Lord Brimstone
09-25-2008, 04:40 AM
I figured someone was going to make this thread eventually so I might as well make it myself. So Yeah, Megaman 9. It's being released tomorrow on Xbox live and the PS3 online services. It has already been released for Wiiware as well.
So I have been playing the hell out of this game for a while now, and being an avid fan of the classic series I have to say, this meets if not beats many expectations I had for this game compared to the Megaman games of days past.

It's main source of inspiration seems to be Megaman 2, which being considered the best of the series, is a good source to pull from. You have no power slide nor charge beam to play with. So you are stuck with your trusty mega buster, Rush Coil ala Megaman 3, and you own reaction time and jumping reflexes.

The level design is just awesome. some of the best designs I've seen in any video game for a while. The high difficulty that Megaman games of the past is notorious for remains intact. (fan-boys rejoice) Controls are just like the old games too. There's also a whole cast on new enemies and some old one's return with a few upgrades, or in the case of one, a downgrade. Sniper Joes now have Uzis along with their shields and the metools are the Megaman 1-2 Metools (I.E. the tough, Merciless ones)

Bosses are about what you expect in the 8-bit Megaman games. To be honest they could have been a little more tougher, but then again, I'm used to megaman 2-3 level of difficulty for Robot Masters and other bosses. Thankfully, there are no Doc Robots in this game.

There is a lot of nods to the old series. The boss intro music made famous by MM2 has returned to it's full 8-bit glory. The Item get music from 2 has also returned in a cool remixed version. You'll know it when you here it. The Wily castle theme from 2 has also returned. There are a bunch of others but I don't want to spoil those just yet.

Oddly enough though, the item store in Doctor Light's house which appeared in Megaman 7-8 has returned along with it's Screw currency. It's handy to have though since finding E tanks and extra lives has been made more rare to find in the game stages.

Have I mention the humor yet? Capom has really made fun of themselves in this game and it makes this game even more fun to play.
"Be careful Megaman! You haven't done this in a while" Yeah, tell me about it.
IMO this is a great game to play and it's a must have for people who are Megaman fans, old school game fans, or people that really want to play a fun game and don't mind losing all of the sparkles of next gen graphics and stuff.

I'll post more stuff about the game as soon as the Xbox and PS3 versions are released. In the mean time, if you wish to post your own opinions and MM9 stories or classic MM stories in general, feel free to do so.

Fight on, for everlasting peace!

09-25-2008, 07:34 AM
Mega Man 2 made me a video game nerd. Much in the same way Pamela Anderson made me a man.

09-25-2008, 08:10 AM
Man, Im getting it as soon as it comes out for the PS3.(Later Today)

09-25-2008, 08:43 AM
I'm kind upset they didn't include the power slide. Aside from that I won't be able to put in the hours I used to as a kid until after tomorrow because of home work. I played all 6 original NES Mega Man games and back in those days I would stay up until 3am to finish them, which at the time 3am didn't really exist to me unless I played Mega Man. But as far as i can see the game seems to take elements from all of the past NES Mega Man games. So far Mega Man 3 is still my favorite. Mega Man 7 and 8 I can live without.

Oh, and for those of you who have not seen this, here's a clipping from an old Nintendo Power magazine with Sun Man, the Mega Man enemy I created and submitted and was lucky enough to see it get published along with other people's submissions.

09-25-2008, 08:47 AM
Wow, Marvin thats cool.

Sun Man!

09-25-2008, 08:51 AM
Haha, awesome!

At least you didn't turn out like Nathan Bitner. Sorry if this thread doesn't load properly, Matt has been trying to fix the blog and accompanying archives of late. Still know that this thread has well over 2,000 responses, and for a site that lives in one thread at a time, it is probably our most epic.


09-25-2008, 09:00 AM
I say we should all draw and post our own Mega Man boss creations here. I've already started re-drawing Sun Man just for shits and giggles.

Lord Brimstone
09-25-2008, 04:04 PM
I'm all up for that. In fact, I was just thinking about all of my old robot Masters I used to come up with back in the day after reading your post. I do remember that Nintendo Power issue. I never realized you were the mastermind behind Sun Man though. That is quite awesome.

Edit: I made a "Create a Robot Master" Thread. Here is the link:

Thread 60051

09-25-2008, 04:07 PM
I say lets make a thread about it, since this one is for Megaman 9 discussion.


09-25-2008, 07:08 PM
Oh well i kinda started a thread myself but i only got two replies. Yes i have thread envy.


09-25-2008, 10:56 PM
Your thread was needless complaining, imo. By all means, answer my question here. What's wrong with it being download only?

Lord Brimstone
09-28-2008, 08:08 PM
Well, the game should be circulating by now so I will mention some other aspects about the game in more detail.

One thing that should be mentioned is that the game was made by Inti Creates Co. These guys are the force behind the Megaman Zero and Megaman ZX series. Some of these influences can be seen in MM9 in the form of multiple cut scenes and a actual progressing storyline, plus it also explains why Slash Woman bears a similarity to Fairy Leviathan from Megaman Zero.

