08-31-2008, 06:22 AM
(This pertains to the Bruce Faulconer DBZ Music)

Well I've been asking and asking for help on DVD Channel Recordings and no one seemed to be able to help me until I ran into some one who showed me what media player to use and then had me figure the rest out myself.

I've done the best I could with these. But here is an entire collection of unreleased Dragonball Z music I got from DVD Channel Recordings. Right now I'm only uploading the tracks that have no sound effects or voices. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to get everything, because to my dismay, when the DBZ characters would think to themselfs, it was put on the same channel as the music.

The music was put in the left rear and left right channels by itself for the most part. But some of the tracks have a small watery affect to them (nothing to ruin any of the tracks) because in order for my Audacity and Adobe to record them (recorded only the sounds that came from my CPU) I had the make the rear left and rear right channel play it two more channels.

Not everything is in the best quality, some stuff sounds like it's from a CD. some stuff is distorted, others are ok. So I don't want any complaints as this is the best we're going to get until and that's only IF Bruce Faulconer decides to release the rest of the unreleased stuff.

Now I can upload the tracks with minimal voices and sound effects if people desire. Where it has the stuff here and there and then you could edit the stuff yourself. I also left all audio volumes as is. Sometimes the music volume lowers suddenly due to it lowering for the show so people can talk. I wanted people to be able to mess with the music themselfs so they can get it to there perfect liking. The music volume changing isn't major and it's barely noticeable for most stuff. So enjoy guys and please leave feed back.But like said, all the tracks here are just the music.

I used the 5 new remastered DVD sets to do this. So more music will come as more DVD sets of DBZ are released.

Here it is...


Password: PjakDBZ (The password must be entered exactly like that as it is Case Sensitive)

Before I do tracklisting, I would like to thank ColonelSilver for the track "Vegeta's Full Theme Complete" He did this himself a while back and he was kind enough to send it to me. He did a much better job with the Vegeta theme than I did. But he didn't use DVD Channel Recording. He took pieces from the show where it only played the music and combined them and it turned out perfect. So props to him.

Now on to the track listing

Track 1 - Android 16 saves Android 17 (This is the track that has been wanted by a whole bunch. It's the music that plays when Android 16 announces he will kill Cell. It's also used when 16 saves 17 whose about to be absorbed by cell. This is the version where he saves 17. only difference is the intro.)

Track 2 - Android 18 Makes Road (Used When 18 destroys the forest so 17 can drive through it)

Track 3 - Body Change with Piccolo part 1 (Used at the ending of one of the episodes. It's when they realize Ginyu has taken Bulma's body, and Ginyu gets ready to steal Piccolo's body)

Track 4 - Body Change with Piccolo part 2 - Goku Vs Frezia Continues (This is basically the first half of the next episode. Where Ginyu attempts to steal Piccolo's Body, Frieza Vs Goku)

Track 5 - Body Change with Vegeta (Used at the ending of the episode when Ginyu was preparing to take Vegeta's body as Goku)

Track 6 - Cell's First Appearance (Used when Piccolo first meets Cell)

Track 7 - Cell's Multiple Powers (The music that plays as they are feelings all different power levels from Cell)

Track 8 - Cell's True Power (Used when Krillian explains to Trunks the extent of Perfect Cell's true power)

Track 9 - End of the Road for Jiece (Used when Vegeta is going to kill Jiece

Track 10 - Frieza Toppling Goku - Gohan's Worry (Goku begins losing the battle against Frieza and is soon going to come up with the idea to use the spirit bomb)

Track 11 - Ginyu and Jiece Approach (the full 6 minute track, used when Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillian plan things out as Jiece and Ginyu approach the battle field)

Track 12 - Ginyu Charges up As Goku part 2 (used at the beginning of the episode. Where Ginyu is in Goku's body and ask Jiece to give him a read out of his power level)

Track 13 - Ginyu Force and Goku, Vegeta Stand Off (Used at the beginning of the episode, as it shows the dead bodies of Reccome and Burta. Then it shows Goku, Vegeta, and Jiece, Ginyu getting ready to fight

Track 14 - Gohan's Sorrow for Piccolo (Used when Piccolo takes a shot for Goku that nearly kills him and Gohan thinks he's dead)

Track 15 - Gohan at Frieza's Spaceship (Used after they defeat the Ginyu Force completely. Goku is in the regeneration chamber, Vegeta is resting, while Gohan is outside of the ship trainning and day dreaming about defeating Frieza)

Track 16 - Gohan Fuels His Anger (Used when Gohan is in the hyperbolic time chamber trying to turn Super Saiyan as he remembers back to Frieza killing his friends. It's both versions of Ginyu Transformation)

Track 17 - Goku Vs Volcano (Frieza throws Goku into a whole in Namek planet they created while fighting. Goku races up to get out of the way of the lava before he gets burned to death)

Track 18 - Neo Tri-Beam to Cell (This is basically the Cell Powers Up theme, but the versiion used as Tien is hitting Imperfect Cell 2nd form with multiple Tri-Beams in order to give Android 18 and 16 time to escape

Track 19 - Super Saiyan Vegeta Theme Complete (This has the full intro in it. I will be re-doing this eventually)

Track 20 - Vegeta's Death (Used as Vegeta is dying after being shot by Frieza. He's explainning to Goku why he must defeat Frieza

Track 21 - Vegeta's Full Complete Theme (Includes the original version of his theme and the second version. Credit to ColonelSilver)

Track 22 - Vegeta Deflects Shot (Used when Frieza first forms goes to shoot Gohan with a deadly blast, but Vegeta knocks it out of the way)

PLEASE if you download. LEAVE FEEDBACK.

09-02-2008, 04:06 AM
thanks! the quality is fine to listen to IMO.

09-03-2008, 10:18 PM

09-04-2008, 03:27 AM
Cool, i finally get to have the full version of Vegeta's theme! Thanx.

01-04-2009, 12:57 AM
I just posted a thread looking for that 16 saving 17 song. Thanks a lot! I'll love having the full ss vegeta theme too!