09-30-2008, 10:30 AM
Hey guys! Been lurking around this place, and thought I'd do Ratchet fans the service of collecting all the Quest for Booty music, plus a couple of the songs sung in there, such as the Grog Riddles and the fabled Song of the Dead. Here's the link:


I didn't use the hi-tech method of ripping, rather, I used a good ol' DVD Recorder and Audacity to get the music. Don't worry, I turned off the vocals and sound effects. Here's a list of what to expect in the download (Track Titles made up by me):

Title Screen
XMB Music
The Azorean Sea
Weapon Upgraded!
Hoolefar Turbines
Mysteries of Hoolefar
Fixing the Supply Beacon
The Obsidian Eye
Entering Morrow Caverns
Song of the Dead
The Mysterious 'Shadow Puppet'
Slag's Song
The Pythoid
Darkwater's Ship Revealed
Climbing Darkwater's Fleet
A Pair of Weapons!
The Curse of Darkwater
Talwyn Rescued
The Battle of Hoolefar Island
Darkwater Cove
Angstrom's Brew
Angstrom's Brew Solved
Angstrom's Tune
Angstrom's Tune Solved
Lythoin Caves
Negotiations with Captain Sprocket
Sprocket's Rage
Battle For the Fulcrum Star

As a note, the voice recordings for K-I-S-S-S-I-N and Slag's Song are in Mono because of the disorientation that arises from listening to the tracks in stereo, where I just COULD NOT get the camera to track right and have the sounds even on both speakers (impossible in terms of Slag's Song because you go down a Grind Rail at the start of his song). Also, the Credits track is just a trim of the full song, with the start and end cut off as they are already from level music. The title music was thrown in for good measure.

Hope you guys enjoy the music!

09-30-2008, 03:08 PM
that's so awesome!! Thank you very much ^.^

09-30-2008, 05:03 PM
Very cool, thanks.

10-01-2008, 07:13 AM
Aye Aye! Finally, The Buried Treasure Opens!
HeeHarHar! Thank you to Posting This! Matey! :D

10-01-2008, 07:11 PM
Thank you,

10-02-2008, 02:57 AM
Very cool work, Thanks man!

Inferno Dragon
10-04-2008, 08:19 PM
Thanks KBABZ, here have I been looking for, If you have Secret Agent Clank also, pm me or give me link.

10-04-2008, 08:32 PM
Inferno, check OrangeC's Goldmine. He's done a complete data rip of Secret Agent Clank.

Thanks, KBABZ--very much. You've made R&C fans very happy. :D

EDIT: Not to sound ungrateful, really (I'm VERY appreciative) but--128kbps?? WHY?? :( If there's any chance at all that you still have the Audacity project files, or would be willing to re-rip at 320 (or better yet, lossless :D ) I'd be more happy than you know. :)

But, if you're unwillling to upload a 320kbps rip, if you still just have the Audacity project files, could you upload those in a .zip or something? That way Audacity users could export their own, slightly higher-quality tracks.

Don't mean at all to sound like an ass, or be ungrateful. Honest. I really am thankful for your work.

10-05-2008, 01:01 AM
Heh, sorry about that. 128 is my preferred quality since it keeps the sound files at a good file size without sounding like one of my dad's old records of the Beatles. Still, I did wonder a bit as to whether I should have increased the size. I'll try and re-do it. Keep in mind that I had to record through the standard Composite cables, not the HDMI one, so the audio quality may be lesser anyway.

Also, Audacity doesn't do a 'rip' in the normal sense of the word, rather it records the sound currently being played through the speakers. One time someone signed in on MSN as I was recording so I got that sign in noise in the middle of one of the tracks so I had to re-record it!

As a final note, the Secret Agent Clank music (which isn't mine, but I have downloaded it meself) is in .ogg format, so you'll have to find a convertor. Funnily enough Audacity can handle .ogg files.

