Safer Sephiroth
06-12-2002, 06:15 AM
How do I get Cloud in my party I've tried doing it before and I couldn't do it so I had to use a GameShark code just to get him, can somebody tell me how to get him the real way please.

06-12-2002, 08:15 PM
I only know that you can get him in chapter 7,the text below is a copy from a site,I hope it works....

CLOUD- (Hidden/Permanent member)
Finding Cloud is simply getting Beowulf and Reis and then continuinga chain of events. After getting the Ex-Temple Knight and his "pet dragon," head back to Goug Machine City. Ramza will stick the Zodiac Stone that Reis had into the steel machine and Worker No.8 will appear (discussed later). After you get the lumbering tin canman, head for Nelveska Temple where you'll face his evil twin brother Worker No.7. Destroy him to get another Zodiac Stone, which you should take back to Goug. By this time, Besrodio will have found a time machine. Ramza pops the new stone in and Cloud pops out. He runs away when you meet him, though.
After squishing Dycedarg at Igros Castle, head for Bervenia Volcano and equip the Move-Find skill on a Lancer. Head for the highest rock mass on the map and you'll locate the Materia Blade, Cloud's sword. After getting this, head for Zarghidas Trade City, where Cloud will be rescuing flower girls as usual. Unfortunately, he's in over his head on this one and your team will have to come to his rescue. After you blow the baddies away, Cloud will sign himself up with your team.

Safer Sephiroth
06-13-2002, 06:36 PM
Thank you:)