05-30-2002, 10:59 AM
Yes, yes.. I know I'm obsessed with drawing Duo as shinigami..
He's just so cute like that, yanno?
<----- proof ^_^


I'm quite proud of this one. It only took me a little over an hour to draw ^_^ I made it look blue-ish in photoshop. Don't ask me why.. just thought it'd look nice =O
I'll probably draw some sort of background on it later, if I feel like it would make the picture look better.

Er, yeah.. enough of my ramblings. Whatcha think of it? ^_^

05-30-2002, 11:37 AM
clapping hands

That�s pretty pretty pretty. I like the outifit... it looks really cool. Hmmm... am I lacking some background info? This is Duo? :confused:

The blue hue adds something to the pic, good idea! ^_^

05-30-2002, 09:08 PM
mmm... the left uh, "hand" is cool, but the right one looks a bit odd (then again, hands are mostly hard to draw, so...). the cloth is really well done too.

05-31-2002, 02:10 AM
i think it kikked behind, hehee. If i actually concentrate on it the hand on the right is a lil itty witty bitty off, but when i look at it, it just looks dramatic. Quite original. awesomeness.


06-05-2002, 07:48 PM
Great as always. Very stylish. I love the wings.

By the way, how's your comic coming along?

06-05-2002, 08:29 PM
's funny.. I posted this same picture at a GW forum and everone fawned/drooled over it.. While people here only see/comment on the mistakes =P ;)

And no Misao, you're not lacking background information ^_~ This is what they call an 'AU' (alternate universe) drawing :p

And thanks, Gehenna =D I'm quite fond of the wings myself.. hee ^_^
I didn't post more pages of the comic did I.. Um, 'kay. here's two new ones. They follow eachother up.

FYI, the picture I used in my current siggie was drawn by me as well ^_^

06-06-2002, 11:28 AM
Shinigami looks Styleish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Nymphy ^_^
Imo, you made him look evil and such which is good
*drools* ;)

Tordragon Kivela
06-09-2002, 11:23 PM
First off, I got to say that I'm not familiar with your work, not until now, as I'm about to roam to look for your other pictures. Because.. that really is Something. As I can also confess that I have this thing regarding wings and such. Especially ones with claws pointing out of them. Yeah, sure.. I can find some "flaws" if I just look and be critic-like, but this one's something where I don't want to find any, I won't even look for those.

I'd better be going and look for your other pictures, images. I'm impressed, and I apologize if this post sounds oh-just-another-drooling-fan-who-just-says-he/she-is-impressed-by-my-work-like. It's not, or I do hope that it isn't. ..It ain't, right.