05-30-2002, 12:51 PM
who would be in ur party if u could combine all the character's from all the final fantasy series into a team of 4.who would they be

Bahamut ZERO
05-30-2002, 01:08 PM

Cloud, Final Fantasy VII. The leader of the party, one of the better swordsman of the Final Fantasy series. Devastating limit breaks at higher levels, strong physical attacks, and an all round strong character.

Sabin, Final Fantasy VI. Easily the best character I've trained up in the game thusfar. His Blitz attacks are devastating and cost no Magic Points. He's a fair hand at magic, has a lot of Hit Points, has a strong physical attack and is a generally cool character overall.

Aeris, Final Fantasy VII. The magic user of the party. A great level four limit break makes you invincible. Not too great at physical attacks, has a stronger magic based attack than the rest of the characters in Final Fantasy VII, plus has a hell of a personality.

Edgar, Final Fantasy VI. Tough choice of number four, but this character also sticks out from Final Fantasy VI. Strong personality, tools are a useful skill to use and cost no MP. Strong physical strength, and able to use some of the higher levelled sword weapons as they become available. (Ragnarok, Atma Weapon, etc.)

05-30-2002, 03:24 PM
id take...

Squall- my swordsman, he will be the main powerhouse guy.

Kain- i love lancers and he was awesome, so hes goin in XD

Amarant- his abilities and his stats make him a great ally for my team :)

Quistis- she would be my mage and summoner.....and i think shes darn hot for a CG charater..hehe

05-30-2002, 08:19 PM

Cloud from FF7, naturally. He was the best fighter and ally in FF7 by far, plus he has that killer Ultima Weapon with all the Materia slots. You wouldn't need a summoner because you can just equip Master Summon, wouldn't need a thief because he you can equip Master Command, and no spellcaster because he also can hold Master Magic!

Cecil, the Paladin version, from FF4. Why wouldn't you have him in your party? He's a strong physical attacker that also doubles for an excellent healer. Also the best character in all the preceding FFs, he was a well-rounded character. Don't need a healer, because he is superb at it.

Wakka from FF10 just because he doubles as every character in the game. You know how you can learn almost everything, except for the Overdrives and Aeons, right? Well, since he has such a high Accuracy stat, he will do great against flying enemies, and because he woulalso be able to heal and cast black magics, he would sort of be a back-up for Cloud. His Overdrive is also a bonus because of the montrous damage that it can do when done correctly.

Zell from FF8. The reason I chose Zell is because of his agility and Desperation Moves. He sort of provides a comic relief for the rest of my serious characters, and if you do My Final Heaven just right, you can cause some serious damage to him, easily surpassing Lionheart for the best move.

Crater Seraph
05-31-2002, 12:35 AM
my party would be:




and Squall


Because they are all strong and Cloud and Squall have devastating attacks.:eye:

05-31-2002, 12:41 AM
nuff said

05-31-2002, 12:53 AM
I'm just gonna put seifer as a good guy
I'd have Seifer+Zidane+Dagger+my own recipy Dachande

06-04-2002, 07:22 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I chose these characters more for the personalites, rather than the individual moves/techniques they use, so yeah, I'm sure you could put together a stronger party, but whatever.

1. Squall: I'd choose him as a leader for the party. He's not the most pleasant, likeable character, but he's level-headed and I think that's a good trait for a leader to have. Besides, I like his character design, and he'd fit with the rest of my party, I think.

2. Rinoa: She's one of my favorite characters, and would serve as a party mage/healer/general magic user. Rinoa gives Squall something to fight for, being his love interest. I also think the both of them would be interesting around #3, who is...

3. Lulu: The party's dedicated mage. For some odd reason, I picture Lulu and Squall getting along quite well, and I think Squall/Rinoa/Lulu might be an interesting love triangle, and worth some sort of fanfic. (Yes, its late, and I'm a bit delirious from tiredness. O_O) Besides, she's my favorite FF character, so she *HAS* to be in my ideal party.

4. Kuja: I know he's not a playable character, but I like him anyway, so I'm including him. I don't know why at the moment, but I could see him getting along with the rest of my party, with the exception of Rinoa.

So, yeah. There you have it.

