01-07-2002, 05:44 PM
like hentai? ill admit it... i do.... ;)
what does everyone else think of it?

01-07-2002, 06:26 PM
If you read it for the humor then I guess it's ok. But if you actually get a kick out of it, then it might be a good time to get a girlfriend :)

Oh, and Bondage Fairies rock :D

01-07-2002, 06:42 PM
I don't like hentai, nope. But I don't mind it. It just doesn't interest me, so I don't bother with it XD

<font size="-2">I.. *ahem* do like yaoi though.. </font>

Yus. XD

*awaits bashing and disgusted looks* XD

01-07-2002, 06:49 PM
hentai rules
uh... :rolleyes:

01-07-2002, 11:10 PM
<br />
Hentai is a big no no for me,
You should all know beter, there very disgusting.
And what is Yaoi Nymph?<br />

01-08-2002, 12:18 AM
<table><tr><td>Hentai, never watched it so I couldnt say. But I've watched a movie with a little bit of Hentai in it, and I thought it was a good movie. Great storyline etc. So I cant say if I do like it or not, but I dont mind Hentai sites.

01-08-2002, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Amy

And what is Yaoi Nymph?

I'll reply for Nymph. Yaoi is kind of like Hentai but it's for girls. What's the difference? Yaoi is male and male.

I don't mind hentai, but if I have a choice, I'd rather not watch it. It bothers me because most of the time it's very perverted and offensive. Most hentai are degrading to females, while yaoi are degrading to males.

David F
01-08-2002, 01:48 AM
I've watched a couple of them and to be honest the story was really really stupid that I laughed hard. I mean in La Blue Girl the protagonist�s only fighting style is called "Sexcraft" how funny is that!? I'm no big ass fan of hentai but I've seen a few but I really like the ones that have a real story. I have yet to find on that has a good story though.

Anyways yea Yaoi is gay relationships and Yuri is Lesbian relationships.

01-08-2002, 03:22 AM
I don't like hentai at all. It just doesn't interest me.
Most people like it, but that is their choice.

01-08-2002, 09:24 AM
<font color=2670A8 face=tahoma>I don't watch hentai.

But, I do read yaoi and shounen-ai fics. x_x;

01-08-2002, 10:33 AM
I don't like Hentai.. but then again... I don't mind it much if I see it ;) but I prefer not to see it though, and the storylines of hentai are just usually crap O_o

01-08-2002, 01:48 PM
i'm not obsesed with it (which is a good thing because i know some peeps who are :uh?:) however... its not that bad to look at XD

and nympie... why would anyone have a problem with Yaoi, its basicly the same as hentai but for girls, if we were to say we love hentai but hate Yaoi we would be hypicrits (i think).

01-08-2002, 02:06 PM
Actually, yaoi is not just for girls.. I know some guys who also like it. (It's mainly us screaming fangirls though :B :p)
It's also known as shounen-ai (which literary means 'boy love')
And yes, it's two boys going at it :B

Ice!~neko.. Some people are disgusted by it, or call anyone who likes it gay XD

01-08-2002, 03:31 PM
I am generally not into Hentai, not at all. I guess I just don't read a manga that deals only with sex. However, I prefer it when erotic elements are not the theme of a manga or anime but appear in small doses. In my opinion a single naked shoulder in one scene is way more interesting than a character never wearing clothes at all. :rolleyes: Or whatever. That's just my opinion up to now...
I'd love to read a really good Shonen Ai (*sniff*)... The only one I could theoretically get is Zetsuai and the drawing style is just... ehm... I am a girl and if it comes to undressed boys I favour somewhat pleasant drawings and don't want the boy to look like some kind of monsters. *lol*

rude inverse
01-08-2002, 11:50 PM
Well, I did watch Wicked City once with a bunch of friends, but it was the Japanese version without subtitles... so we made them up :D Damn, that was hillarious XD

01-09-2002, 12:52 AM
...Nymph..don't.....feel alone.........I...ummm...*..looks around....hides for several reasons....*...I...also read it....and have a folder......errr..........full of it....I find it CUTE!...hentai is..just people's way of expressing their....inner sexual moods in anime art...I'm not afraid to admit!!...I read shounen-ai and yaoi!...*..blushes a very deep red....pulls his cloak around his face..more than it usually is...very large sweatdrop*...^________^( ).....I like matches of Vincent and Cloud......NANIIII?!?...

