08-22-2008, 04:32 PM
I really need help. Am following ( SpeedRun by GarlandG... but not really doing a speed run (just want to complete the game doing only the main storyline and no side quests.

I am stuck on Material Keeper and can't seem to kill him. I've tried both Cloud & Cait's way of poisoning/bio the material keeper. I can get Material Keeper to glow green but he just won't die.

Is there any other easier way to defeat this guy?

08-22-2008, 05:44 PM
Geez, just level up for a while. It's not that difficult a battle.

Alternatively, try Barret's Mindblow or Aeris's Seal Evil, or even cast sleep on it - anything to get it to stop casting magic, which will stop it healing itself/using Trine and make it significantly easier.

08-23-2008, 12:14 AM
Having a few Aqualung enemy skills is always quite useful.

But really the best way to fight is to hurt them until they die whilst not getting ko'ed yourself :S

09-21-2008, 04:10 PM
It's simple, all you need are two things -

Bio Materia with either Bio2 or Bio3, and
Vincent with his Death Gigas limit break.

Equip the Bio Materia to either of the remaining party members who isn't Vincent, then just keep casting that - it'll cause around 3000 - 4500 damage with each casting.
Keep doing that until Vincent's limit gauge is full, then use it.

Then you can just sit back, heal occasionally, and watch as Death Gigas pulverizes the Materia Keeper.

09-21-2008, 06:18 PM
Heh, that's what I did for pretty much every boss fight (changing the spells, of course).

09-22-2008, 06:46 AM
lol did you ever bother using Hellmasker?

I didn't, I just stuck with Death Gigas until I got Chaos.

09-22-2008, 07:11 AM
Geez, just level up for a while. It's not that difficult a battle.

Alternatively, try Barret's Mindblow or Aeris's Seal Evil, or even cast sleep on it - anything to get it to stop casting magic, which will stop it healing itself/using Trine and make it significantly easier.

Well said. Follow this and you won't fail~

09-22-2008, 08:09 AM
It's simple, all you need are two things -

Bio Materia with either Bio2 or Bio3, and
Vincent with his Death Gigas limit break.

Equip the Bio Materia to either of the remaining party members who isn't Vincent, then just keep casting that - it'll cause around 3000 - 4500 damage with each casting.
Keep doing that until Vincent's limit gauge is full, then use it.

Then you can just sit back, heal occasionally, and watch as Death Gigas pulverizes the Materia Keeper.

Considering the earliest chance to get Vincent is right before you fight Materia Keeper, you have to have no life/a lot of time on your hands to HAVE Death Gigas then. Same with Hellmasker.

Though, I'd guess by your username and avatar and by Slavka's custom title that that's no problem for you guys, right?

As for advice, if you just got Vincent and are using him, DON'T use his starting Limit, it heals him.

Also try to learn Trine you only have three chances in the game for it!

Like someone said, Aqualung is pretty much all you need.

09-22-2008, 08:52 AM
Considering the earliest chance to get Vincent is right before you fight Materia Keeper, you have to have no life/a lot of time on your hands to HAVE Death Gigas then. Same with Hellmasker.

Though, I'd guess by your username and avatar and by Slavka's custom title that that's no problem for you guys, right?

As for advice, if you just got Vincent and are using him, DON'T use his starting Limit, it heals him.

Also try to learn Trine you only have three chances in the game for it!

Like someone said, Aqualung is pretty much all you need.

Dude you only need to use Galian Beast 5 - 8 times to unlock Death Gigas.

09-22-2008, 09:22 PM
Actually, you need to kill enemies (I think it's 40) in order to unlock Death Gigas.

09-23-2008, 01:19 AM
Really? Every time I play I just use Galian Beast a couple of times and Death Gigas becomes available...

09-23-2008, 01:27 AM
Really? Every time I play I just use Galian Beast a couple of times and Death Gigas becomes available...

Either this is bull, or you must have a hacked game, because you actually have to kill 40 (60?) enemies. Unless of course you somehow happen to always have Vincent kill that many in that short a time while only having to use Galian a couple times, which I find hard to believe.

09-23-2008, 01:38 AM
Zak, be quiet, let the big people talk.

09-30-2008, 02:34 AM
It's simple, all you need are two things -

Bio Materia with either Bio2 or Bio3, and
Vincent with his Death Gigas limit break.

Equip the Bio Materia to either of the remaining party members who isn't Vincent, then just keep casting that - it'll cause around 3000 - 4500 damage with each casting.
Keep doing that until Vincent's limit gauge is full, then use it.

Then you can just sit back, heal occasionally, and watch as Death Gigas pulverizes the Materia Keeper.

Thats not as simple as hitting it until it dies.

