05-30-2002, 12:42 AM
Okies, this is a little game I made up with two irl friends of mine. We'd create our own summon type things just to goof around.. [ Do not ask about Nitron. ox;; ] But, when we were bored we'd just make up some stupid and/or pretty cool possible summons! Here's a nice lil guideline to follow. [Also this was my first Aeon/Summon/GF. Pyronix ]

Summon Sequence... - The battlefield fades to a black background where in which flames sprout from everywhere. A roaring type sound in heard as an echo in the far off distace as the flames begin to grow around the center of the field. A howl is heard, closer now. The flames remaining at their peak. A shadow is cast within the flames. A large mandala like form forms in the center from the flames. A canine like form runs into it, and it howls once more. The flames erupt but the wolfen beast can be seen as a shilouette inside. Scene fades, battle proceeds.

[Aeon Genre.]

Special Attack... - Demon Flare: The wolf beats lowers it's head and growls. Another mandala like shape forms around the enemy. The wolf rises its head and the flames peak to their medium hieght, then disappear.

Overdrive... - Meteor Storm: The wolf lowers the top half of its body forward, and jumps forward to stand before the enemy. Pyronix howls a long echoing howl, the blood red moon can be seen rising over the now black battlefied. The wolf backs off, smirking to itself and turns to its summon, nods then turns back. Howling once more as small moonstones of pure fire drop to earth they grow larger and larger until a giant sized boulder falls unto the enemy. This attack inflicts fire damage and petrification in some rare cases.

GF... - A large pack of wolves gather around the outskirts of the battlefield. Pyronix dashes forward and paces around the enemy, growling softly with every step it takes. A bark of approval then the flame red wolves in the distance rush forwards to their alpha wolf and howl in unison to the heavens above. From below a giant pool of flames rise from the circle of wolves. The wolves lower their head and dash back into the distance. Pyronix leading them on.

Okay.. he *was* my first!! Now lemme see yours. =D!

05-30-2002, 04:11 AM
Uh, no sweat? :uh?: ..................


Ah! Got one!

Name: Tetra Master

Summon Sequence: The entire field gleams with light as time is suddenly ripped apart. The monsters and Yuna are unceremoniously sucked into the gaping portal, not knowing what is going to happen next. The light fades, and they find themselves in a cosmic battlefield; to be more specific, one could say it is a sandy area, perhaps a beach, with lush forests on one side, and a neverending sea of crystal clear water on the other, with no atmosphere and stars and planets showing brightly in the sky. A being, some sort of entity, manifests itself out of the depths of the ocean, and emerges from the fertile boundaries of the shore. It starts to take shape, the shape of a man. No, not a man, but a human-esque silhouette composed of the four, most treacherous elements: water, fire, wind, and earth. The entity then walks towards it's next victims......

Battle then ensues accordingly.

Special Attack #1 - Climhazzard: Tetra Master turns to a light blue, then calls upon the power of the wind to deal damage to all enemies. A terribly large tornado rushes from a distant point in the sea, it's sight set on the enemies. It grows larger by every foot it moves, and then it strikes without warning, and deals major damage to all opponents.

Special Attack #2 - Final Destination: Tetra Master unleashes his dark side. All be warned because he know unsheaths his almighty sword and uses it to rip a hole in time and space, sucking one foe in. But be warned, because if he dies, all will reutrn to normal and the monster will be in the normal realm waiting for you. This attack can only be done after three Climhazzards have been used in one battle.

Special Attack #3: Catastrophe: Tetra unleashes his Holy side, but there's nothing holy about it, except that it makes you want to shout "Holy Hera!" TM once again unsheaths something, but this time it is a bow and not a sword. He then calls upon the power of the wind to rise him up high, then he callously rains arrows of light onto one opponent, turning them into your allies and letting them heal your wounds or do nothing. You cannot control this fiend, and, if tM dies, then the fiend will return to the opposition. This can only be used if you successfully use Curaga with one character ten times without getting hit.