06-05-2002, 09:50 AM
Seifer, as he's cool Imo and has this better gunblade then Squall, only thing which needs working on are his limits do that and you have a killer.
Celes, she's strong and has the runic ability. Give here Illuminia and waboomo.... gone enemy ^^
Sabin, His blitz attacks and overall a strong character
and last but not least Vincent, His limits may suck just a bit but with the right training and other gizmo's he can also be a monster defeating machine :eye:

Neo Xzhan
06-05-2002, 10:26 AM
Hmm Cloud from FF7 and Terra from FF6 Tidus from FF10 and Rinoa from FF8 nuff said.

06-06-2002, 04:40 PM
You know, I was just thinking about this yesterday, so I've had some time to think about it.

It's really a tough choice, considering the characters in FF's are basically customized for the game and the Final Fantasy's up from FFVII are kind of cliched, as in they are always a primary magic user and attackers that are usually in everybody's party, with the exception of FFIX I believe.

1. Zidane (FFIX)- This is a very unlikely choice for me, I never quite liked Zidane's choice of weapons, but if you think about it, he can be a very valuable addition to a team. He has a high speed rating balanced out with a reasonably good attack. His highest limit skill is powerful as it is, and I like the limit system in FFIX.

2. T.G. Cid (FFT)- I can't see how he would fit into a turn based battle system that is in FF's excluding FFT. But considering that he is the major power house of FFT, he would be a great addition to team. I could kind of see his attacks as sort of like Beatrix's attacks.

3. Terra (FFVI)- The ability to turn into and Esper is invaluable for a good magic user. Also, the ability to use swords is a very good addition. The ability to raise your magic at will is a very good ability anyways

4. Gau (FFVI)- This is one guy I believe is a very good addition to any party. The ability to customize him is almost limitless. Not only is he able to learn many attacks that nobody can (via Rages of course), he also dosen't have to eqiup a weapon, that would save some money.

I tried to give my self a well rounded team from different Final Fantasy's, as you can see that didn't work. I think that your team is based on which final fantasy you are playing or have played most recently, because all characters have some attributes that are shared.

06-07-2002, 02:36 PM
1. Tidus: The guy has a natural leadership quality which is imperative to any successful group. Plus he is decent with a sword and a solid all-around character.

2. Terra: The chick in the group. Also she can cover all the summons in case the rest of my group needs it and she's a solid healer. She's essential to the party.

3. Irvine: To hit on Terra constantly. Plus he's a solid attacker, which any good party needs. And I gotta have some guy from FF8 and I picked Tidus over Squall and Zell doesn't meld with the rest of the group.

4. Amarant: To round out the group nicely. First he's got that shroud of mystery and evil around him that makes a good party great. Secondly, Throw can be an imporant command to have sometimes. He's also really cool, plus he'll be able to keep Irvine away from Terra if need be.

And that concludes my well thought through perfect party.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-07-2002, 06:51 PM

Sephiroth - Because I suspect that if I could have him as a proper character and trained him properly, then he would be the best FF character of all time, also I wonder what his best limit break is like. Also I think that he makes a perfect leader over Cloud and Squall.

Cloud - Because he is a VERY good all round character.

Red XIII - He is just like Cloud in ability apart from limit breaks

and Number 4 is *drum roll* ......................

Squall - His Lionhart limit break in AMAZING

06-13-2002, 02:48 AM
Leader: Setzer. well If I Just Say Offering Geniji Glove Dice Fixed Dice. Thats Roughly 30,000 Damage Or More.

White Mage: Aeris: Well Great Gospel, Fury Brand And One of the Greatest Magic users And Shes Cute Too

Strong Beef guy: Id Say Sabin But then I Thought About it Cait Sith! Every One Bags him But He Has A High Hp Strong Defense And With The HP Shout (Basically the Ultima Weapon) he Can Do 9999 A Hit.

That Guy You throw in Cause You Cant Think Of Anyone else: Selphie! With Slot You Can Own Just About very battle You Come Across With Skills like Rapture full Cure Wall And The end You Can Eliminate Even Final Bosses. Plus When Youre Lucky 3x ultima or Flares Are Really Nice!

Safer Sephiroth
06-20-2002, 08:18 PM
Sephiroth- As the leader



Cloud- If it was a four party battle.

