Incubus Tribal
06-10-2002, 01:46 AM
I am trying to compare Zidane Tribal to Scott Evil(Dr.Evil's Son) from Austin Powers, the movie because they were concieved the same way and they didn't meet thier father until thier late teens only to figure out it is some crazy Frankenstien who is evil and trying to take over the world and is expecting a relationship with them after 16,17, 18 years of being away...

Alice Wonderbra
06-10-2002, 08:56 PM
"What am i supposed to say?!"

I am trying to figure out how u reply 2 something like that. Any idea...

06-10-2002, 11:21 PM
What?!? Wait. What now???

What are we talking about??
Oh ok ok I get it, the title is a quote from Austin Powers. Took me awhile, I though you were actually talking about people being gone.:rolleyes:
Well I don't really see that much of a resemblence..... but whatever.

06-11-2002, 11:36 AM
Erm.. o_O; Like said, this thread doesn't really provoke much discussion, and would only end all spammed up anyway..
Besides that.. this is a FFIX forum. Threads about for example a movie should not be posted in here. =O