10-05-2008, 05:28 AM
Why would you need a converter for the SAC rip? The reason why it's in .OGG is that's the way their encoded on PSP UMDs, making OrangeC's rip the most perfect you can get.

And of course Audacity can handle OGGs--it's the third most used audio format. :P

And yes, I use Audacity quite often. I just thought you might have saved the tracks as you were doing it as .aud Project files, and could so upload them for other Audacity users such as myself, saving yourself some work. :)

I don't at all mean to sound rude, I'm just curious: why not use the HDMI cables? :confused:

Another way you could do this (that may be a bit easier, and is the more common method) is record directly to Audacity without a DVD recorder, using a double-headed male headphone/mic jack cord. You take one end and put into the earphone jack of your sound system, and take the other and put it into either the mic or line-in jack on your computer. Tell Audacity that jack is the sound source, and voila, you're recording straight from your speakers without the middleman. :)

10-06-2008, 01:33 AM
I try that method but it's less than ideal, as I have to be VERY finnicky with the plug in order to get the right sound. And I never tend to save the project files, I just edit it and export.

The reason why I don't use an HDMI cable is because the DVD Recorder I use doesn't have an HDMI input, so I have to put up with it.

Finally, I said convert SaC because I'm pretty sure iPods and PSPs can't play .ogg files.

10-07-2008, 09:31 AM
Thanks very much KBABZ. I've been waiting for this one for a while :)

10-07-2008, 07:38 PM
Thanks a lot for this, I've wanted it since release night! :D

10-08-2008, 09:59 PM
Well Done ! sexpot Don't forget to check out all other OST for Ratchet & Clank series in my thread (Thread 45702) ;-) Enjoy !

10-08-2008, 11:38 PM
love you man, no homo

10-09-2008, 02:27 PM
Well Done ! sexpot Don't forget to check out all other OST for Ratchet & Clank series in my thread (Thread 45702) ;-) Enjoy !

Heheh, I knew of the site beforehand, so I have all the RaC music EVER on my PS3 (Galbadia Hotel helped out too). I feel privileged actually to have contributed to carrying the whats-it torch for QFB.

10-11-2008, 06:14 PM
THank You!!!

10-12-2008, 01:01 AM
Thanks very much KBABZ. I've been waiting for this one for a while :)

I know, thanks. During my lurking about the forums I've found that you were anticipating this one!

Thanks to everyone who's said thanks. I'm prepping up to do a higher-quality recording at the moment.

10-17-2008, 07:24 PM
KBABZ,hey ,how did you record in detail the music with audacity?

10-17-2008, 11:58 PM
KBABZ,hey ,how did you record in detail the music with audacity?

Well the first step you need to do is to have a method of recording the QFB footage and uploading it to your computer. You could use a video capture card, or you could use my method of using a DVD Recorder. Turn the volume RIGHT down on the Sound Effects and Dialogue, and then run through the game recording the music. If a music track fades in rather than starts immediately, kill Ratchet. When he respawns, the music will start off as normal.

If you can rip the game music, then that is the preferred method. Not only will you get the highest quality, but you'll also avoid contextual events in the game affecting the music. For instance, in the track Ratchet Rescues Talwyn, Talwyn come up to Ratchet to thank him for rescuing her, which turns the music down as there is a conversation. Then then it ends, the music volume goes up, and you can hear this in the recorded track.

Anyway, once you have the footage, play it on your computer. If you have used the DVD Method put it into your computer, and use any DVD Player you like the most. Open up Audacity, and make sure that the recording device is set to Line In. Not all computers have this, but what this feature does is that it records any sound currently playing through the computer in PERFECT quality. This is handy for game soundtracks and recording your favorite quotes from movies.

This should be all you need to know, unless you want to know how to edit the track, but I won't bore you with that, and Google should give you a couple of good tutorials in the way of Audio Editing.