Setsuna Yuna
06-28-2002, 11:01 AM
I guess I would want: 1. Quistis~as the leader. She just seems right for it, you know? I mean, if she made it to instructor level when she was only 17, then she must have some good leadership skills. I would have her draw a lot of black magic and work with her stats so she could cast really powerful magic.

2. Yuna~She has great determination and great skill with aeons, and when I played through and developed her on the Sphere Grid, she became a good healer with Flare black magic.

3. Tifa~She is good in hand-to-hand combat. I can imagine probably never putting any magic materia on her at all and her doing just fine. She could also lift people's spirits if they're feeling down.

4. Rikku~She has great theivery skills and I can imagine those Al Bhed potions and her overdrive Mix will come in handy! She also has a nice, upbeat personality and knows Al Bhed, in case she ever needs to communicate with an Al Bhedfor the group.

Am I the only one that has all girls? Well the men do have the vote in strength... :o

06-28-2002, 12:51 PM
Rinoa, Tifa, Yuna and Garnet. I chose them cos they are my fav female characters and they are fairly tough in their own unique ways ^_^.

07-18-2002, 06:06 AM
Hmmm. I haven't played anything past 8, so I can only comment from there and before.

Squall from FF8- Bam, Lionheart, bam.
Yuffie from FF7- Tee hee hee.
Terra from FF6- What isn't she good at?
Cara from FF5- Wow, nobody here likes FF5, do they? But with the Jobs system, you can make the character into just about anything you want.

07-18-2002, 08:17 PM
Seifer, sepiroth and Serge...
heh heh

07-19-2002, 05:25 AM
Cloud, Cecil, and Yuffie ^.^

07-29-2002, 10:31 PM
my ultimate team would be
_cloud FF7(offcourse)
_cid FF7

they have all the best skills and i really like cid making fun off everybody

my fourth member would be auron he is just so cool and slays everybody who interfeers with him

07-29-2002, 11:14 PM
ermm....let me think....*thinks hard*
ohhhh....Stop making me think unlimited_cloud *stamps foot* I hate thinking :p *lol*

Ok I would have...

Auron- Just gotta admire his Strength :rolleyes:
Yuna- She may be weak...but her aeons are damn useful ^_^
Yuffie- Dont ask me why cause you'll be making me think too much then

and if it was a 4 party battle....

Squall- Dont ask me why for him eigther

07-30-2002, 08:41 PM
i would have
1. Auron he is by far one of the best leader type characters even though he isnt the main character.
2.Vivi The best black mage.
3.Celcil HE is Very strong and can also heal.
4.Yuna someone has to summon and she can do it reaaaaaaalllllllllllllly good

:D :p :eye:

07-31-2002, 01:53 AM
Kain - of couse....
Auron - my auron does at least 45000 damage right now when he attacks normally, so he is hella strong.
Rydia - For summons, she gets so strong
Yuna - summons, but mostly healing

07-31-2002, 04:06 AM

Lulu: A good black mage, and every time the party wins, she...

Yuna: Aeons, they make the world go round

Mog: The cute, funky one of the group

Locke: He's just cool

Fallen Angel
08-05-2002, 08:48 AM
Rikku, Rinoa, Quistis, Tifa can all be in my "party" any time (if you know what I mean....*wink wink)

Seriously though.....

Squall Tidus Auron and Yuna

Think, how hard could they hit....

the one
08-06-2002, 10:23 AM
cloud,sabin,steiner and zidane

Corran Horn
08-22-2002, 04:08 PM
I will say Auron, Squall, Cloud, and Aeris.

Cetra Angel
08-22-2002, 04:53 PM
1. Selphie - She hella cool and her limit breaks rule.

2. Rikku/Yuffie - If you're gonna have a theif it might as well be a spunky teenage girl!

3. Vivi - Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Oh and he's a good Black Mage

4. Aeris - She be my healer and summoner. Aeris will always rule, forever.

But there's so many good chars I took ages picking this team...

God of HellFIRE
08-22-2002, 06:54 PM
Cloud - the best character in a FF game! he's cool AND strong!!

Auron - He's also cool and strong so...

Squall - Leonheart!!!

Aeris - The "classic" healer!!

I think that's what I'd choose...

