09-21-2008, 12:33 AM
Ok - first off - If I was ever a fan boy for anything video game related - Mass Effect would be it. I even read the dime store novels that have been released for the game. The fact that the game was originally built to be another Star Wars KOTOR game is obvious - but I still love the mythos created for it; this is also despite the technology in the game that is so physically wrong it makes my dick scream. But that is neither here nor there. I love the game. Awesome combat system - character development - graphics - and story.

Now - the story isn't as unbounded as Bioware had originally stated: Really the final outcome in your game's story comes down to two final choices you make at the end of the game; but, the story is still yours. My first play through I played an "evil" game. Well - I wouldn't call my first Shepard evil as she was a hard as nails badass who still has one scrape of humanity that sometimes shows through (she's also a lesbian alien lover). These are the characters I like. Through my story I made a Shepard whose devotion and patriotism for humanity was as hard casted as the other alien races' hatred for humanity. She rarely showed a soft side and most of the time played by her own rules. But in the end her desire to preserve all life prevailed over her lust for humanity's steps into the sky.

She made the decision to let the Council die - but she did not leave fate of the citadel in the hands of Ambassador Udina; but rather she left the role of leadership to Captain Anderson.

So really, I was wondering if anyone else who played this game had the same story telling euphoric experience I did. Or did you just kinda like the game - or hate it.

side note - how do I do a spoiler tag? :)

09-21-2008, 12:36 AM

W/O the spaces. I fixed yours for ya :-*

10-03-2008, 12:13 AM
Music I believe is the second most important part of a game as it to me is what brings me into the world, the music in mass effect is either decent bad or not present, just little blips and beep noises, I just couldnt get into it near as much as I could any other game. Oblivion for an open rpg in a somewhat similar style although repetitive had a great strong soundtrack, that stirred emotions and got you thinking about the world you were in, especially if you listen to it after you beat it, you think about all of the best times in the game, because the music is so signature to the series, mass effect could really benefit from a much better soundtrack

10-03-2008, 06:15 AM
What?! The sound track in Mass Effect is great! It has a real John Carpenter 80's techno feel to it. Low key but golden retro stuff. It doesn’t heavily rely common melodies / themes but I've found that is not always necessary. FFXII has a magnificent soundtrack but no songs rely upon one another. Mass Effect's soundtrack acts more as a pleasant ripping background effect. You'll find many of the tracks are more moody and atmospheric. Most of the game takes places on far off distant and desolate worlds. A wide sweeping score wouldn’t have detracted - but it might not have had the same affect the developers desired. Desolation is key in the game. Isolation.

Download the music and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised when you listen to it and don't have the game play to distract you from it. Also - the ending song during the credits is really freaking sweet :)