01-11-2002, 07:06 AM
hentai? i LOVE hentai! i am the hentai MASTER!!

self proclaimed master of perversion. mwa ha ha ha

i got TONS of pics. lots of games. many movies. and lots of kiss files. i love it.

i hope they dont keep me from having a "hentai master" ranking like last time..

01-11-2002, 07:53 AM
Hentai is nice every now and then ( I look at the female piccies just to let you know) and I really don't see any probs with it. When it gets to the bashing and abuse stage of the female characters I think it really gets perverted. But normal, just a nice beautiful woman is fine. But these days, they all have super-huge breasts and just use bondage for some strange reason :eye: :uh?: :notgood:

01-11-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Faramir
But these days, they all have super-huge breasts and just use bondage for some strange reason :eye: :uh?: :notgood:

What's wrong with bondage?

01-11-2002, 06:11 PM
It's degrading to women/girls, that's what. Hentai is way too perverted most of the time. I find it weird why people would want to see characters doing that kind of stuff. First of all, there isn't even a good plot line in most hentai, and second of all, it's sick(there's incest, affairs, tentacles, etc).

01-11-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by megalomania
It's degrading to women/girls, that's what.

I don't think it is. Remember, it's not abuse as long as the girl (or whatever) actually enjoys it. She's in on it too. It's just a game, really.

As for bondage in hentai; that's just fiction.

What is degrading is our pop culture. But that's a different topic

Cave Chocobo
01-11-2002, 10:25 PM
it's okay but i rather not watch it since i have a girlfriend and all.

01-12-2002, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by Gehenna

I don't think it is. Remember, it's not abuse as long as the girl (or whatever) actually enjoys it. She's in on it too. It's just a game, really.

As for bondage in hentai; that's just fiction.

What is degrading is our pop culture. But that's a different topic

Hentai is like some kind of guy fantasy that is beyond perverted, okay? Of course the girl in there would enjoy it because it's part of the dirty story. Think about it. Would a real girl enjoy being raped by some kind of a monster? No. Would you be happy if you were raped by a monster? I think not. Hentai so degrades women.

01-12-2002, 05:43 AM
It's degrading to women/girls, that's what. Hentai is way too perverted most of the time. I find it weird why people would want to see characters doing that kind of stuff. First of all, there isn't even a good plot line in most hentai, and second of all, it's sick(there's incest, affairs, tentacles, etc).

studies show that men get turned on by that stuff and like it while women are more turned on by more "meaningful" things rather than just pictures and stuff. so if your a women..then that's why it's hard to grasp why it's so loved by us perverts.:)

Hentai is like some kind of guy fantasy that is beyond perverted, okay? Of course the girl in there would enjoy it because it's part of the dirty story. Think about it. Would a real girl enjoy being raped by some kind of a monster? No. Would you be happy if you were raped by a monster? I think not. Hentai so degrades women.

you'd be surprised what dirty thoughts some women have. because you dont have such thoughts doesnt mean other women dont either. and if i dont think i'd mind being raped by a hot slithering (female) tentacle monster. i'm a pathetic geek who might not get it any other way. why not?

so as you can see. the target audience has a lot to do with it too. if you dont fit into the criteria..what IS your problem with hentai?:eye:


01-12-2002, 05:49 AM
<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#113399" FACE="mirror">
<IMG ALIGN="center" SRC=""><B>Hey tact! your back. thats cool. anyway i totlay agree, i can see why women wouldnt like it. but at the same time how it is so intoxicating to men.


01-12-2002, 06:58 AM
I'm a guy too, actually. But unlike a lot of guys I have no trouble controlling my hormones. I think love is around a hundred times better than lust. Like I've said in my first post, I'm fine with people liking hentai, but I still think it's degrading. I actually feel sorry for the girls in hentai. I just wish they have something less violent, maybe hentai, but with "class" or something.

Yuffie Strife
01-12-2002, 12:54 PM
I'm not a fan of hentai. Mainly because they portray my favorite characters wrong and make them seem like sex-driven maniacs. Which they aren't. Hentai is blown way too much out of proportion for me to enjoy it.