08-31-2002, 09:17 PM
To answer this I need to cross games. Here would be my party (in 3 people, like all Squaresoft games except for Secret of Evermore)

Cloud- duh... incredible powerful
Marle- (Chrono Trigger) ultra healer

And 1 of the following:
Chrono-Good Double tech w/ Marle (aurora whirl)
Ayla-(when above lvl 95, critical hits always do 9999 damage)
Tifa-(great limit break, good magic)

09-03-2002, 04:27 PM
1. Terra, from FF6, firstly, equipped with x-magic, of course. Double Ultima should help finish any job quickly.

2. Auron, from FFX because he is both ridicoulously powerful, and an interesting character that I would be proud to put in my party.

And though I'm tempted to put Vivi and Steiner in my party so they can do that awesome attack together....

3. Zidane, from FF9 with all his abilities of course. That should help things along any time status ailments come into play, and he'll prove his worth every time a trance comes along.

4. Gogo, from FF6, because to have any of these guy's attacks mimicked would be a godsend.

This was a very interesting idea for a thread, by the way. Wish I'd thought of it :-P

Psuedes Psyche
09-03-2002, 06:11 PM
Squall (ff8)
Cloud (ff7)
Vincent (ff7)
Auron (ff10)

03-12-2004, 03:42 PM
if i could hav any person in my party....mmmmmm....... choses choses...... ive spent along time on this an this is wot it bolis down to i wud hav:

squall : cool first weapon, good leader, very hard, an is.........just cool

auron - good swords man, very cool, an 1 of the hardest characters

siefer - gunblade, beta than squall,badass (why doesnt any 1 like seifer?)

zell - hyper, ace limit break, very hard, an is funny

(if i can hav 5 ppl) then for my lkast 1 i wud hav
dyne - gun arm, friend of barret. if not then yuna gd summoner an healer!

if it was like ff9 an 10 then i would hav

yuna - hard, gd summoner, very fit

vivi - gd black magic, cute

steiner - magic sword

an sephiroth - badass, very hard an a dam gd sword!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 04:24 PM
If this is in a world where anyone can use summons (Ex. VII and VIII) then this is my party.

Cloud- Awesome swordsman and good with magic
Squall- Awesome gunbladesmen and good leader
Vivi- Great mage for powerful spells
Aeris- Great healer and higher up with HP etc.

If it is a world where there are specific summoners (Ex. IX and X) then this is my party.

Yuna- good at summons of course and actually really good at spells (Ultima baby!)

03-12-2004, 05:05 PM
Cloud the best swordsman of the series

Auron another kickass swordsmen

Vincent the best gunsman in the series

and last but not lest

Yuna the magical and summon

03-12-2004, 06:15 PM
dude it would eb the hotest party ^_^

ok you get Faris from v, Paine from x-2, Lulu from x, and sepheroth from vii

(hey you said combine all charis, and sephi is a semi playable cahri in one area of 7 so lol) Yeah ^_^

03-12-2004, 09:50 PM
Cloud, Barret, Squall, and Tifa:D :D :D :D :D :D Can I pick Sephiroth? I ask this because he was in your party in a flashback so ya??? If I can I would just have Sephiroth, Cloud ,and Tifa.

03-12-2004, 11:18 PM
Cloud : FOR SURE, he rocks, best ff character ever.

Squall: in my opinion hes nearly as good as cloud but not as good as him.

Auron: Hes cool and can learn alot of abilitys.

Vivi : Hes cool and powerful black magic

Darth Revan
03-17-2004, 12:20 PM
I'm gonna go for the four person party. Here's my group :

Leader - Auron. He's a badass and looks so damn cool when he appears at the blitzball tournament, when the monsters go nuts and before Seymour (Butts) summons Anima. That scene where he just stands there with sword ready as a monster bears down on him and he takes it out with one stirke!

Healer - Aeris. Pretty simple. Each party needs a healer and let's face it, Aeris has pretty awesome healing abilities.

Fighter - Edgar. He may be an average fighter, but with his tools ability, he packs an awesome punch.

Black Mage - Lulu. Every party needs a Black Mage and Lulu has the looks of one.

Bahamut ZERO
03-17-2004, 12:27 PM
Way to resurrect an old topic, Batman...

Okay, considering that I'm now further into my experience of playing Final Fantasy games in general, I'm going for the old style Final Fantasy 4 5 person party, and I'm gonna make a change to my party. So nyeh.

