09-03-2008, 06:59 PM
We all know that Metal Gear Solid 4 was one of the best if not the best MGS game in the franchise. Kojima has said in interviews that he would like to see MGS5 but he would want someone else to do it. MGS4 finishes the story of Solid Snake, but we all know that it can continue. Here is some of my idea of things that should happen in MGS5.

-The game should take place 3 or 4 years after the events of MGS4.
-Through Big Bosses genes, Otacon and Sunny has found a way to stop and reverse the rapid aging of Solid Snake.
-Zero is still alive; Big Boss cut the oxygen off on a clone of Zero.
-The 5 other clones from the Les Enfants Terribles project are alive, Solid and Liquid were supposed to be the only surviving clones but that was proven wrong in MGS2, so it is possible.
-Zero has created Nanomachines that can bring the dead back to life. After seeing Vamp, it is possible. Let�s say one of Zero's goals is to bring The Boss back to life.
-The code names of the 5 remaining clones of Big Boss could be Gas Snake, Liquidus Snake, Gasus Snake, Acid Snake, and Acidus Snake.
-The game would take place in 3 locations, somewhere in Antarctica, In Russia where Operation Snake Eater took place, and finally Arsenal Gear.
-GW is still on board Arsenal. Ocelot only copied the data and rebuilt it on Outer Haven. Someone has fixed GW and since it was cut into pieces and still on Arsenal, FOXALIVE had no effect on it.
-There will be 2 boss units. The Hound Unit headed by Gas Snake and the Snake Eater Unit headed by Acid Snake. Liquidus will be the one inside Arsenal with his own personal unit.
-One of the members of the Snake Eater unit will have power kind of like Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow and he forces Solid Snake to fight every boss from every MG and MGS game so we would be able to see what the bosses of Metal Gear and Metal gear 2 look like in 3D models.
-We learn more about the Philosophers.
-There are 2 new Metal Gears and one of them would be a new and improved Shagohod.
-More weapons old and new.
-OctoCamo would be back in this game along with other camo. Solid Snake finds Big Bosses weapon/camo bag that Ocelot through out of the plane during MGS3.

Well this is my idea so what�s yours?

execrable gumwrapper
09-03-2008, 10:53 PM
Christ, you're loonier than Kojima.

09-03-2008, 11:50 PM
Christ, you're loonier than Kojima.

That is a good thing sometimes. Something even loonier would be Solid Snake and Raiden fighting Arsenal's AI in VR so anything could happen.

09-04-2008, 12:12 AM
In MGS4 you hear about Raiden rescuing Sonny before the events of MGS4. So i think MGS5 should be based on Raiden rescuing her and also including some of your own ideas which are pretty good.

09-04-2008, 04:17 AM
Why does Kojima lie about not making anymore Metal Gears? Is he schizophrenic? Or does he have a selective case of memory loss?

BTW: Next Metal Gear should be about stopping Kojima from making another one.

i'd buy it...

09-04-2008, 04:23 AM
Christ, you're loonier than Kojima.


Nazi Cinnamon Spider
09-04-2008, 05:08 AM
Obviously the game will feature Sunny as the playable main and the gameplay will essentially be torturing people with her horrible cooking.

09-05-2008, 11:34 AM
Metal Gear Solid should be the last Metal Gear Solid.

No ifs, no buts. Everything is rounded out perfectly.

On the other hand, I would love to see a Metal Gear Raiden. It was an absolute crime than in MGS4 you didn't get a chance to play as him - with all his jumpy/fancy moves it would have been awesome. A Metal Gear focusing on him would be more of a change of pace - instead of sneaking around on the ground, Raiden could use the entire environment.

09-16-2008, 03:26 AM
The 'Solid' in Metal Gear Solid has nothing to do with Solid Snake. The 'solid' stans for the game being in 3D. NOT SOLID SNAKE. After all, MGS2 is not called Metal Gear Raiden, MGS3 isn't called Metal Gear Nakid, MGS4 isn't called Metal Gear Old Snake. If MGS5 was about Raiden it would not be call Metal Gear Raiden or Metal Gear Whatever. It is Metal Gear Solid.

