Kool Ranch
06-12-2002, 11:30 PM
What do you think some of the most underrated games of all time are?

I just got done playing Mega Man Legends 2, and I gotta say that's probably one of the most underrated games I've ever played. It's as solid a game as I've ever played, but it seems like the series (the Mega Man Legends branch, that is) gets almost no credit.

So what's yalls opinons?

06-12-2002, 11:33 PM
I agree that the Mega Man Legends series is underrated. 2 especially. . .and Tron Bonne. . . but that one isn't really underrated.

If it helps, most people I know that played MMLs think its great. For the type of games that are popular now, this is one of the few series that does a decent job of it.

anyways. . .

for this topic. . .

my chosen underrated game will be. . .


06-13-2002, 04:06 AM
*picks from his underrated game list...*

Lets see.....

One I would have to say is Dynasty Warriors 3, a game in which no one really pays attention to really.

Another would be Slient Bomber, a great game... though it does get kinda boring after playing if for a year.

Winback is fun though it can be very fustrating if you run up and start shooting like an idiot.

06-13-2002, 06:17 AM
Well the first thing I always say here is Winback: Covert Operations, a super-slick stealth/action game for N64 and PS2 (I sound like an ad, don't it? :D) This game is SO cool. It's like Time Crisis in the third person with lock-ons. Very long and challenging, too. The graphics are uber-shitty which is probably why it gets no respect, but people really should play this game more.

I'll agree that the MML series is very underrated. I haven't played MML2 but I intend to pick it up someday. The first is a great game.

Next up, Legend of Legaia, one of the sweetest RPGs I have ever played. Uber-creative, so fun, and yet I never hear it get praised much.

PAPER MARIO. This is one of the most incredibly fun games I've ever had, way up there on my list of favorite RPGs... people dismiss it because it lacks the flashy cut scenes and complex stories of other RPGs but it is really just about damn good fun and that's what it is the whole way through.

06-13-2002, 03:35 PM
Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast is fairly underrated, but I love the interaction between the little pets you can create.

David F
06-19-2002, 07:10 AM
Front Mission 3
Persona 2

That's about all the truly underrated games I can think of for the 32bits, I don't like goin' back to the 16bit era.

06-20-2002, 03:24 AM
I 100% agree with Mog on Dynasty Warriors 3. That is the best fighting game ever!!!!!

Also Valkyrie Profile is underatted a ton! It's a kickass game, how can no one see! ;_;

Neo Xzhan
06-23-2002, 11:50 PM
Well I recently got Blood Omen and that is an underrated game. I've read several reviews and the score always to low. The never mentioned anywhing about the story (which is the best part of the game) and there grahpics r above avarege. The music is really good (which got low score) really atmospheric, and the gameplay is nearly perfect so my score would b
Graphics: 7.8
Sounds: 9.7
Total: 9.2

Crazy Chocobo
06-24-2002, 02:16 AM
well... PC Gamer liked the PC Version of Blood Omen, giving it a good rating.

06-24-2002, 09:27 AM
Conker's bad fur day was underrated Imo. The game itself is hilarious is you like the type of humor and the gameplay is just great. It's a true rare classic Imo
I agree with Tk on Paper Mario, that game has just been forgotten by many and it's a fun game and something new for most mario addicts.
Sacrifice on the pc is underrated as well, or at least I think it is o_O

Endless Maggot #5
06-25-2002, 01:03 PM
I agree with Zhang He, Valkyrie Profile is underated.

But IMO, the Breath of Fire series is so underrated. BoF hasn't been looked at by very many people. The only magazine who gives it good credit is GamePro. They said it would replace FF when it went down the crapper. BoF is my favorite game series of all time.

06-25-2002, 02:40 PM
FFT is a bit underrated.. a great game, but just few know about it.

Kool Ranch
06-26-2002, 01:11 AM
Oh yeah, and I think the Bushido Blade series is way underrated as well. Once you get into them, you'll find that they are extremely deep. Fun too, and a great atmosphere.

06-26-2002, 02:51 AM
Brigandine, a strategy/rpg/thing for the PSX. Awesome game, I suggest anyone who's a fan of long drawn-out boring strategy games based in fantasy check this game out. Another plus: POLYGONS!

12-17-2008, 05:58 PM
the 3d sonic series is highly underrated.nobody likes sonic games anymore.they are just ranting.the games are pretty good,but they don`t get a chance, no matter how much sega is changing their concepts for the so-called fans.

12-17-2008, 06:01 PM
Shit man, please don't revive 6 yr old threads. You can make a new thread about this topic if you'd like, though. General rule of thumb is don't reply to a thread if it isn't on the first page of threads in a given forum.

There was a more recent one around, too, iirc.