Overdrive - Tetra Destroyer: Now you've really done it. Those pesky monsters just pushed tetra a little too far, and now he will have to teach them a lesson. He starts getting angry, and then an ominous voice booms over the universe, echoing like a catchy song in the back of your head. "ENOUGH!" the voice bellows, and the sky turns all six different distinct shades. Tetra Master then returns to his omnipotent form, and grow to immeasureable size. Everything then turns to a brownish-green color, and the ground rumbles and cracks. It then splits apart into jagged points and rises into all the foes, sending them sky high. While the foes are still airborne, Tetra uppercuts them with a boulder-like hand. They fly into space and are barraged by dozens of meteors, then are smacked down to earth by a huge slab of rock chiseled out by Tetra himself. They rocket down to earth like a downed plane, and fall right into the place that Tetra chiseled the rock from. The splash into the scalding pool of molten rock and magma, and are ferociously attacked by the evil henchman of TM. TM then picks them out of the lava, and slams them right into the ocean. There, they are drowned and attacked by this realms dangerous undewater inhabitants. Then, they are blasted out of the water by geysers, but the geysers are so strong that they are shot sky high once again. Good thing there is a breeze today, because the wind then attacks them with a multitude of tornados and hurricanes and is then shot back down to earth, where and evil realm opens. They are hurled into this evil realm, where sins are good and torture is the key. They are almost destroyed in this realm, when the Saints fly down and attack the evil ones. The Saints soon realize that the true evil lies within the victims of this awful world, and then they all start attacking your foes. It all ends when a Shadow Flare and Ultra Nova from TM, who cleverly got to the other side, and they are transported back to the original starting point, where they die.

Can you say 'instant death'? :D

05-30-2002, 03:46 PM
well, i did actually create a summon at one point....and my friend even drew a pic of him for me too :) this summon is based on the battle system of old school and/or FFVIII

summon: Angelus

Attack name: Divider of Heaven

The camera views up into the clouds, as that white clouds come together, to create a golden gateway. the gateway opens and with The Spear of Longinuss in one hand, and a shield in another, a huge four wing Angel appears. with a stern look, he points his spear at his target and then swoops down like a falcon and flys to his target in full force. as soon as he gets to his target, he pulls up the spear and then slices right through the middle of his foe, then a brillant flash of light appears, and then a divine explosion shoots up from the enemy right into heaven separating the holy kingdom apart. now since Angelus' job is done, he flys back up into heaven, lands on the clouds and goes back into the gateway, with the golden gates shutting behind him.

not bad eh? :) i guess you wanna see the pic huh? k, its not complete yet, but here it is...

08-06-2002, 08:20 PM
Summon sequence:Heavy waves of sand blast across the battlefield and within seconds they join to create a giant muscled creature with the head of an aardvark. He has a curved snout, erect square-tipped ears and a long forked tail. He draws a massive scabard and the battle begins.

Special attack#1-sandstorm:Seth looks upon his enimies and talks in a strange un deciecherable(sp) language and calling upon his true power he points his finger towards the enemy and a tidal wave of almost water like sand washes over the opponents washing away weak enimies and dealing major damage to strong ones.

Special attack#2- fatal strike-Seth holds out his sowrd and leaps foward,unleashing his full wrath upon the enemy and killing them instantally, but if he misses his corporeal form disentergrates back in to sand.

Overdrive-Soul devour-Seth roars in frustration and grasps a enemy in his hand, a blast of energy escapes the enemy and enters Seth's mouth fully restoring his vitality. Seth drops thebody and sneers it as it becomes sand.

That was fun!(God I really am bored:( )If you cant tell I like mythology! Expect more if i'm stuck for something to do.

Skye Vrbas
08-23-2002, 09:48 PM
-* Guardian of the secret sword *-

He's a Gigantic man whit a long golden beard .
He has a voise like the tunder , and the onely one who can
carry the "secret sword ( it's VERRY big and heavy )

Attack VII , VIII ( or overdrive X ) -* Holy revenge *-

He takes his neckles ( a diamond ) and holds it while
he says ; " Take this" Then a LARGE , VERRY LARGE blade appearce out of the skye and lands right in front of Renox , Renox takes the blade and he does an omnislash on his enemy , after that, he he heals yourr status , not hp , if so , he would be a SUper god ...

The other ideas where great , nice job guys


09-01-2002, 03:38 AM
i think it would be cool to see some kind of elven or dwarf type summon, you dont see many things like that in a Final Fantasy Game, especially with all the monsters that are in it!