Music wise, this game has gone back to it's roots of catchy and downright awesome stage music. Personal favorites include Galaxy Man, Tornado Man, and Hornet man's stages. You will also find some very familiar tunes in this game as well. Now one of the things I have heard purist complain about is that some of the music does not conform to the standards of the earlier Megaman games. My opinion of this is that if they didn't try to add some new musical elements into the game, It would make the game seem like a mere copy of the old games.

Well right now I'm at Wily's castle so if anyone needs help on what the Robot Master's weaknesses are, just PM me.

09-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Wow, I gotta download this asap. If anything, I'll probably play this one to the point of draining my Wiimote's batteries.

And to think, there are harder modes after you complete it...

09-29-2008, 07:10 PM
Just finished all the robot masters and am gonna start Wily's stages. I don't like how the start of the first one requires you to use a lot of that one power to move those things because I like to conserve stuff as much as possible. Oh well.

I found three of the robot masters' stages really hard, and the other five were all extremely easy. :/ Oh well. Game's pretty awesome. Tornado Man has a strong resemblance to Model H from Megaman ZX now that I think about it.

Lord Brimstone
10-01-2008, 05:59 AM
Tornado Man has a strong resemblance to Model H from Megaman ZX now that I think about it.

Well Wattson, apparently we are not the only ones who think this.


The person who did this hilarious comic is Ira, and I highly recommend checking out his site to see some really cool and well done megaman fan comics and flash games.

All Seeing Eye
10-02-2008, 01:06 PM
I heard the game is brutally hard. Not in a challenging sense, but in a cheap Battletoads, sense.

Lord Brimstone
10-03-2008, 03:22 AM
No, there's really no Battletoads stupid hardness in this game. All they really did was kick the level design difficulty up a notch but nothing that you couldn't beat and master the more you play the game. This is mainly the newer, less patient generation that is used to having games basically play themselves reaction to this old school inspired game. One thing I will admit though, is that the insane driving wall turret boss in Megaman 2 is back in spirit in a new, possibly more mind wracking form. Those who have played this game all the way through, know of what I speak of.

10-06-2008, 09:00 PM
This is just the game to start up and just play for an hour and feel good about it. So far, I've been trying the Time attack, but I can't get through the wily stages so far without dieing O-o

Lord Brimstone
10-07-2008, 05:55 PM
This is just the game to start up and just play for an hour and feel good about it.

That's was pretty much what they were trying to do here. Make a game that you can play for a few hours and feel good playing. Nothing more, nothing less, OK a little bit more. The first batch of Downloadable content is out.

One of the things released is the endless stage mode which is, well, an endless stage. I have to note that the music is awesome and a bit different than standard megaman music.

The other piece of DC is Proto Man mode. That's right. For the first time, you get to go through a megaman game playing as Rock's Cool Racer X looking older brother, Blues. With Proto Man comes some game mechanic changes. The big changes? wait for it....... He's got the slide and power shot. Yep fans of these two later megaman staples can rest easier now.

(Note: I did know about this a month before this content was released but I kept silent because, well spoilers.)

10-07-2008, 06:24 PM
That's was pretty much what they were trying to do here. Make a game that you can play for a few hours and feel good playing. Nothing more, nothing less, OK a little bit more. The first batch of Downloadable content is out.

One of the things released is the endless stage mode which is, well, an endless stage. I have to note that the music is awesome and a bit different than standard megaman music.

The other piece of DC is Proto Man mode. That's right. For the first time, you get to go through a megaman game playing as Rock's Cool Racer X looking older brother, Blues. With Proto Man comes some game mechanic changes. The big changes? wait for it....... He's got the slide and power shot. Yep fans of these two later megaman staples can rest easier now.

(Note: I did know about this a month before this content was released but I kept silent because, well spoilers.)

yThe only real drawback to playing as Proto Man is that he takes more damage, gets knocked back easier and he can't get access to the shop. Otherwise, he is pretty kickass.

This game is tough, but nothing that I am not used to. Definatley worth the downlaods

Lord Brimstone
10-08-2008, 03:08 AM
A couple of other differences between Proto Man and Mega Man I have noticed in addition to the ones mentioned above. Proto's Buster cannon fires only two normal shots on screen as opposed to Megaman's 3 shots. This means your shots need to be slightly more accurate with Proto Man. Also, I have discovered to my wondrous surprise that the Proto Shield does in fact work. While you are jumping, proto man puts his shield out in front of him ala Megaman 3. if a enemy shot hits you in the front while you are jumping, the shot is negated. Good to know in my opinion.

execrable gumwrapper
10-08-2008, 05:50 AM
That's right. For the first time, you get to go through a megaman game playing as Rock's Cool Racer X looking older brother, Blues.

Incorrect, in MegaMan Powered Up for the PSP, you have this option.