Gentleman Ghost
09-10-2008, 03:44 AM
Warning, Here Comes A Rant:

I watched The Forbidden Kingdom a few nights ago and thought that it would absoloutely blow my mind. Unfortunately this is not the case. For a movie that boasted two of the worlds greatest Martial Arts masters (Jet Li and Jackie Chan) this movie wasn't at all what the media hype said it would be. Sure it was enjoyable, funny and the fight scenes were great, (especially the one between Li and Chan), But I just couldn't help but feel that this was a Disney movie aimed at 10 year-old audiences. I know that its a family movie, But I think by making it a family movie the filmakers missed their chance on creating what would have been one of the most epic Martial Arts films in Kung-Fu's history of film.

So the first thing that I noticed missing in the movie was the gore. Too many times I was sitting in the theatre waiting for Chan or Li to slice right through someone. Red streaks flashing across the screen, but I didn't even see a drop of blood throughout the entire film. Sure there was a little at the end but it just wasn't enough. I watch a large portion of Kung-Fu movies and alot of the better ones contain a significant amount of gore in them. But this is not to say that every action movie needs gore in it to be spectacular. Its just there to create realism and push the boundaries of awesomeness.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Argueably, two of the greatest Martial Arts actors in the business to date. There was speculation as to whether or not they signed on just for the money. Yet, I would rather say that they expected a great film, agreed to work together, signed on, and by the magic of useless filmaking, out poured a semi-great film strung together by a few funny/epic scenes. Enough to satisfy the needs of Kung-Fu movie goers. Their fight in the temple was, in my honest opinion the high-point of the movie. From that point onwards, the film takes a downhill approach and the push towards the final fight isn't even somewhat anxious because you already know who's going to fight/win/lose/die. Jackie Chan as always can do a witty movie with some serious themes, but it was Jet Li who surprised me the most with his hillarious reaction at the sight of Jason.

As for Michael Angarano, (Jason Tripinikas) the impression I got was that the part was originally made for the likes of Shia LaBeouf. But Shia was too busy making Eagle Eye so they had to turn to the next best thing. That didn't work out either, so Michael Angarano was called on for the part. His acting talent is, lets just say... he's like Ashton Kutcher, he should just stick to doing just comedy films. I don't think he quite met the role of Jason in the movie. All the other actors were fine and to me, he seemed like the straggler barely grasping a hold at the back.

Despite the age difference between Bingbing Li (33) and Yifei Liu (21) both actresses played off each other very well in this movie. Together they were captivating, and although their end fight scene was constantly interrupted by the onslaught of hectic battle going on around them, I rather enjoyed seeing the women kicking butt for once. I can't say much about these two except they are superbly good actors and also very pretty women, which is a highlight for the aesthetic value of the movie. Very enticing.

The fight choreography, correct me if I'm wrong, was set out by the masterful Yuen Woo Ping. If only more Kung-Fu movies contained his style of work. Jackie Chan portraying a drunken immortal was the best decision for the film-makers to choose. His entrance is good and the temple fight scene he endures alongside Jet Li is outstanding. Li himself is an excellent Martial Artist and it is evident when facing off as either The Monkey King or The Silent Monk.

The Forbidden Kingdom was an enjoyable feature film made for all ages, The fight scenes were spectacular and the choreograhpy was well executed. The dialogue could have shown more understanding between the characters. Despite the lack of counter productivity, I've given it a resonable rating.

2.5 stars out of 5

matt damon
09-10-2008, 04:50 AM
wow, really? i give it a 3.5/5. i thought this movie was spectacular. it is late and there's a lot to reply to so i'm gonna leave out a lot

a good movie does not require gore, plain and simple. yes, you mentioned that, but you still say that it needed gore. in my opinion, the lack of gore was what made it better. i despise gore so for this one to be without it was a

i thought michael angarano was really good in the movie. he was believable as the a kung fu nerd. plus, he's really cute.

li bingbing and liu yifei were probably my favorite parts of that movie. they're characters were so baddass and i was rooting for both characters, although i was rooting for one to win and one to die. when the *SPOILERS!!!!*

girl with the white hair (i think it was li bingbing) was getting her ass kicked by jackie chan and when she died, i was like, "YEAH, BEAT THAT BITCH UP!!!"


for her to be able to get me so enthralled in the movie that i would HATE her character that much really says something about her acting ability.

09-10-2008, 08:48 AM
wow, really? i give it a 3.5/5. i thought this movie was spectacular. it is late and there's a lot to reply to so i'm gonna leave out a lot

a good movie does not require gore, plain and simple. yes, you mentioned that, but you still say that it needed gore. in my opinion, the lack of gore was what made it better. i despise gore so for this one to be without it was a

i thought michael angarano was really good in the movie. he was believable as the a kung fu nerd. plus, he's really cute.

li bingbing and liu yifei were probably my favorite parts of that movie. they're characters were so baddass and i was rooting for both characters, although i was rooting for one to win and one to die. when the *SPOILERS!!!!*


girl with the white hair (i think it was li bingbing) was getting her ass kicked by jackie chan and when she died, i was like, "YEAH, BEAT THAT BITCH UP!!!"

for her to be able to get me so enthralled in the movie that i would HATE her character that much really says something about her acting ability.

The warning should have probably been higher up =[

I still haven't watched it, but I mostly hear that it's a pretty decent movie.

matt damon
09-10-2008, 05:28 PM
wait, what? did you edit my post cause that's not where it is in my post.

09-10-2008, 05:38 PM
Yes I did, but wait! I just realized you did warn me. -_-

So my own fault I guess for skimming through it.

EDIT: and holy shit...even the thread title warns me >< argh~