10-24-2008, 12:18 AM
A thousand 'Thank Yous' KBABZ. I've been anticipating this for ages.

11-24-2008, 07:02 AM
Sir! Thank you for Your Great Gamerip!
Eh... But Can I Request...?
Can you Rip off The BGM of Intro Part 2 (When Rusty Pete Acting Like Slag to Cheating the Robot Pirates),Dark Water's Journal Scene, and Slag's Resueccsion Scene?,Please..?
-I'll Waiting for Your Answer, Cap'n!-

11-24-2008, 07:32 AM
Thankyee kind sir!

11-24-2008, 12:23 PM
Sir! Thank you for Your Great Gamerip!
Eh... But Can I Request...?
Can you Rip off The BGM of Intro Part 2 (When Rusty Pete Acting Like Slag to Cheating the Robot Pirates),Dark Water's Journal Scene, and Slag's Resueccsion Scene?,Please..?
-I'll Waiting for Your Answer, Cap'n!-

I wish I could, but I can't. That music is from cutscenes, and I can't get the music from those because the music and the sound effects are linked to the same Volume Adjuster Thing.

Furry Fury
12-23-2008, 12:19 AM
i cant get that link to work i keep on getting:

Sorry, there are currently no free download slots available on this server.

Please try again later, or you can upgrade to FileFactory Premium for instant access.

12-23-2008, 12:23 AM
I'm not really sure how that works.

12-24-2008, 03:31 AM
Yep, that's just their crappy way of making you want to pay them for their service, and it's why FileFactory sucks balls. It's utter goat turd, too--they don't actually use anything resembling "download slots."

If you keep getting that message, it has nothing to do with your computer, your location, the uploader, the link, or your karma--it just sucks to be you. :P

So, wait a while. There's a random chance that sometime, somewhere, you'll be able to get it. Try going to a different computer and clicking the link.

04-04-2009, 01:05 AM
To me it says " sorry, there is currently no download slots available".

Can someone help please?

04-07-2009, 12:59 PM
Oh, Don't be Panic Matey! Just visit the Ratchet-galaxy.com
and Enter the 'Musiques', and Take the All of Music Cargos!
Here is the Fiddler's Green. http://www.ratchet-galaxy.com/musique-racqfb.php
Enjoy the Piracy, Matey! Heh Har har Harg!!!!

04-15-2009, 04:57 PM
Oh, Don't be Panic Matey! Just visit the Ratchet-galaxy.com
and Enter the 'Musiques', and Take the All of Music Cargos!
Here is the Fiddler's Green. http://www.ratchet-galaxy.com/musique-racqfb.php
Enjoy the Piracy, Matey! Heh Har har Harg!!!!

Oh No!!! The site isn't working anymore! Did it get deleted???!!!!

06-17-2009, 04:16 AM
Not on my end. Cheeky slys they are, that is of course the music you can get in my FileFactory download.

Devils Dog
06-20-2009, 11:21 PM
thanks for that KBABZ

Can you upload the longer end credits track if you have it?

the only thing i wish that you did was have not cut the tracks so short (as in have made them loop or something more)

06-21-2009, 04:22 AM
I personally don't like having the tracks loop, it's a waste of download and HDD space, and you can easily hear it again by going back to the start. The tracks are there in their entirety though, I don't make it fade out until the track has played out in full.

Devils Dog
06-28-2009, 11:35 PM
wha do you do any way, do you record so much, then listen to it up to where it repeats and then shorten it down or something?

06-29-2009, 07:08 PM
Thx man! :)

06-30-2009, 01:50 AM
wha do you do any way, do you record so much, then listen to it up to where it repeats and then shorten it down or something?
Yes, precisely. Some tracks, like The Mysteries of Hoolefar, are hard because they sound the same almost the whole time.

04-18-2013, 07:36 AM
this soundtrack isnt on the thing anymore

04-18-2013, 08:15 AM
The Buried Treasure Opens!