09-16-2008, 06:47 AM
The 'Solid' in Metal Gear Solid has nothing to do with Solid Snake. The 'solid' stans for the game being in 3D. NOT SOLID SNAKE. After all, MGS2 is not called Metal Gear Raiden, MGS3 isn't called Metal Gear Nakid, MGS4 isn't called Metal Gear Old Snake. If MGS5 was about Raiden it would not be call Metal Gear Raiden or Metal Gear Whatever. It is Metal Gear Solid.

I "WTF"ed when I read that until I pulled up Wikipedia.

"Kojima retitled the game Metal Gear Solid, choosing this over the working title Metal Gear 3. This was due to the fact that he believed that the first two MSX2 games in the series were not very well known. He used the word 'Solid' which was chosen due to the game being the third installment in the series, and because it uses 3D computer graphics. Sequels to this game also use the Metal Gear Solid title, and follow a new numeral progression."

I also have to agree with Raidenx in that Raiden should have his own game. I think I might have a different vision from him, but the idea is a great start.

09-16-2008, 12:23 PM
Pfft. Who cares what Kojima says, if people associate Metal Gear Solid with Solid Snake, it makes sense to drop the Solid if they want to go in a new direction.

Besides, i'm sure Solid's name influenced his decision - otherwise we might have been playing Metal Gear 3D on the PS1 *shudder*.

10-02-2008, 04:52 PM
pff not another one. the story got very absurd with MGS4. another direct sequel
would be devastating to the series, methinks

06-08-2009, 05:32 AM
I'd like to see the first two Metal Gears Remade so that they play similar to the newer games. We might see some story we missed on the originals. I dunno.
MGx Reboot?

06-08-2009, 11:53 PM
Iv heard alot of ideas on the cover of this, people saying its frank jeagar, people saying its not raiden at all because of the 2 holes in his head (he was crushed by the entire outer haven ship, i mean come on)
If this isnt raiden, then its damn raikov or raidens son. I mean sorry its even got lightning in its title. If that isnt confirmation its raiden then i dunno what is.

06-09-2009, 02:21 AM
I have an idea. The game will take place 15 years in the future. Snake dies at the very opening of the game (somehow from second hand smoke) and the rest plays like Weekend at Burnies ( with Otocon and Sunny carrying/"sneaking" him around. It will be called Metal Gear Solid 5: Weekend at David's

06-09-2009, 02:34 AM
I would buy that game, Mark ^_^

Lord Brimstone
06-10-2009, 01:33 AM
I never really liked the "solid" title for the 3d games because it tends to cause a lot of confusion. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten upset at people when I try to tell them about a event from Metal Gear or more common, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and they think I'm talking about Metal Gear Solid 2. On Top of that they still don't get that you are talking about the older games even when you tell them that it's not from the solid series of Metal Gear games.

Ugh! It just makes my urge to kill rise when I find myself in such situations.
Protip: Never explain on a Youtube comment why Big Boss' body was burned and in such bad shape to begin with in MGS4 because they will always think you're talking about Solidus no matter how hard you try. Just don't waste your time.

06-10-2009, 05:55 AM
Why does Kojima lie about not making anymore Metal Gears? Is he schizophrenic? Or does he have a selective case of memory loss?

BTW: Next Metal Gear should be about stopping Kojima from making another one.

i'd buy it...

HAHAHA Somebody stop him and Ken Kutaragi for price inflation on PS3s and future consoles after the PS3 and PSP! >:O :notgood:

06-11-2009, 09:38 PM
Well, the game should obviously have awesome and epic score. Just like before...

Lightning Bolt Action. Muahahaaa!!! Raiden is back bicheeess.

06-22-2009, 11:30 PM
I'm not going to even bother...
You guys are even worse than the r-tards going on about Acecombat 7...

Lord Brimstone
06-24-2009, 09:09 PM
Ah. Gone with the Blastwave. I love that webcomic. I approve of the sig and ava man, very nice. ... Oh! was I supposed to say something about metal gear 5? Sorry I don't got anything.