Dark Rubes
09-21-2008, 06:11 AM
This link has been taken down. Moderators, please lock this thread.

09-21-2008, 09:05 AM
just downloaded this, i already had the soundtrack but i thought maybe this had more quality, and how Wrong i was...

The Tags are a Mess, they're not numbered.
low quality tracks.
and you don't even add the album art..
i regret downloading this. thanks but no thanks.

09-21-2008, 06:33 PM
Hmmm, hate to say it, but werwerwer is right. Everything is a mess, and the low quality doesn't help either.

However, When i saw that the name of the download was FFV Music, i didn't expect the Library at Alexandria to pop up. So i'm not disenchanted by it. You get what you download.

and frankly, when i dl osts, i do it for the music only, since my MP3 player hates image files, so not getting the album covers wasn't too bad for me.

Now, you could make this better :) rerip the songs at a higher rate, and tag them right. Nothing too big.

Thanks anyway!

Dark Rubes
09-21-2008, 07:07 PM
just downloaded this, i already had the soundtrack but i thought maybe this had more quality, and how Wrong i was...

The Tags are a Mess, they're not numbered.
low quality tracks.
and you don't even add the album art..
i regret downloading this. thanks but no thanks.

First of all, this was my first upload. My very first. I was trying to do something nice since I've taken a lot of soundtracks from here and I wanted to give something back. If you were going to criticize the download, you could have at least done it constructively.

When I ripped my original CDs, all I did was just put them in, try to select the right tags such as track name, artist and album and then rip. I was actually doing this for someone else who requested it in another thread but I thought I would be nice and put it in download links so that someone else might take advantage of it. But you know what? I really don't have time to go back and do it again.

Couple of things:

1. I don't know how to add album art and most of the soundtracks I have gotten from here do not have the album art included, so how would I know to add that immediately?

2. The tracks are named and say which album they came from, given that it's a compilation of 3 discs worth of music.

3. When I ripped the music, I had no idea that it doesn't rip at a high rate. I'm just ripping the CDs. I didn't know that I was supposed to be a music studio engineer at the same time.

4. My apologies to have caused you some amount of regret.

I will never again upload a download link for the sole purpose of being nice since apparently I don't know what I'm doing, and I really don't have time to go back and do it again.

The link will be taken down.

09-21-2008, 07:36 PM
you're kinda overreacting.

First off, changing the bitrate isn't too hard. Even when i was a noob at it, it wasn't too hard.

second, yeah, it was messy, but just a little bit of TLC goes a long way.

Third: Google is good for album art. Just stick it in the folder with the music :D

Fourth: Just because you got two gripes doesn't mean you should pack up and leave with your tail between your legs.

I appreciate the music, but you could have done better.

But don't worry, You WILL get better, as long as you try.

A wise man once said "Failure is a false mindset brought on by your ego to try to make you see how you erred and how to go about fixing that error."

No big, really. that first reply post was a bit harsh, and i should have said something.

but don't quit posting stuff just because you got booed 1.2 times (i only had one complaint)

YOu'll get better, i'm sure of it, if you keep at it.

WIth regards,


Dark Rubes
09-21-2008, 07:49 PM
you're kinda overreacting.

First off, changing the bitrate isn't too hard. Even when i was a noob at it, it wasn't too hard.

second, yeah, it was messy, but just a little bit of TLC goes a long way.

Third: Google is good for album art. Just stick it in the folder with the music :D

Fourth: Just because you got two gripes doesn't mean you should pack up and leave with your tail between your legs.

I appreciate the music, but you could have done better.

But don't worry, You WILL get better, as long as you try.

A wise man once said "Failure is a false mindset brought on by your ego to try to make you see how you erred and how to go about fixing that error."

No big, really. that first reply post was a bit harsh, and i should have said something.

but don't quit posting stuff just because you got booed 1.2 times (i only had one complaint)

YOu'll get better, i'm sure of it, if you keep at it.

WIth regards,


I appreciated your post. You were being constructive and that's what I needed to know. I'll keep working at it but it's people like the person before you that make me not want to do stuff out of the kindness of my heart.

I took the link down because it wasn't right. It's still up elsewhere here for the person who requested it. I will take your suggestions to heart and work at it.


09-21-2008, 08:11 PM
Hey, it's not a problem.

I just don't wanna see a future megaposter quit just because of some bad publicity.

Keep on keeping on.


09-21-2008, 09:22 PM
sorry man, my intention wasn't make you feel bad, i was just trying to let you know, i thought maybe you forgot to get the album image or number the songs.. i thought this was just a little mistake by you, im very sorry if i offended you, that wasn't really my intention.

Sorry for my random nickname, maybe that makes it more annoying the hole thing, but im a good guy just letting you know.

I recommend you this little and fast program for tagging music http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ that's the home page, it's a freeware.

09-21-2008, 09:55 PM
About the quality:

-make sure the data from the cd is ripped properly, you can do this by using Exact Audio Copy
-for mp3 the best encoder today is Lame, Lame 3.97 is recommended
-setting -V2 and above gives best quality possible, CBR 320 does not give better quality, but higher file size


09-21-2008, 11:15 PM
wow, thanks petpet, that's even useful to me :)