Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
06-13-2002, 02:51 AM
I made this whole story off when Cloud says that he wanted to be a war hero, just like Sephiroth. It's short, just the way they ought to be. And I want feedback, all right?

If you've got a weak stomach, you might not want to read it, seeing as it's pretty gory.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the Wutai general wouldn't have believed it. Even now that he had seen it, he still doubted his senses. One man had taken out an entire battalion without even a scratch on him. And with a sword no less! Granted, it was a gigantic sword -- several times taller than the man himself -- but his troops -- armed with guns -- should have been able to take him out. Yet, there he was.
He strutted around the blood- and body-covered battlefield, presumably looking for someone else to kill. He waved his massive, curved sword menacingly. Even though he wore no armor, there wasn't a scratch on him. Not one cut, not even a bruise! He must deflected every single bullet shot at him from the hundreds of soldiers. He was the only one left alive on the battleground, except for the general -- who was cowering behind a barricade -- himself. The two dozen troops that had come in with him were dead from sniper fire nearby where the carnage had started.
After the initial victory of dispatching the troops that had accompanied the man in black, the Wutai fighters had celebrated briefly, figuring that one man couldn't possibly take on an army. That's when he had made his move. He skewered three men on his lengthy blade and flicked them off in one fluid motion. That's when the soldiers started getting nervous and fired as fast as they could without regard to their fellow soldiers.
A few were taken out by friendly fire right away. The snipers had tried to get a bead on the man, but he was too fast. He seemed to disappear and appear suddenly, he was so swift. He was a blur most of the time. A black blur, heralding their imminent doom. Even when they did try shooting at the caped man, he wasn't there. It was like he knew that he was going to shoot at him. The first was taken out by a lightning bolt seemingly out of nowhere. The remaining were slain in similar ways.
Not only was this man unimaginably skilled with a sword, he also was a magic-caster! To add to the horror, he knew the locations of the troops without seeing them. The general had chanted to himself that this person wasn't real, that it was some sort of delusion. Unfortunately for anyone there that day, the general's hopes didn't pan out.
Many of the regular ground troops had been killed not directly by the vicious, now blood-covered blade, but by their own bullets being deflected with eagle-eyed precision. The ones that tried to retreat had stared on in horror and amazement at this. . .man -- maybe he wasn't a man at all, but some sort of fighting machine or unholy demon. As they ran -- backwards, with guns blaring -- for their lives, the soldiers had suffered a worse fate then the others. The man in black had sliced off their limbs and left them to die while muttering something about how that was their "punishment for trying to get away."
The general remembered the head of the Shinra military telling him that they had a secret weapon ready to battle-tested on his army and that he ought to surrender while he can. At the time, the general figured that it was some sort of new gun or cannon that could easily be taken out. Never in his wildest dreams had he figured that this "secret weapon" of theirs could be one indestructible soldier. In effect, he refused the surrender option. As he huddled, he figured that what lay before him was the punishment for his arrogance.
It was the bloodiest, most gruesome sight the general had ever seen. He wished that he was dead, so that the memories of this day wouldn't haunt him. Still huddled behind the concrete barricade, the general took a mighty chance and took out a grenade hidden inside his uniform. He pulled the pin and lobbed it at the devil in a cape. It landed right at the man's feet. The general celebrated silently as the man didn't flinch, didn't even seem to notice. The pineapple went off, splitting the air with a deafening explosion and sending a cloud of dust up into the air, making it hard to breathe. There was shrapnel embedded deep in the barrier. The general celebrated -- loudly this time -- as he had triumphed over the one who had taken his army from him.
There was no sign of movement as the dust settled, so the general started walking away, reveling in his glory. Suddenly, he heard a noise that demanded his attention. It sounded like steel against concrete. There were only two reasons for this, the general was sure of that. Either the man's sword had suddenly fallen out of his hand, or (this second option terrified the general) the man was, by some miracle, still alive. He whipped around to see the man in black standing there, unhurt, where he had been when the grenade had gone off. There wasn't a scratch on him. He stood, frowning maliciously, at the general. Then he spoke, instilling mind-numbing fear into the general.
He said, slowly and calmly, "What was that all about?"
The general, frozen in place, felt compelled to answer for some reason he couldn't identify. His teeth chattered as he tried to speak. "Y-y-you k-killed my m-men."
The man stared penetratingly at the general before he spoke. "Revenge, then?"
Again the presence of the man made him reply. "Y-y-yes, I s-s-suppose."
The man stood and thought about this for a few seconds, still gazing at the general with those strange, glowing eyes. "Well then, I ought to do the same for your attempt on my life." He lowered his sword.
The general tried to run away, but he couldn't get his legs to respond. He figured that even if he could have, the man in black was much too fleet of foot. Suddenly, the man seemed to disappear and, all of a sudden, he couldn't feel anything below his waist. It took his mind a few moments, through the fog of intense pain, to register that he was seeing the lower half of his body standing before him. It took his mind a few more moments to process what had just happened. Then, as suddenly as the act had been carried out, it came to him that the mysterious man in black had cut him in two, severing his spinal cord. He was immediately horrified at the man's cruelty, leaving him here to die in immense agony.
Then the butcher/demon/man spoke, numbing the pain somewhat. "When you see your men in death, tell them that Sephiroth sent you." He then walked off, his death-blade gleaming in the noonday sun.
As consciousness passed from him, the general realized that this whole thing had taken less than half an hour. In his last moments before he assimilated into the Lifestream, he hoped and prayed to every deity he knew of that this Sephiroth would get what was coming to him.

06-13-2002, 12:12 PM
Wow,...that's a cool story...I LIKE IT !

Yeah thats a nice story,very deep.

06-15-2002, 01:12 AM
That was very good. Very good indeed. As I was reading it, my mind did not stray for a second and I could see everything that you were discribeing. It was intense enough to make you want to read on, but not to intense to where it is hard to read. The details were very well written, they didn't deter me from reading the story. But gave me a good sense of what was actually happening. Nice job!

Winged Emerald Lion
07-12-2002, 11:38 AM
Yeah difinately awsome. Its true to Sephiroth's style and a bloody masterpeice in its own way. nice. I wanna write my own too. n_n

Lady of the Firedrakes
07-16-2002, 04:59 AM
Although, to me it didn't seem as gory as you let on...maybe I'm just used to it? cool though!