Bahamut ZERO
06-11-2002, 03:36 PM
Okay... ***SPOILERS.*** That should cover it.

Has anyone noticed that the final bosses from Final Fantasy games tend to be flying "angelic" like incarnations.

Final Fantasy VI's Kefka, a man who wishes to be a God, comes down from the sky in his final incarnation with wings, and your characters are suspended in mid air when they fight him. (This is the fourth fight you have against him, the very, very last one.)

Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth, a man who wishes to be a God, comes down from the sky in his final incarnation with wings, and your characters are suspended in mid air when they fight him. (Safer Sephiroth, the "One Winged Angel.")

Final Fantasy VIII's Ultimecia, in her final form, comes up from the depths of space, has wings, and appears holy in appearance (white light where her face should be) and your chaacters are suspended in mid air when they fight her.

Final Fantasy IX's Necron, in its only form, levitates your characters up to do battle with it, and is slightly angelic in appearance (using your imagination a bit.)

This raises two questions. 1.) Are other final bosses flying characters slightly angelic / with god like powers / wishing to destroy the universe. And 2.) Why don't they not bother levitating the party? I mean, if they can't reach you, they can't kill you, right?

Okay, any opinions?

Rabid Monkey
06-11-2002, 05:59 PM
Just about every one is like that if I remember right... In one way or another. *Goes off to play FFIII and II again to check*

Neo Xzhan
06-13-2002, 02:02 PM
Yeah I noticed but the games still rock. It's nothing I really spend attention to so now u mentioned it.

06-16-2002, 10:29 PM
Hmmm..... the does seem to be true.:eye: Maybe that is because Flight (without planes or ships ect) is something that human kind has always dreamed about, made mythical stories about and the like. Since Humans can never fly like a bird and the final bosses can, it gives us a feeling that they have crossed the line so to speak from human to supernatureal-being. Does that make sense??

Come to think of it,*****Spoiler****** the final boss in FF10 is not arieal.:eye:

06-19-2002, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by RedRaven
Come to think of it,*****Spoiler****** the final boss in FF10 is not arieal.:eye:



Yes, it does. Yu Yevon, the final boss that you face between the two Yu Pagodas is sort of like a small floating ball with arms and a cape.

Yes, I have noticed that they are all like that for some strange reason. Maybe it's because they are supposed to be supreme and almighty, making them holy and godlike?

06-20-2002, 03:56 AM
Or maybe it's because Final Fantasy writers completely recycle old plots to make new ones. Final Fantasy 6 and Final Fantasy 7 have essentially the same exact plot.

06-20-2002, 04:11 PM
....And they always basically the same story line and personas again and again. Hmm, good point.....