08-27-2008, 04:05 AM
1 The Force Unleashed (Jesse Harlin) 1:20
2 General Kota and the Control Room Duel 3:44
3 Infiltrating the Junk Temple 2:55
4 Drexl's Raiders 2:52
5 Approaching Felucia 3:28
6 The Sarlacc Unleashed 3:20
7 Maris and the Bull Rancor 2:11
8 Proxy and the Skyhook 2:37
9 Redemption 2:19
10 Juno Eclipse/ Finale 1:12
11 Bonus Track: Ton'yy Rho's Uglehop (Jesse Harlin) 1:14

Credit goes to Into The Storm for the initial upload!

08-29-2008, 06:22 PM
Thanks a lot for this, much appreciated. Hope the game lives up to the hype!

08-30-2008, 06:50 PM
Very awesome thank you

09-18-2008, 06:18 PM
Thank you

09-19-2008, 07:02 AM
awesome! mucho mucho gracias! - just got the game the other day - getting thru the quirky Wii control which has 1 out of 3 respond rate.

09-19-2008, 09:51 AM
Tnks man! There is a RIP of the WII version on the post of OrangeC. You should check out!

09-20-2008, 06:56 PM

09-24-2008, 03:56 PM
I downloaded this from another forum.. it's a great soundtrack. My favorite tracks are 1 and 3, however, but it's still a mind-blowing game.

09-29-2008, 06:06 AM
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays during the after-demo trailer? It's been used in a couple films too, but I can't find anything on it.

Can anyone help?

Here is the trailer I'm talking about:

10-05-2008, 06:16 PM
hey guys thanks a lot for uploading this. I do have one question though. Do you know where I would go to buy (or download) the entire ost or is this the entire ost?

10-06-2008, 01:23 PM
FYI if someone could rip this game that would be awesome...
WHoever mixed the in game music made some pretty damn cool remixes - including a new variation on the Imperial March theme....Sounds pretty awesome...

10-07-2008, 02:47 PM
Ehhhh, I dunno about the new variation on the Imperial March. I prefer the original, especially when it's played on the very first mission.

10-08-2008, 06:10 AM
its in the second felucia level....the level when you fight the AT-ST...the "remix" isnt a remix perse - the composer made his own cue using the Imperial March, and it sounds pretty damn cool...

10-08-2008, 07:35 PM
Many thanks for This

10-09-2008, 06:24 PM
Anyone have a complete rip in MP3 format? The only rip on the forums is in .ogg.

10-10-2008, 02:51 AM
Yes please....this score is the shiznit!!!