Cecil - FF4 Would be the main hero of the game. Simply because he was the main character I clicked to most in the game. Cecil's character in the game, overcoming the odds of his personality, puts Cloud to shame. And a few others who I won't list.

Auron - FF10 Arguably my favourite from the whole series. A silent bad ass with a huge sword. Sure, you could say the same about Cloud, but Cloud didn't drink, plus Auron just has that "look" which makes him appear more dangerous.

Sabin - FF6 A survivor from my old party: Sabin is super strong, and his Blitz attacks can cause a heck of a lot of damage. You can just tank him up and he can withstand a lot of damage thrown at him.

Rydia - FF4 The Black Mage AND Summoner of the party. Two jobs in one. Rydia will provide the offensive magic attack, and the Bahamut summon will tear through the enemy.

Aeris - FF7 The second survivor from my old party, although only just holding Yuna and Rosa off. Aeris' limit breaks raise limit levels and what not, plus get invincibility cast. She's a strong magic user, and will be helpful for healing.

So, yeah, I've changed my mind... :)

03-17-2004, 12:28 PM
Yeah, FFIV 5 person party

Squall (VIII) - His renzokuken followed by Lion Heart is devastating

Tidus (X) - Blitz Ace + Break Damage Limit = Total Destruction

Sabin (VI) - For his Blitz attacks, no MP required and damn powerful

Edgar (VI) - Same as Sabin, his Tools skill rules

Cloud (VII) - Omnislash is his ticket into my All-Star party

How come the protagonist's are the only ones who get the mega multi-hit Limits?

03-19-2004, 04:40 PM
I think I'd just take all the characters and make them into a giant Square army......ok if i just had a few these would be them....

Squall: (FFVIII) He's got powerful attacks.

Cloud: (FFVII) Need I say more? Ok I will...... His limit breaks always take out the enemies. Omnislash was awesome.

Locke: (FFIII) Locke had a high attack and good defense.

Edgar: (FFIII) His Auto crossbow took out alot of enemy HP.

Shadow: (FFIII) He was a great attacker and had a dog (Interceptor) who counterattacked for him and had great attack power.

Auron: (FFX) He was the best in FFX he was my strongest character in the game.

Oh and if i could I'd have Tifa or Aeris. They were strong and had good magic attacks.(and if it could be any Square game then I'd have Magus (Chrono Trigger) he was awesome.) Ya I know I had more than 4 but how can you pick? all of Square's character's are awesome. (I'd put more but I think I'd list them all :lol )

03-19-2004, 07:05 PM
yea u sed that locke edgar an shadow were all in ff8 they were in ff6!

03-19-2004, 07:42 PM
If you had paid more attention, you'd have noticed that he posted III (3) not VIII (8). III as in FFIII-US which is what VI was known as in America - dunno why I posted that since everyone knows that, unless............

03-20-2004, 07:19 PM
whoops my bad

03-21-2004, 09:53 AM
Cloud Because he makes a good leader and at max stats with hi Ultima weapon and 4X cut he kicks ass!

Amarant Because his Chackra attack is good and he has a good strength and physical defence

Terra The best white mage in the buisness also she can summon esper's

Vivi He is one of the best black mages and he rocks!


03-21-2004, 11:01 AM
Gehehe... here I come:

Auron: I mean, he�s Auron and if anyone hasn�t noticed yet, I love Auron.

Eiko: She just so damn cool. If it�s possible I�d take Mog as well... because Mog and Eiko must be together!

Vincent: I almost forgot him... *apologies* He was the best FF7 character for me... he had this... this... well, this dark manner and he was very good looking! =D

Locke: Awww~ my dear Locke. He�s just great!!!

Now, when I look at this party... I... cannot really imagine Eiko standing next to Vincent... O_O well... Who cares?!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

The best would be if I could name myself. But I�m not really a FF-character, eh? *sad* I wish I was...

03-21-2004, 02:39 PM
Zell cuz hes the best!!!

Tifa cuz she rocks!

Ashe cuz shes hot!

Auron cuz hes bad ass!

Ritz(ffta) cuz shes cool!

Zadine cuz hes a monkey boy (monkeys rock)

Vincent Valentine and Irvine so they can shoot enemys for me!!!

