08-30-2008, 04:49 AM
I uploading the ost from Devil May Cry 3 for ps2!Very great Capcom's musics!Good listening to you!=)

Disc 1:
01 prologue
02 opening
03 dante's office 7 hells battle
04 M1 end
05 mission start
06 M2 start
07 battle 1
08 M2 end
09 mission clear
10 M3 start
11 stage music 1
12 cerberus appearance
13 cerberus battle
14 continue
15 cerberus defeated
16 M3 end
17 M4 start
18 stage music 2
19 enigma appearance
20 gigapede appearance
21 gigapede battle
22 M4 end
23 M5 start
24 agni & rudra appearance
25 agni & rudra battle
26 M5 end
27 M6 start
28 stage music 3
29 M6 end
30 M7 start
31 vergil appearance
32 vergil battle 1
33 M7 end
34 M8 start
35 stage music 4
36 gigapede appearance inside leviathan
37 heart of leviathan
38 M8 end

Disc 2:
01 M9 start
02 stage music 5
03 nevan appearance
04 nevan battle
05 nevan defeated
06 M9 end
07 M10 start
08 eternal mechanism set
09 M10 end
10 M11 start
11 stage music 6
12 beowulf appearance
13 beowulf battle
14 beowulf defeated
15 M11 end
16 M12 start
17 geryon appearance
18 geryon battle
19 bridge lowered
20 geryon defeated
21 M12 end
22 M13 start
23 reunion
24 vergil battle 2
25 M13 end
26 M14 start
27 the two who chase arkham
28 mission start 2
29 stage music 7
30 battle 2
31 M14 end
32 the fallen appearance battle
33 divinity blue
34 M15 end
35 M16 start
36 stage music 8
37 confrontation with lady
38 lady battle
39 M16 end

Disc 3:
01 M17 start
02 doppelganger appearance
03 doppelganger battle
04 get doppelganger style
05 stage music 9
06 damned chase battle
07 M18 end
08 stage music 10
09 arkham running amok
10 arkham battle
11 intrusion
12 arkham battle 2
13 M19 end
14 M20 start
15 sibling showdown
16 vergil battle 3
17 M20 end
18 devils never cry
19 epilogue
20 vergil afterwards
21 total result
22 game over
23 super play
24 loop demo movie
25 motion capture movie
26 video continuity
27 promotion movie


MY OSTS COLLECTION(direct links) (Thread 34462)