09-24-2008, 03:48 PM
[Sorry for posting this in the main forum, if someone could delete that copy of the post it would be awesome, thanks!]

I apologize if there's a link to this somewhere very obvious on the site or in these forums (kind of a hard one to search for in specific), but does anyone know of a link to a rip of the TurboGrafx CD soundtrack to Ys Book I & II? All the ones I can find on the site, etc. are all arranged or remixed commercial CD releases. The only version of the "Palace" track that I feel does any justice to it is the one from the game and, alas, I have the Wii VC version which is completely useless for extracting music from.

Thanks to anyone who can help me out here!

09-25-2008, 03:09 PM
I'm currently (very) slowly downloading a torrent of an ISO of the game. Hopefully the music is in Redbook format, as I believe basically all TG-CD games should be. At any rate, as soon as I get it ripped I'll upload it to Sharebee or something to fill my own request.

09-29-2008, 11:39 PM
Filling my own request, ripped from original CD image (not ISO-MP3 crap or anything like that):


(Download either with free, premium, or something like MultiDL.com or whatever.)

10-02-2008, 06:49 AM
The Solomon Shrine track on the TurboGrafx is AWESOME. I hated the one I heard on Ys II Eternal, but hearing the TurboGrafx arrangement made it my favorite track.

10-02-2008, 03:11 PM
It seems incredibly bizarre to me that the TurboGrafx version isn't considered the definitive non-arranged version of the soundtrack. Perhaps I'm just not seeing it, but it seems like none of the gazillion or so CDs released contain this version.

10-03-2008, 04:23 AM
You're seeing it right. None of them are this version. It's crazy. The arrangements on this one extraordinary.