10-02-2008, 05:03 AM
Thats not as simple as hitting it until it dies.

True, but it's a lot easier after you put in the effort, and not just for the Materia Keeper, but just about every boss for the rest of the game.

Death Gigas sure as hell helps with defeating Demon Wall.
Just have the other two characters casting Cure/Regen on Death Gigas whenever needed and you'll find that no boss really presents a threat.

10-02-2008, 11:00 PM
There is one very simple solution to this boss, and that is Aeris' Seal Evil. It freezes, and poisons, so you can simply hack away at it. It doesn't always work, but I have never had any troubles with it.

10-04-2008, 12:50 AM
Yes but Aerith dies at the end of Disk 1, rendering that strategy useless.

Vincent, however, survives all 3 Disks and can therefore rape bosses from Nibelhiem to Northern Crater!

10-04-2008, 01:29 AM
What has that got to do with anything? For this battle, it's a perfectly acceptable strategy. Yes, Aeris is not a good character to choose if you go for longevity, but why not take advantage of her unique abilities when you can? O:

non-canon sousaphone
10-04-2008, 05:52 AM
Here's some help:
-You got the Elemental materia earlier, so conjoin it with a Lighting materia in a piece of armor and you'll take less damage from Trine.
-Have All-Restore on Aeris.
-Put cloud on the front so he can take more damage and use his limits more often.
-NO FIAR EVA during this battle; he's got Fire Eater.
-Use Big Guard if you took the time to learn it.
-Wait to end the battle until he casts Trine and make sure you have someone equip the enemy skill materia cause Trine is one of the best enemy skills in the game.

Did ya get it all?

non-canon sousaphone
10-04-2008, 06:59 AM
Here's some help:
-You got the Elemental materia earlier, so conjoin it with a Lighting materia in a piece of armor and you'll take less damage from Trine.
-Have All-Restore on Aeris.
-Put cloud on the front so he can take more damage and use his limits more often.
-NO FIAR EVA during this battle; he's got Fire Eater.
-Use Big Guard if you took the time to learn it.
-Wait to end the battle until he casts Trine and make sure you have someone equip the enemy skill materia cause Trine is one of the best enemy skills in the game.

Did ya get it all?

10-08-2008, 12:46 AM
double-post moron...

10-08-2008, 05:38 AM
I've got a great strategy. Just get an Enemy-Skill materia with Aqualung on it and just use that over and over again. Big Guard, White Wind, and perhaps Beta and Trine are also nice to get.

10-09-2008, 12:46 PM
The only point before the Materia Keeper where Aqualung is obtainable is from the Harpy's in the desert of the Gold Saucer, which are an EXTREMELY tough enemy for that point at the game!

11-24-2008, 10:51 PM
The only point before the Materia Keeper where Aqualung is obtainable is from the Harpy's in the desert of the Gold Saucer, which are an EXTREMELY tough enemy for that point at the game!

No there not! Aqualung (when done by Harpies) only hits for like 600 damage WITHOUT Big Guard and by then you should definately have 600 hp. Stop shitting on theories that don't have Vincent involved.

11-30-2008, 09:11 AM
For the average player, they will find that the Harpy's Aqualung does upwards of 1000 - 1500 per person!

If you're taking 600 damage, you've obviously grinded and buffed your chars!

SO how about you suck a big fat cock and think before you make judgements!

11-30-2008, 12:22 PM
Lol, easy girls. It's only a game.

11-30-2008, 03:32 PM
Sigh, I agree with Jarosik for once, cool it. Though, you are right it does do 1k-1.5k. Of course he probably did this over-trained. I beat the midgar zolom before moving onto the second area so I know what overtraining is.
EDIT: I would also like to bring to attentionm Aeris can be kept in all 3 disks, I'm sure getting her final ultimate has proved that much to those who do not know how to do it.

12-01-2008, 08:31 AM
For the average player, they will find that the Harpy's Aqualung does upwards of 1000 - 1500 per person!

If you're taking 600 damage, you've obviously grinded and buffed your chars!

SO how about you suck a big fat cock and think before you make judgements!

I was at level 26 at Nibelhelm and didn't go out of my way to level up after the Gold Saucer.

Vincent IS a good character but I just can't take anyone serious who tells you to suck a cock. I mean if i suck a cock will I suddenly like Vincent? I always wondered about Vincent fanboys....

12-01-2008, 05:57 PM
I always wondered about Vincent fanboys....

I assure you, the fangirls aren't quite so rude ;). On topic, I didn't even realise the Harpies had Aqualung...but the Materia Keeper shouldn't have been hard enough to warrant going out of your way to learn Aqualung, if you hadn't already got it.