09-18-2008, 06:23 PM
Apparently if you pre-ordered Yggdra Union for PSP from Gamestop you got a special soundtrack that was supposedly redone or remastered or something. Did anyone get said soundtrack?

Thanks whether anyone has it or not.

09-18-2008, 10:23 PM
No, I forgot about that...I'll call and ask 'em

09-18-2008, 10:29 PM
Ok, so I called GS, and I guess they forgot about it...but, they should still have it.

09-18-2008, 11:11 PM
Unless you find it somewhere else, I'll upload it tonight if I can.

My i-net is laggie

09-20-2008, 08:22 PM
Seconding this request.

09-20-2008, 09:05 PM
Thirding this request.

09-21-2008, 12:03 AM
I have it. It's the same as the Perfect Audio Collection+'s 3rd disc, with a few less tracks. You can find that in the download links section if you use search, I'm sure.

EDIT: Hell, I just found it. It's in GoronMoron's thread in the "Just Uploaded" section.

09-21-2008, 10:14 AM
It's the same songs but they are supposed to be redone for the PSP since it has better audio. Thanks to everyone who replied. I'll go find the link and repaste it here.

EDIT> Right, I checked the link and judging from the title it's the GBA version, not the PSP version of the music. tanis are you going to upload this? I would owe you a big favour if you did.

09-21-2008, 12:53 PM
Well, fourthing the request

09-21-2008, 07:24 PM
I just realized I've been confused about what you said, Nelstone; I didn't realize that the original Audio Collection Plus had one disc of the game tracks and one of the arranged ones. Have you verified/compared the disc that came with the PSP with the original Arrange disc from the Audio Collection? Are they exactly the same content-wise or are you assuming?

09-21-2008, 08:58 PM
As I recall, the Perfect Audio Collection Plus had three discs:

-Disc 1 was the Wonderswan/whatever-this-game-was-originally-on version of the music.
-Disc 2 was the GBA version of the music.
-Disc 3 was the Arranged music that was used in the PSP version of the game.

The promo CD is basically disc 3 with a few less tracks (they eliminated the ones under 20 seconds, it seems).

I already had downloaded the Perfect Audio Collection Plus from this site, so I was able to verify that they are (basically) the same. Hope that helps.

09-21-2008, 09:27 PM
PSP version of YU has some new tracks so I'm sure that they were added to the soundtrack.

09-21-2008, 09:55 PM
As I recall, the Perfect Audio Collection Plus had three discs:

-Disc 1 was the Wonderswan/whatever-this-game-was-originally-on version of the music.
-Disc 2 was the GBA version of the music.
-Disc 3 was the Arranged music that was used in the PSP version of the game.

The promo CD is basically disc 3 with a few less tracks (they eliminated the ones under 20 seconds, it seems).

I already had downloaded the Perfect Audio Collection Plus from this site, so I was able to verify that they are (basically) the same. Hope that helps.

You're getting the PA Collection+ of Yggdra Union mixed up with Riviera's. Riviera's PA Collection+ has the Wonderswan, GBA, and PSP tracks.

Yggdra Union had no Wonderswan edition, so it's PA Collection+ only has 2 disks: one disk containing the music formatted for the GBA version and the other disk which contains the original music before being formatted for the GBA(Called an 'image' disk). Yggdra Union's PA Collection+ does have some arranged tracks that made it onto the PSP version(Sacred Sword Gran Centurio, Yggdra Sortie, and Milanor Sortie) but that's it.

The pre-order soundtrack should have the rest of the tracks that were arranged for the PSP version(Not the image disk music), unless I am mistaken. The arranges for the PSP version sound slightly similar to their image disk versions but they aren't the same since they use different instruments.

I hope I didn't confuse anyone. So, has anyone uploaded the pre-order soundtrack?

09-21-2008, 10:09 PM
Well, my brain exploded. Just let me upload this thing in a few minutes so we can rest easy with no worrying as to what is what. ^_^;;

EDIT: Here. m4a files. Enjoy.


09-22-2008, 12:42 AM
Yes! That's it! A million thank yous, I love you.

09-22-2008, 06:40 AM
Thanks a lot, but I'll be glad if someone upload it in higher quality :)

09-22-2008, 06:47 AM
Many thanks to NelStone for doing this for us.

09-23-2008, 12:39 AM
You're welcome, guys. I'm just glad nobody complained that it's not in mp3 format, b/c my computer's shit and I can't do that for some reason. >_>

10-06-2008, 08:51 AM
Thanks a lot for this fantastic OST