09-17-2008, 06:58 AM
If anyone has this, I would be eternally greatful, as no offitial OST for this game has been released, which is a damn shame, since its got an allstar cast of composers, including the great Yasunori Mitsuda. In my poking around I discovered an old thread with a link to a gamerip, but the link is long dead. So, it exists, somewhere. I'm being completely honest when I say that this is one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in a videogame.
Oh, and for the curious, it was for the PSP.
Even more tragic than no offitial ost is the fact that there was a promotional disc that came out, which doesn't do it justice at all. Why release 3 songs, but not the rest? Ah well.
Anyway, if anyone can help, I would be greatful.