Safer Sephiroth
06-06-2002, 06:37 AM
Is the PSOne dying, because I've noticed that their have been very few games made for it this year. And the games that were released were kid games. If this is true than what is Sony thinking, they should know that not everyone own's a PS2, and if they quit making PSOne games than they will lose a lot money.

Which then again they may not kill off the PSOne. But this is just what I think.

06-06-2002, 07:02 AM
well, maybe they wanna sell ps2 games so then people gotta go buy a ps2 and their games. don't know, don't really care either. not my fault of what they are doing. it's kinda lame. maybe ps2 games have better graphics and stuff. never quite know.

Safer Sephiroth
06-06-2002, 06:04 PM
Yeah, but gragphics aren't what count in a game, why can't people figure this out all that count's is a great story line and game play. The PSOne has a chance against these PS2,XBox, and the GameCube.

And what do you mean you don't care, if the PSOne never came out half the games that you love and that are still having sequels would never exist.

06-07-2002, 03:23 AM
It's not the graphical limitations of the PSone that is causing Developers to make games for next gen systems... it's the limitation of Programing and Data.

Final Fantasy X can store more data for monsters, generate data, and the ability to play Blitzball. Now the PSone might store a little less data for monsters, generate data slow as heck, and can't really play Blitzball for crap because of all the Generating that is occuring at this time. That would require another disc or even an extra memory card block if it were all done on a PS2.

And games like Dynasty Warriors 3 would be impossible to make on a PSone as the PSone can't hold enough data for 50+ men on screen awhile 1000+ men running around on the map.

This also includes Metal Gear Solid 2, it's not only the graphical upgrades, but the Enemy AI is so improved as the PS2 has more ram to generate the Enemy AI.

So never say that a PS2 is only a "Graphical Upgrade to Get Your Money." The PS2 is more in the inside other than outside... people just don't realize it beacuse they are enjoying it so.

Safer Sephiroth
06-07-2002, 05:22 AM
Well they could if Sony wanted to spend a little more money, on certain games they could make a PS2 version and a PSOne version, like they did for TonyHawk3, they would just have too lower the use of the graphics and stuff but overall they should still be great games on the PSOne too.

Me personally I don't like the PS2, X Box, and the Gamecube. Because none of them have many good game titles, they are all graphics.

PSOne Forever Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2002, 03:56 AM
Tony Hawk 3 for PS2 and PSone were done by two different groups... apparently the PS2's version is a LOT better in terms of gameplay. It's hard to revert in the PSone version and the slow down makes everything really.... REALLY choppy. There are also others things like Grind Combos and Handplant Balance... which were taken out of the PSone version.

And there are some great games on the new age systems. Games like Super Smash Brother Melee and Dynasty Warriors 3 provide good fun for hours and hours, it makes good use of graphics and has good gameplay.

And I can make a huge list of great games for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube.... but I won't because I don't have the time to type them out... =P

I also always said to myself... "It's alright to stay in a Generation.... it's a bad idea to stay in the mid-generation"

Keep a NES, it's okay
Keep a SNES, it's okay
Keep a N64, bad idea
Keep a PSX, good.... but rather move up to the next generation as the next supports the old school.

Name me one game that you think is all graphics but no gameplay..... just one game and I can prove you wrong. =P

Safer Sephiroth
06-08-2002, 10:02 AM
One game that is all graphic's and no play is of course ( their are several games that go under this catagory) GrandTheft Auto3-This game got old after 20 minutes of gameplay.Another is Wreckless- And come to think of it FF10 wasn't all that great either. And their are plenty more games I can name just ask me again.

06-09-2002, 01:00 AM
Grand Theft Auto 3 = A game you either hate or like. First off...

1. Did you like the other GTAs? Most people who played GTA3 never played the other GTAs mostly because of their limitations of a 2d man running around in an overhead view. You couldn't see where you were driving and with the limited ram, you couldn't do much.

2. GTA3, as I have stated, is a game that you either hate it or like it. People don't like the idea of running over people, doing drive bys, uNFing hookers, or do missions... maybe it's because you are one of the minorities... in fact, you are a minority, you hate a game that a lot of people like.

3. GTA3's graphics alone aren't a vital part at all... in fact, GTA3's graphics help the game. You needed to see where you were going (Example of this in the game is when you have to run up a building and snipe the enemy from afar.) And with the ram a new Generation system can hold, you can do much more than running over people and doing missions.... you can leave a car there and come back to it 30 minutes later and it will still be there.

4. The graphics didn't wow me one bit.... I have to say that.

Wreakless... it's just GTA3 without the other stuff... moving on...

