05-30-2002, 12:21 AM
A poem, just wrote it today. ^^
Well here goes. I'm open to critism, but uh, don't be to harsh. ^^

Morning without you
Shining darkness
fading light
never seeing
what is right

Alone forever
In my soul
Feeling nothing
Insides so cold

A crying child
a falling leaf
things not heard
beyond belief

A drop of blood
On your lace
Tasting nothing
On your face

Flaming inferno
smoke filled room
smelling nothing
but remnants of your perfume

smiling ghost
waving goodbye
morning without you
trying not to cry


Um..I like this, so uh..please tell me what you think. :uh?:

05-30-2002, 01:07 AM
And some older ones
Screaming in the silence
No One hears my cries
Staying in the darkness
Far away from the eyes

They will never see me
They will never know
No One sees my weakness
I would never show

Always hiding
Has made me shy
I feel that no one cares
So I sit and cry


Silently shifting
skipping along
darkly drifting
while singing a song
I ran away
while the others stay
lying to myself
is sadly amusing
they all believe me
is what I'm assuming

The words fail
My hands are frail
My tears still linger
I had pulled the trigger
Death will never
leave this place
Morning will come
Contentment will be the look upon your face
No one will ever forgive me son

True Love
The times I have lived without you
all lay forgotten
in my mind
for they are worthless to me
because they were made without you in my life
The brightness shines around me when I have you by my side
My dreams no longer needed
because life is greater standing with you at my side

Tragic stories come in through the night
the mist
that grows with Abadon's delight
time past by
with nothing new
life's reality to us is not true
we bathe in time
letting it fall is just fine

Unrequitted Love
Beauty that I've never seen before
engulfs me so that I can not think anymore
your eyes they glow
although they do not show
the love I would like to see
the love I hoped you would have for me
time passes by and still I try
to have you glance my way
but you eyes...they never stay

Tear's Memory
05-30-2002, 01:48 AM
Wonderfully expressed and written. I noticed that all your poems seem to have a rhythm to them, it's amazing how you are able to manipulate words to create and bring out the mood for each individual poem.