01-12-2002, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by megalomania
Hentai is like some kind of guy fantasy that is beyond perverted, okay? Of course the girl in there would enjoy it because it's part of the dirty story. Think about it. Would a real girl enjoy being raped by some kind of a monster? No. Would you be happy if you were raped by a monster? I think not. Hentai so degrades women.

I wasn't talking about hentai... I was talking about bondage in general, and that doesn't include rape and/or a huge monster with tentacles.

I agree that hentai is degrading to women. As is porn and even the music videos shown on MTV.

Majin Sephiroth
01-12-2002, 01:55 PM
never really botherd to watch any....altho i have seen the hentai version of end of evnagelion


01-14-2002, 06:17 AM
I'm a guy too, actually. But unlike a lot of guys I have no trouble controlling my hormones. I think love is around a hundred times better than lust. Like I've said in my first post, I'm fine with people liking hentai, but I still think it's degrading. I actually feel sorry for the girls in hentai. I just wish they have something less violent, maybe hentai, but with "class" or something.

i can imagine how much greater love is than lust. i know. i have this gift of being able to understand emotions i could swear i really never felt yet. like maybe love. (yes. i'm a sad sad person:( :p )

but i juts love the stuff you know. its fun. and it's beutiful. why not?

however i dont neccesarily mean bondage. just all of hentai. and most of the stuff i got is nice and pretty. like just haveing characters posing or doing some daily thing and being caught like some shower seen. stuff like that. and that stuffs really nice. most of my sm hentai is just simple stuff like that. not the hardcore stuff.

01-14-2002, 08:18 AM
...people come on....don't get into a fight because of a was just a simple question....lectures into the world of hentai..doesn't have to go that far Megalomania....people have their opinion..and their choice of not looking and looking at is based on certain fantasies men and women alike..have...I have met many a girl that would not mind....having or any way she could "get off" are entitled to your opinion as well...but it doesn't have to include telling people about it...I am very sure those who look at it.....are aware of what it is..what it looks like...and what it appears to do..just don't get into a fuss about it....this is supposed to be a place of just posting your opinion..feelings sometimes enter your words...but sometimes consider the thinking of others as well....

01-15-2002, 01:34 AM
We weren't fighting. We were simply stating our opinions. I thought we had a pretty good argument/discussion going. Anyways, I can't change the way people feel about hentai. All I can do is state my opinions and hope people respect my opinions.

01-15-2002, 06:27 AM
i respect 'em. i think i'm even a little envious that you have so much self control and a "clean" mind. but it's too late for me. *sigh* oh well.:D

but i'd wonder why anyone wouldn WANT to change the views of others. you'd be taking away freedoms like that.

01-15-2002, 02:01 PM
<font color=#ff69b4>Im a girl w00! I like hentai I dont watch alot of it, never can find it on, but if I saw a female being raped by a monster, I'd have no weird feelings, but if it was her lover or a human then thats where the "feeling" starts lol! But women with big breasts..uhhh some of it is sick like droopy boobies, but if its like straight out then I have no problem.

01-15-2002, 06:01 PM
Hmm...i don't read hentai. I'd kick my own @$$ if i did...not that it's wrong! I stick with yaoi. ^_^

01-16-2002, 12:09 AM
<font color=#ff69b4>*-* Yaoi, I've only watched one scene with Yaoi in it :naughty:

01-17-2002, 03:09 AM
I wont care if you get a little fan service here and there. i dont mind a little too much either. Seeing a curved line that represents a boob isnt gonna excite me or make me turn away and the whole upskirt thing I like. I think its funny. Now, little doodles(animated or still) having sex is just damn annoying. I really dont care to see the details on a cartoon unless its kept short and/or meaningful. The whole rape thing is always unrealistic and stupid. Monsters and tentacles are just sick and they make it as if the girl enjoys being raped except for the fact that she has maybe a tear in the eye.
So hentai is just a waste of time for me.

02-10-2002, 10:43 PM
I kinda like it when I see it O_o but I really don't go searching for it.

02-17-2002, 11:06 AM
Hmm, on reflection, I suppose it really depends in what you like. I for instance am now seeing the whole bondage thing differently. Because it's fake it also doesn't mean much in the long run.