09-03-2002, 05:00 AM
Two words: Butter Golem.

Psuedes Psyche
09-03-2002, 03:38 PM
Name: Pierce

Summon Sequence: The earth begins to rumble and the summoner steps forward. He shoves his sword* into the ground and a pright light shoots from it into the sky. The sky begins to open up and a figure falls from it summersaulting(SP?) He lands on his feet and take the sword. He says "I'll take it from here kid."

GF: Pierce holds up his the sword and it begins to pulse with energy. It then flashes with blinding light and pierce throws it into the sky. He rushes forward and does some fighting techniques on the enemy. He then jumps back and begins to charge an attack. The sword comes flying down and flies sraight through the enemy. Pierce than unleashes a blast of energy at the enemy. Pierce runs up and grabs the sword and tosses it to the summoner. He says "See you later!" Than dissapears.

*If the summoner is equiped with a different weapn Pierce picks it up and says "This won't work!" He tosses the weapon back to the summoner and draws his own sword (which does more damage!) The rest is the same.

I'm still working on a pic. I'll edit the post once I get it done.

09-03-2002, 10:42 PM
Drunk Bum

Attack One: "I only had one pint officer, honisht"

confuses the enemy with drunken ramblings. doesnt deal any damage, but chance of confuse is 100%

Attack Two: "I gotta go!"

too drunk to actually find a lavatory, the drunk bum drops his pants and takes a piss all over the enemy.

Overdrive: "You spill my pint?"

bottles the enemy with an empty beer bottle, then picks up a bar stool and smashes it over there head. then grabs a pool cue and pokes him in the eye, before fainting and falling over.

09-11-2002, 06:38 PM

Summon sequence:A beautifull woman appears from a wave of mist holding a simple wooden harp. She plucks a string and the mist disappears.

Special attack#1-Fire Bolero-She starts playing a tune, slowly at first but soon she sppeeds up. Suddenly pillars of flame rise up from beneath the enemy, the faster she plays the more pillars appear, eventually exploding in a flash of heat.

Special attack#2-Ice Sonnet-She holds the harp close to her head and starts playing a slow tune, within seconds a shower of icicles hits the enemy.

Overdrive-Final shriek-Canola starts to fade in to nothingness but her final scream sends a shocwave to the enemy, causing them too to disappear.

BTW flaming ammarant that was hillarious!

09-11-2002, 10:11 PM
wow, most of you are really into serious that it's funny....

09-12-2002, 07:49 AM
wow, most of you are really into serious that it's funny....

I admit it, I have no life:D

09-12-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Kenshin
wow, most of you are really into serious that it's funny....

its not rocket science, if you have half an imagination, you can make one up on the spot. :eye:

Psuedes Psyche
09-14-2002, 12:35 AM
Yep! I made one up right o the spot AND I have no life hahhahhahah!!!

09-15-2002, 04:40 AM
bit the start...i like teh way this topic fades out

mine would have to be in the comedy stylings of chocomog from FFVII

using dodgy colouful manga bits and funny noises!!

09-15-2002, 04:48 AM
Kudos!,imagination is important, but as I was reading those created summons, each writer set such a serious setting and tone, and that's what I was referring too

Psuedes Psyche
09-15-2002, 11:00 PM
Well I'm thinking of using that summon for a game. Plus I'm just a serious guy............:D

09-16-2002, 01:20 PM
serious is cool though

03-12-2004, 02:38 PM
a flying yojimbo that has a fire elemental sword, can shoot mega flare out of his mouth, if the sword doesnt kill the enemy like odin then it uses burn on the enemy (kind of like bio but differnt) an dont hav to pay to use it! attack is called = any ideas any1?

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 06:06 PM

Summon name: James

The person does the summon thingy and a guy that looks just like me comes out of a porta-potty except he has no mouth. Then he grows a mouth and eats everyone while at the same time, manages to play the Clarinet. Please tell me if you like mine because I put hours of hard thought into creating it.

