10-02-2008, 03:33 AM
I own two FF games, X and XII. X was my first which I couldn't stand the random battles, everything was confusing for me in that game from the sphere grid to the weapon/armour customization but on the other hand, XII was completely the opposite. I found it way easier to progress, addictive gameplay, licenses/weapons were alot more clearer, leveling was great and now I'm thinking if I should give another FF game ago. Even though they don't have the active battle system like XII did which I love.
Also, I've been generally browsing around and a majority of ff fans say XII is harder than X... which I have no idea how or why? Anyway, recommendations?
Thanks :)

10-02-2008, 04:03 AM
If you want something similar to FFXII, FFXI is probably the closest. I haven't played it, because I flat-out REFUSE to get into the MMO world... for my own sanity.

10-02-2008, 05:19 AM
Like terabyte said, XI is your closest bet to XII... despite XI being a ridiculously pathetic excuse for a FF game.

Personally I reckon that X is harder because it takes longer to go through battles and whatnot, plus you have customization and damage/hp/mp limits. The Sphere Grid, however, is actually pretty easy when you get the hang of it.

XII's Lisence Grid to me seems like a bit of a joke, but rather than explain I'd rather let VGCats do it for me...

10-02-2008, 04:25 PM
I can't speak for FFXI personally, having never agreed with the 'pay-to-play' monthly fees, but it's probably the closest to XII, as pretty much all the others rely on the random battles you seem to hate so much.

10-03-2008, 12:37 AM
I would definitely say to play as many as you possibly can. With computers now days, you can emulate just about every FF game (PS1 and back shouldn't be too hard to do). That way you can at least try the other ones without having to buy them. Who knows? Maybe you will find one that you like.

As for FFX, it really wasn't that hard once you get used to the grid. And, as far as I am concerned, FFXII was probably one of the easier of the FFs.

10-03-2008, 01:17 AM
I haven't played it, because I flat-out REFUSE to get into the MMO world... for my own sanity.

lol this comment makes me lawl.

10-03-2008, 06:29 AM
I never knew FFXI was out on ps2, although I can't play as I'm in Australia. I've been checking out ff vids for the ps and realised they have leveling, unlike X so maybe I should try one of the ps games. The leveling aspect may change my thoughts about enjoying a game with random battles. So, it all comes down to VII, VIII or IX. What should I get?
Thanks guys,.

10-03-2008, 06:32 AM
I own two FF games, X and XII. X was my first which I couldn't stand the random battles, everything was confusing for me in that game from the sphere grid to the weapon/armour customization but on the other hand, XII was completely the opposite. I found it way easier to progress, addictive gameplay, licenses/weapons were alot more clearer, leveling was great ... Also, I've been generally browsing around and a majority of ff fans say XII is harder than X... which I have no idea how or why? Anyway, recommendations?
Thanks :)

Two things on which I would like to comment:

1. FFXII is more simplistic in some of its aspects than other FFs, which is probably why you like it more. For example, the weapon/armor upgrading is basically just buying which kind of weapons and armor you like, as long as their stats are better than the ones you just had. This is unlike FFX, where you either find them or make them by getting items (about which you expressed disdain). The leveling system is easier, too: LP is rewarded after every kill to every character, and with enough, you learn a new grid on the license grid, unlike the sphere grid, where you need to be in an exact spot at one point, and requires you to have the right sphere. Not every single aspect is simpler (ie the gambit system, which one may or may not consider to be easy), but I would say that overall, it's not too complicated.

2. This regards your question as to why so many people say that FFXII is harder than other FFs. I agree with them, actually, because you really need to strictly follow a guide to get most quests done perfectly. For example, the notorious Zodiac Spear problem, which basically requires you to be paying attention to your actions that affect the future from the beginning. Another example would be the trouble of finding the side quest bosses, which are almost impossible to find out without a guide. A last example would be the boss fights, as well. The bosses have a hell of a lot more HP proportional to your stage in the game than any other FF.

I don't have a recommendationas far as other FFs fo. Others have said to try FFXI; I personally haven't tried it, so I have no opinion. But I would actually recommend against the previous ones, if you didn't care for FFX. Actually, the closest FF to FFXII sounds like it's going to be FFXIII, and, unfortunately, it won't be released for a while.