Final Fantasy X

1. Most will agree with me that FFX and FF7 are best Final Fantasy games... (note I said most... if you aren't not part of the most, don't bitch about it.) Now, when FF7 came out, people fell in love with it because of the evolution it has gone through. Square kinda set themselves in a bad situation with FF7 in my opinion, as the people are expecting better stuff with FF8 and on...

I can say that if you slap on ANYTHING with Final Fantasy, people will think "This must be good! This will be better than the last one!"

My teacher once told me "Never have expectations, you will only end up disappointed." People expected WAY much out of FFX because of the fact that it's in a new gen console and that they will improve much like FF6 to FF7. People expected too much and they hate it because they didn't get what they wanted.

Let me ask you this... if Final Fantasy 7 was never released and FF8 became 7, FF9 became 8, and FFX became 9... would FFX (9) be great... my answer is yes.

Safer Sephiroth
06-09-2002, 01:07 AM
Are you done yet, if you aren't just keep them coming I'm listining. And don't tell me not too Bitch about anything.

FF7, FF8 FF9 were all great games. Games are funner without all the "Graphics in them".

06-09-2002, 01:26 AM
The bitch part was meant for the general people who say that FF(whatever) is better than whatever...

Anyways, FF7 had good graphics, so did FF8 and FF9. Personally, I think FF8 was trying WAY too hard on gameplay that they messed it up at the end. When FF7 came out, Square started out kinda new on the systems... thats the reason why FF7's graphics weren't so great.

Now, I've notice that you said FF7 to 9... but you didn't bother to mention FF4-6... now, I am not trying to be mean... but why the hell did you leave them out? Are they not... great? Personally, I like the FF6 and FF4 compared to the PSX Final Fantasy games. There are some games that will turn off players because of their crappy graphics.

Some good examples of this would be Sony's Wild Arms 2... sure, I can play it... but the bad graphics and choppy framerate just made me want to turn it off, the game is too slow for it's graphics.
Another example is Driver 2, the game had major slowdown and made it hard for me to enjoy it compared to Driver 1.

Moving back to what I have said about FFX.. I forgot to mention this...

FFX is better than FF8 to the mojority of people mostly because of the gameplay. I like the Conditional Turn Based System and how the Aeons are used in the game. I also like how FFX made good use of Music and Sound and a story plot that will twist your arm off.

There are games for the PS2 that don't rely on graphics at all... but the PS2 has only been out for a year and half... it will take awhile for a company to master it and make a great game out of it.... they got to understand the power they have with them and then they can add the whatnots.

Concider the first year of PS2 games.... a test.

Safer Sephiroth
06-09-2002, 01:32 AM
I forgot about FF4, FF5, FF6 because I haven't played them in years. But they were good overall. Driver and Driver2 were both ok games too me.

And I'm not one of those people who don't play games if they have crappy graphics, because those are the only kinds of game's I really enjoy playing, because those are the best game's so far because they rely on storylines. (And I'm not trying too start another conflict here.)

06-09-2002, 01:44 AM
No no no, the graphics affected the game play to the point where I had to get see an eye doctor (well not really... I just couldn't see correctly for awhile)

I am also not a person who doesn't play a game because of their crappy graphics but some games have horrible graphics to the point where it affects the gameplay dramatically.

This can be true in Driving Games... you drive and you see a box that comes out of nowhere... now that will cause the gameplay to be affected. And there are sometimes when a huge ass monster that makes the game slow down to 5 fps... and that monster appears around the game a lot... thats when I say "I can't handle this, no one should have to see a game going at 5 fps, even if it had a great storyline.

Graphics are an important part of the game... it's not on how complex the graphics are... it's how clean it makes the game so that people can enjoy the gameplay.

Safer Sephiroth
06-09-2002, 02:01 AM
I understand what you are trying too say but FF7 didn't have good graphics at all but it was still a great game, probally one of the best to ever come out in gaming history.

06-09-2002, 02:19 AM
They didn't have textures at all, but still, FF7 does have great graphics, most just aren't looking straight enough.

Safer Sephiroth
06-09-2002, 02:29 AM
Yeah, the character's were polygons pasted onto a 3d CGI background.

06-09-2002, 02:52 AM
Name me one game that you think is all graphics but no gameplay..... just one game and I can prove you wrong. =P

Dancing Blade? and change "no" to "very freakin' little".

06-11-2002, 02:34 AM
Dude, howabout Resident Evil? The gameplay in that series is so horrendous it might as well just not even be there.