03-12-2004, 06:13 PM

kitty summon


*screen blacks out, kitty appears and dances around. * um.. it.. casts random status effects on enemies, and casts ensua on party ^_^

Lightning Mage
03-12-2004, 07:45 PM
Name: Chronos.
Name of Attack: Big Crunch (opposite of Big Bang)
Sequence: Character summons. Camera shifts upward to show blackened sky. A star explodes and devolves into a black hole.
Chronos flies through the black hole. Chronos is a giant metalic green tecno-organic space warrior.
His hand appears under the battle field.
Beams spread upward towards the sky. A bunch of planets form a Clock-like shape and then all of the planets implode.
Chronos directs the remnants of the planets to all be pulled towards one area: the enemies.
As the planets collide, Chronos dives towards the enemies to finish them off. He creates a black hole in his hand and sucks in the enemies. A giant explosion accurs and then the explosion gets sucked in to compact everything into nothingness.

Then the enemies who aren't killed fall back to earth and receive tons of damage.

It's a death spell. Like Odin.

03-12-2004, 09:32 PM
Summon Name: KageMusha (Shadow Warrior)
Summon Attack: GenoClypse (Beginning and End) ( revised version of words Genesis and Apocolypse)
Attack Description: OPENING SCENE. Sun rises over mountain
Camera is quickly zoomed outward. A legion of horses can be heard charging. KageMusha casts Katana and points it toward the sun. Camera quickly zooms into space looking toward Earth. A Meteor shower invades Earth out of no where. Camera zooms back to KageMusha as its sword glows a fierce red. Now the enemy can be seen within view. The Sky is covered with thick red clouds. KageMusha jumps up with his horse looking the enemy dead in the eye. As he is doing this, asteroids come rushing from every which way bombarding the enemy as if it were nothing. KageMusha slashes the enemy multiple times and disappears. Then a very big meteor comes and does a final attack on the enemies. ENDING SCENE. Sun sets over mountain and complete darkness is all that can be seen, Then KageMusha's sword slash damaga points occur(You can say KageMusha's slashes were faster.... a lot faster then sound) All the player can see are the hit points being taken from the enemy from KageMusha's Katana Attacks.[END]
Berserk, Haste and Regen are casted on ally party.
MP used: 230

03-12-2004, 10:38 PM
Name: Mana Beast
Summon Sequence: The summoner stretches his hands forth as power radiates out from him. He is very intense and you can tell he is giving everything he has to bring about this summon. The sky darkens and lightning strikes nearby as a rift opens in front of the summoner. As the summoner puts forth more energy the ground begins to shake and it feels as if the earth itself is being torn apart. The great white beast emerges from the rift. It is a golden-white dragon with four blue tipped wings. After seeing his summon complete, the summoner falls to the ground having depleted all his eneregy.

The summoner must give his/her life to call the mana beast. All rewards gained for winning the battle are still obtained if you manage to win before the summon runs out. This is a last resort summon.

The attacks of the mana beast are so devastating that it harms other party members in addition to the enemy.

Here is a picture of a young mana beast with the right colors:

Here is a picture of a full grown mana beast that would be summoned but the colors are wrong:

I know its corny but bare with me ;-)

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 11:26 PM
Doesn't anyone like mine? I really like your's LightningMage and if I had the time I would come up with an even better one than before but I don't so oh well.

Lightning Mage
03-13-2004, 12:33 AM
Was yours serious?
It seems like you were drunk.:lol

Landlord of Sector 7
03-13-2004, 12:37 AM

Summon name: Sad James

A guy is on a website and sees something he doesn't like and it makes him cry and he gets swallowed up by a dark abyss worm and then he cries some more in the worms stomach and he cries so much that the worm drowns and the tears flood the battlefield.

03-13-2004, 04:40 PM
That's a cool summon, drown from the inside lol. good idea

darkness of eternity
03-18-2004, 09:13 AM
summon name: caston

skill name : Darkness of eternity

the screen fades to black with only your enemy/ies visible, in the distance footsteps can be heard, with every footstep the screen flickers, after the third set of footsteps the screen flashes white, a few seconds later the screen returns to black, now a rumbling can be heard from underneath the victims, suddenly a large man/beast, emerges from below, bringing into view a chasm, the man/beast draws a sword, jumps behind the emeny and with one powerful horizontal slash, knocks the enemy/ies into the fiery chasm, the screen fades to red and then back to the original battle scene where the enemy/ies either die or take masses of non-elemental damage.