10-03-2008, 07:43 PM
I never knew FFXI was out on ps2, although I can't play as I'm in Australia. I've been checking out ff vids for the ps and realised they have leveling, unlike X so maybe I should try one of the ps games. The leveling aspect may change my thoughts about enjoying a game with random battles. So, it all comes down to VII, VIII or IX. What should I get?
Thanks guys,.

If you are trying to decide between these...I would say go with 7. The way you get your spells and stuff in that one is by simply equipping the correct materia. In 8 you have to basically steal your abilities from the enemies. 9 is personally one of my favorites, but in order to gain an ability or spell you have to equip a weapon that has that ability, kill enemies to permanently gain it, and then go on to your next ability. So the easiest would probably be least in my opinion.

10-04-2008, 02:53 AM
Seeing as this thread doesn't have anything specifically to do with FFXII, I am moving it to Gen FF...

10-10-2008, 07:49 PM
I own two FF games, X and XII. X was my first which I couldn't stand the random battles, everything was confusing for me in that game from the sphere grid to the weapon/armour customization but on the other hand, XII was completely the opposite. I found it way easier to progress, addictive gameplay, licenses/weapons were alot more clearer, leveling was great and now I'm thinking if I should give another FF game ago. Even though they don't have the active battle system like XII did which I love.
Also, I've been generally browsing around and a majority of ff fans say XII is harder than X... which I have no idea how or why? Anyway, recommendations?
Thanks :)

You should probably stay away from RPG's altogether. Im not trying to be a cock, but if you dont like random battles, you should go back to animal crossing or whatever bro.

10-10-2008, 08:53 PM
You can also try Mass Effect and Tales of Vesperia for the 360. Two games considered as RPGs (or JRPG, or Adventure games with parties, whatever Prak might want to call them), and both have NO RANDOM encounters.

So don't listen to Locke_FF36 when he says to go look for an other game genre. He's just a common ignorant.

10-10-2008, 08:58 PM
Rogue Galaxy is an RPG with random battles, but it has no loading screens for the fights, and it's not turn based. So you might want to give that one a try.

10-10-2008, 09:28 PM
I flat-out REFUSE to get into the MMO world... for my own sanity.

I must agree

10-10-2008, 10:01 PM
ok, so 95% of RPG's have random battles, thats a considerable amount Hynad.

jewess crabcake
10-10-2008, 10:23 PM
ARPGSs are still RPGs. So it's less than 95%.

10-10-2008, 10:40 PM
I was just simply stating if he doesnt like random battles, RPGs are more than likely not his thing. Unless, he takes off with a classic RPG and just learns not to mind them. Start out with FF6 or Chrono Trigger

10-11-2008, 02:57 AM
Well, I gave FF X another shot. It's going to sound strange but before I had no idea what I was doing but now it makes alot more sense. I understand more on how the game works and I've progressed quite alot into the game now from where I gave up. The random battles have grown on me, and it's hooking me back in the game more. Maybe XII gave me the familiarity of using magics and items which made me get back into X. Anyway, after this game, I know I'll enjoy another ff game, with random battles ofcourse :)
From replies, I'll try and get VI or VII.

10-11-2008, 03:35 AM
Well, I gave FF X another shot. It's going to sound strange but before I had no idea what I was doing but now it makes alot more sense. I understand more on how the game works and I've progressed quite alot into the game now from where I gave up. The random battles have grown on me, and it's hooking me back in the game more. Maybe XII gave me the familiarity of using magics and items which made me get back into X. Anyway, after this game, I know I'll enjoy another ff game, with random battles ofcourse :)
From replies, I'll try and get VI or VII.

Thats great man, now you are set. Random battles are hard to let grow on you too haha.

jewess crabcake
10-11-2008, 02:20 PM
Well, I gave FF X another shot. It's going to sound strange but before I had no idea what I was doing but now it makes alot more sense. I understand more on how the game works and I've progressed quite alot into the game now from where I gave up. The random battles have grown on me, and it's hooking me back in the game more. Maybe XII gave me the familiarity of using magics and items which made me get back into X. Anyway, after this game, I know I'll enjoy another ff game, with random battles ofcourse :)
From replies, I'll try and get VI or VII.

Yes that happens to almost everyone. I honestly reccomend anyone who has played FFX, and gotten confused, to replay it from the start. It'll make MUCH more sense.

10-11-2008, 06:02 PM
I was thinking about that actually, since it's been a long time, but I'm up to Yunalesca so I figured I should keep on going... but to top things off, first try on Yunalesca she had 100 hp left on 3rd form, rikku left standing with confuse :(