Divine Strike
06-13-2002, 08:49 PM

Who plays Diablo I online?...........and if ya do what is your characters name/s?

06-14-2002, 03:39 AM
People still play that online? Scary.... REALLY scary....

Nowadays, it's all Diablo 2 baby! ^_^

Divine Strike
06-14-2002, 01:27 PM
ya it is scary that people still play it online.....and sometimes it really isn't that fun because of all the hackers.......the only way to have fun online is to have a 100% legit character.........Which I have one of those, the other is not even closed to legit....he has bunch of duped items.............i'll probably get Diablo two but first i'm gonna get a ps2 tomorrow............what game should i get for it?(pm me)

06-20-2002, 11:50 PM
I play Diablo II: LoD. My account names are: Menkster and HitmanInACan, all USEast realm.

Neo Xzhan
06-22-2002, 06:00 PM
I've played it once but it was rather boring. Today I only play DiabloII LoD online which is really kewl.

06-23-2002, 02:17 AM
I used to be a regular D2 junkie (not the Exp.), but my CD stopped working.

Recently it magically revived itself, and because I hadn't used it for so long, my precious account was deleted ;_; ...bubye...lv74 Necro....60 paladin...*sniff*.

Divine Strike
06-23-2002, 04:05 AM
I play D.1 because its the only one i have i'll probably get D.2 soon..........How are the graphics in d2?

Neo Xzhan
06-23-2002, 03:37 PM
The graphics r okay (same isometric view with a little extra feeling of depth). But the gameplay is awesome. I really recommend getting the expasion disc aswell (Lord of Destruction) this adds a new act and 2 characters classes and tons!!!!! of new items.

Rabid Monkey
06-23-2002, 11:06 PM
I hardly ever play the first Diablo anymore, but its nice to play it every now and then still just for old times sake...

06-28-2002, 10:33 PM
Like many before me,I too play Diablo II.I think it has better graphics than Diablo two(Definently!)and there is just alot more to choose from.My fav. characters are Necros and Pallys.I currently have a Lvl. 40 Necro name Ketal(Who would have thought:D )so if you are on,add me too your buddy list and send a message...and If you just began or need help,I'll see what I can do.Also,as a small treat to all you history buffs out there,you can see an actual replica of a famous tapestry in the Louve(that's in France)in the game.All you have to do is go to the inner cloister and when you enter the big door,take a left,go through the small door) and look on the wall inside the room.Neat huh?

*If you don't wanna go all that way,just look at this sample pic.The light is blurry becuase when the comp. takes a screen shot,it minimizes everything so please forgive me!*

Neo Xzhan
06-28-2002, 11:19 PM
I 2 play alot of DiabloII the last time so if ur on I've a lvl 40 necro called Ex_Death and a lvl 44 Sorc called Neo_sheeva. Just give me a call when ur there. (both r Slayers)

07-01-2002, 04:56 PM
I would like to play D2 with you all but If you ever want to meet on bnet together,please put your account name....Yes I know,I forgot mine.My account name is Divingeon.

Black Mage
07-05-2002, 06:08 PM
Hello ppl i play D2 my account name is totalFF if anyone wants 2 play with me then add me to your friend list and i'll cya on battle.net

Rabid Monkey
07-05-2002, 07:13 PM
heh...I got a 54 sorc named YoMammaFoolio if anyone wants to add me... Got an assassin that I use a lot too but I can't remember her name off the top of my head, then there is my 37 barb named MeIsAreBald... I wish I still had my 89 sorc...stupid b.net making me HAVE to use them in a certain amount of time...