02-17-2002, 05:32 PM
Well, i'm only see Yaoi(Just a peek):o

Hentai is too much for me(Ex: Being rape by monster, yuck)

02-21-2002, 01:50 AM
uhhhh its not a yes and its not a no maybe some of it but the rest scares little ol bebop srry not into that stuff real much

02-22-2002, 06:53 PM
hentai? well its kinda wierd but funny too i must admite i enjoy watching it but i really dont get off watching it or anything like that its just some funny stuff lol but its decrating to everybody becuase theres ones of guys and theres ones of girls so its not targeting anybody

02-24-2002, 03:37 AM
nah, they target intersexuals homosexuals and evil alien monsters too. i dont think they leave anyone out.

EVERYONE is their target. hentai rules!

02-24-2002, 08:56 AM
Well actually I think Azazel should use some full stops :D As for the matter at hand, yes they target everyone and no I don't know any good free sites :notgood:

02-24-2002, 06:39 PM
Both of my brothers used to download LOTS of hentai. Some of it fit my tastes,(1 out of 100 maybe) but for the most part it was just plain gross. (I just don't find Sasami very arousing.) From the ejaculate flying everywhere, to the undead porn, to the excrement, to the Sasami pics, I had a lot of fun deleting the shit.
(Some of this stuff has left me permanently grossed out.)

The way I see it, porn is pointless. You see enough detail to tell what they would look like naked when you watch the normal version, so why do you need hentai. It takes less energy to use your imagination than it does to look for porn.

02-25-2002, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by megalomania
It's degrading to women/girls, that's what. Hentai is way too perverted most of the time. I find it weird why people would want to see characters doing that kind of stuff. First of all, there isn't even a good plot line in most hentai, and second of all, it's sick(there's incest, affairs, tentacles, etc).

hmm.. i dont know about that one... Ayashi no Ceres had a little bit of hentai in it, and that story was really good..i enjoyed ayashi no ceres alot.. not for the nudity parts of course :eye:

02-25-2002, 02:07 AM
Ayashi no Ceres isn't actually hentai, though. It's an anime, a girly one, IMO. I watched a few episodes but I couldn't get into it. Just because it has some nudity doesn't make it hentai. Hentai is dirty.

Green Arrow
02-25-2002, 04:24 AM
entai, not really my cup of tea. Some that I have seen looks cool and well drawn, but if I had a choice like I do, I would not and do not look it up. No doubt it would be like real life stuff where you have to pay, so...wassup wit' dat'.

02-25-2002, 06:42 AM
i never do full stops!!!!!!!!!!!!1 but owell i meant in that its not targetting one single group it has guys monster women etc... so it would be degrating to everybody not just to women

02-25-2002, 07:24 AM
It takes less energy to use your imagination than it does to look for porn.

i dissagree. quite the opposite in fact. perhaps that's why i like hentai more than real pron. the more that is left to the imagination the CRAYZIER you'll get! *nuts*:D

of course that means the LESS revealing it is the better. not the SUPREME detial i can see the 3 inches inside the anus or something. even though i like that too. :p

but basically... i like the point your trying to make where you question the point of looking at it in the first place. i'd say that if we take it any further, we'd reach the point of socioligy, psychology, and SEX! and my friend, those are just the topics i love to talk about.

btw. anime with nudity is not and DOES not contain hentai. hentai IS, as said before "dirty" not litterally.'s diffrent. one thing is it involves sex.

02-26-2002, 02:03 AM

That aside here's my hypothesis on the situation in general. When a man masturbates, he inserts the image of a person he's seen (mostlikely a naked version) into his mind and imagines himself copulating with said person. A man is emotionally affected by this, believe it or not. If he masturbates to a specific person, it may cause an emotional attatchment to said person. (of course then there's the case of an unkown emotional attatchment causing you to mastubate to this person, causing a double attacthment to this person, but I'm not going to go any deeper into my personal life here.) Pornography serves to make the a nameless persona, who you can't devolope feelings for, while at the same time, eliminating the need to use that much imagination. (which is a plus for many who don't have imaginations.) With the persona being nameless, the persona doesn't have to be realistic either, she can be quite fake in fact. (Thus the rape/tentical beast fettish.) Pornography also tends to get dirtier and dirtier to cater to an increasingly desensitized audience. People grow further and further away from the real and lose perspective, and thats how many become desensitized requiring harder and harder core porn to arous them. (thus comes the flying sperm and the other sick stuff.)

That's all I have for now.