03-22-2004, 01:33 AM
A party of 4? Are we talking how much I like the character as a person, or how good they are in battle?
If we're talking how much I like the character, it would be cloud, squall, zell, and tifa. Cloud and squall on the same team would be so cool.

If you mean how good they are in battle, just replace tifa with wakka. Keep in mind that this is relative to the other characters in their game. If it wasn't, I'd just pick all 4 from FFX because they have break damage/hp limit.

03-22-2004, 10:43 AM
Here's mine

1) Cloud - Because of his strong attacks.
2) Cecil - Paladins are cool!
3) Tifa Lockeheart - Good fighter
4) Vivi - Black Mage of the Party.

hb smokey
03-23-2004, 08:36 PM
Cecil from FFIV-Leader
Cloud from FFVII-Sidekick
Terra from FFVI-Magic
Yuna from FFX-Summoner
Kain from FFIV-Betrayer

03-24-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by FFFanatic
Here's mine

1) Cloud - Because of his strong attacks.
2) Cecil - Paladins are cool!
3) Tifa Lockeheart - Good fighter
4) Vivi - Black Mage of the Party.

Yeah Tifa rocks but Zell would woop her!!!!

04-07-2004, 06:32 PM
Cloud for sure
then Squall
then Garnet for healing
and last but not least Zidane

04-09-2004, 08:30 AM
It's really hard to chose but i think these are the ones i'd pick:

Tifa Lockheart
Cid Highwind

And if i could Laguna Loire

04-11-2004, 04:56 PM
Lemme see, I would use Cloud cuz I think he's awesome and I like his overdrives. Yuna for healing and summoning. ViVi for black magic. And sephiroth cuz he's freakin strong.(if sephiroth doesnt count, Squall cuz...uhhhh...I dunno.
Of course I only played FF 7, 8, 9,and 10

04-12-2004, 11:25 AM
I would choose:

and Cloud to be the pimp daddy

04-12-2004, 04:37 PM
Squall-Leader,he has high strength,extremely powerful limit breaks
Rinoa-Black mage(angel wing)
Yuna-white mage and her Aeons
Auron-high strength,good abilities

04-12-2004, 08:35 PM
Auron(FFX)- Just gotta admire his strength oh and hes the guy that no1 quites knows what his quotes mean until later in the game

Vincent(FFVII)-hes just kewl

Shadow(FFVI)- dunno he just was an awesome character

and Kain- Um i just like him

Oh there could aslo be an all chick team that i would like

Tifa(FFVII)-The Tough One
Lulu(FFX)-the black Mage
Yuna(FFX)- Um i jst want to b able to summon Anima

04-13-2004, 11:04 PM

04-14-2004, 12:25 AM
Several ways I can do this.. I'll keep it at 4 person:

Max Power:
-Mog, FFVI. X-Magic, Maxed MagPower, every spell
-Sabin, FFVI. Max Speed; Bum Rush
-Edgar, FFVI. Max Vigor, Genji Glove + Offering, Illumina + Ultima Weapon
-Orlandu/ TG Cid, FFT. If he was converted to a "normal" system, his Sword Skills would easily be doing 9999. And they're AoE, so they'd hit every enemy.

-Lenna/Reina, FFV
-Faris, FFV
-Galuf, FFV
-Krile, FFV
You can sub in Bartz, if you want for one of them. But he's a loser :P
(all jobs mastered; yes, that includes Red Mage and Mime)
4x FFXI characters, every job @ lvl 75, and subjob quest :x

Girl Power!:
-Terra, FFVI. See Edgar above
-Celes, FFVI. See Mog above
-Krile, FFV. See above
-Reina, FFV. See above

Basically, this party can do anything, and can kill anything, considering Vanish/Doom :x

04-18-2004, 01:20 PM
I would have :

Tifa (she rocks )

04-18-2004, 04:07 PM
i would have two possibilities for teams:

team 1 (team)

1.Rikku (thief)

2.Vivi (black and white mage)

3.Red13 (Fighter and maybe leader)

4.Tifa (2nd fighter)

Team 2 (only 2nd best)

1.Sephiroth (leader and fighter)

2.Yuffie (thief and black mage)

3.Kuja (dunno hes just there)

4.Garnet (White mage)