PM
Ya....his time shot file was with Materia....His levels wern't even that low, He could kick Seph no problem....BTW whats a trainer?

09-08-2002, 05:08 AM
A "trainer" is just another term used for "editor." I have one that lets you edit items, stats, chocobos, so on, so on. But I didn't touch it for this challenge.

09-10-2002, 11:38 AM
how far you got so far then???

09-21-2002, 07:16 PM
I managed to get to the crater but I cant beat jenova without my stuff :)

09-21-2002, 08:14 PM
Try leveling up some and make sure you have some helpful items like Lunar and Light Curtain and X-Potion. You probably won't be able to beat Jenova outright, but you should be able to survive her Ultima attack if you make sure you have everybody fully healed right before she's about to use it. Do you have Megalixirs? There's an easy one to get in the inn in Junon that you may have missed. You have to go to the second floor with the beds and investigate the cabinet, investigate five times and Cloud will get mad and kick it down and take it. Other than that, I don't know. Maybe set ATB to Wait mode to get a bit more of an advantage.

09-22-2002, 10:50 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Actually, that Megalixir is in a cupboard in the Kalm inn, not the Junon inn. ;) Yeah, just open the cupboard 5 times and you'll get it. And there's planty of Elixirs and Megalixirs on the way down the crater if you go both ways. Just try your best. ;)

09-23-2002, 12:47 PM
is there any monster that have megaelixirs to steal or from morphing them???

09-23-2002, 09:11 PM
There is no monster that you can steal or morph a Megalixir from. Master Tonberries will sometimes drop a Megalixir if you don't steal an Elixir from them first, or Morph them into a ribbon.

Neo Xzhan
09-23-2002, 09:20 PM
Yes there are no monsters that drop megalixers. But using materia (morph is materia) and upgrading was forbidden for this non materia/upgrade chalenge :uh?: .

09-24-2002, 02:25 AM
Well, actually, as I just said, there is an enemy that drops Megalixirs, and that's the Master Tonberry. But Neo Xzhan is correct that even if there were one that you could steal/morph for it, it wouldn't be any good for that challenge, since you can't use any materia.

Safer Sephiroth
09-25-2002, 01:25 AM
Well I am finally on Disk 3 it was extremely hard to get there, but I made it. I'm going to try and kill Jenova and Sephiroth tonight if it's possible.

09-25-2002, 09:27 AM
are your characters maxed out??

i dont think it matters about the time anyway..

must be bring with no magic, having to kill sephiroth with attacks...