Safer Sephiroth
06-12-2002, 06:13 AM
What, is everybody trying too jump on my ass now? The Resident Evil series on the PSOne was a very succesful one, the release of Resident Evil 2 sold more than(Yes the FINAL FANTASY 7 game). Believe me or not it's true.

So their anything else anybody want's to try on me!:mad:

06-12-2002, 06:12 PM
Why would you mention Res. Evil 2 selling more than FF7?

honestly, I don't understand the point to your last post.

I can't try on people that I don't understand.


hmm. . . Pacman on the 2600 sold more than Res Evil 2! 7 million copies! but they printed 12 million! so 5 million were junked.

only 10 million people even owned the system, so they printed 12 million copies.


06-12-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth
What, is everybody trying too jump on my ass now? The Resident Evil series on the PSOne was a very succesful one, the release of Resident Evil 2 sold more than(Yes the FINAL FANTASY 7 game). Believe me or not it's true.

So their anything else anybody want's to try on me!:mad:

What is your point? Like rezo said, that was totally pointless. Unless of course you judge the quality of a game's gameplay by how well it sells...

06-12-2002, 08:05 PM
Yes,you're right S.Sephiroth...when I first got my PS2 I played more on my PS1(FF7,FF8,FF9,...,FF6,Vagrant Story,...)till FFX came out(awesome game ):)

Safer Sephiroth
06-13-2002, 12:36 AM
The reason I mentioned RE2 selling for than FF7 was because it did, in fact I'll tell you how much it sold on it's release weekend, 380,000/ 19 million dollars on the first 2 day's, it broke the record of FF7.

And I have no reason for starting this thread either.

06-13-2002, 03:39 AM
You're missing my point. I'm saying Resident Evil 2 has incredibly bad gameplay, and you're saying it sold well. The two are quite unrelated.

Safer Sephiroth
06-14-2002, 06:40 AM
What's so bad about RE2's gameplay?

Are you a RE fan anyways?

The gameplay kicked ass!!!!!!:mad:

And don't #u@k!n* mock me. :mad:

This thread probally gonna be closed now but I don't really care, cuz I'm getting tired of fighting a battle that won't ever end.

Not you Tifas Knight..:)

06-14-2002, 05:22 PM
the gameplay in resident evil consists of

o Walking like a tank, and running away from enemies ,after changing your direction tank style.

o standing still and shooting

o solving inane puzzles

nothing "rocks" about it. You should be loving your PS2. a GTA3 has much more to it than resident evil. hell, almost anything has much more to it than resident evil.

06-14-2002, 06:40 PM
What rezo said. The only reason to play RE is for atmosphere because the gameplay has awful controls and is extremely boring (aim the general direction of slow-moving zombie and hit the fire button over and over again until it's dead. Yay!) If there was actually something good about ResEvil's atmosphere or storyline I could understand people putting up with the crappy gameplay but as far as I can tell it's just a really bad horror movie made into a video game. Oh well, I don't understand a lot of things about modern video games.

And no, I am definately not a ResEvil fan. I despise that series more than... well, pretty much any other series I can think of, I think X_x

Safer Sephiroth
06-15-2002, 04:24 PM
Whe in the hell do you think the character moves like a tank, what do you think in RE3 they added the quick turn ability, to help you move faster, they have been improving the gameplay dramaticly and the new RE for the GameCube even though I don't like any of the new systems< I must admit that it totally KICKS ASS!!

06-16-2002, 05:04 AM
Alright... RE2 WAS great the first time around.... though the funky controls were just plain CRAP.... yes I'll even say it again... CRAP!!!

One more time...


But the atomsphere brings it in.... but even though it does, thats still not enough for me to give it even a 7/10.

And yes, they do move like tanks... even in RE3, they move like tanks.... just faster tanks. I mean come on... you walk straight and you can't sidestep...... like a tank, a tank can't move sideways unless it turns.

And RE3 was a crappy excuse for a follow up to RE2... it's just the same thing but worse.

And the reason why RE2 sold more in it's first few days is because... (and I state this with force)


I end my post.

Safer Sephiroth
06-16-2002, 09:20 PM




06-16-2002, 09:32 PM
Calm down there, tiger. O_o We're not assaulting you, we're just having a friendly disagreement. =P

by the way, I edited your post so that your attempt at making the font bigger is done right.

Safer Sephiroth
06-17-2002, 12:00 AM
Hey thanks for edititing my post:)

I just got offended and got carried away.

06-18-2002, 05:52 AM
Well, he kinda wanted this to be closed.... so I guess I will do that. o_O

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