08-22-2008, 09:03 PM
Hey, I've looked around on the forum quite a bit. Searched around, and the only thing I could find was to download each song from the Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal games individually. Doesn't sound very appetising to me, but if it comes to that, then I will. Can anyone shed some light on me and bring me a link or something with the whole OST? Would mean alot to me, lots of Nostalgia for me from Pokemon Silver. Good times.
Thanks in advance.

08-24-2008, 09:28 AM
Don't know how double posting goes about here, but I thought this thread needs a bit of a bump. Again, I can't believe no one has this X_X.

08-25-2008, 12:59 AM
Ok, I didn't upload this. Here you go... (