Black Mage
05-29-2002, 06:47 PM
which FF do you think had the best love storys in it?

05-29-2002, 10:27 PM
Kinda obvious what I was gonna pick, huh? *lol* Final Fantasy 9. Zidane and Dagger. Zidane just seems so much more genuine in his caring for Dagger all throughout the game than the others did. I mean, he goes from "Ooo, soft!" to "Only so I could be with you..."

So although Dag too much longer to warm up to him, those two were always there for each other. To me, their story was just the most believeable. Or maybe it's because I felt the characters were more likeable than the others.

Squall and Rinoa remind me too much of Beverly Hills 90210 for some reason. Heh.

Tidus and Yuna are a very close second place, but... Zid and Dag all the way!

Sooo... that's my opinion! :D

05-30-2002, 06:20 AM
I voted for FF8 as it's very lovey-dovey all the time, ya know. ;)

05-30-2002, 08:43 AM
Well, to me, you could pretty much say all of 'em...some better than others, but surely all of them.

FF7- Who could forget the big love traingle. The one between Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa. Lemme' see, Tifa was pretty much in love with Cloud for a long time. And at the begining of the game, Cloud really doesn't have any feelings for anyone. Then Aeris shows up. Eventually, we pretty much see Cloud show some emotion for Aeris. And it's pretty clear that Aeris also had some kind of feelings for Cloud, whether it was because of him, or just because she saw Zack in him. Anyways, and towards the end, Cloud has more feeling, and whether or not he begins to like Tifa, well, she still likes him. Sooo...o.O

FF8- Of course, you had your pretty self explanitory couple (Selphie and Irvine), your imaginative couple (Zell and Quistis or the Library girl, or some other chikc), and your truely romantic couple (Squall and Rinoa). FF8 was pretty much a love story anyway, so it's pretty..self explained. o.o;;

FF9- Unlike FF7, and unlike FF8, this love system was a bit different. True, in the begining, Zidane didn't have a loy of feeling, similar to Cloud in FF8. And also true, Zidae begins to feel emotions, similar to Squall in FF8. And as Kurohime said, this guy goes from saying "ooo soft" to "..." Well um...what she said XD sorry, I forgot. But anyway, the way they really differ is...let's triangle (unless you wanna' count Eiko's short little attempt). And FF8, this game wasn't all focused on the love plot.

So basically, all your FF's have some kind of love plot.

...IMO, anyway. :eye:

Rabid Monkey
05-30-2002, 04:21 PM
I would have to say FF4. Just about EVERY party member was hooking up with SOMEONE, and if they weren�t in love with someone they still had love for someone. Won't go into who now because obviously a lot of people posting in this topic won't have played it seen as the options are only 7-10, but those that have played 4 know just what I'm talking about...

Angel Aeris
05-30-2002, 05:24 PM
I think it's obvious I'm going to say FF7.

I mean, the concept love wasn't in it as strong as in FF8, cause the main thing was in life and death, but I never forget the triangle between Cloud, Tifa and Aeris. I liked both of the girls, andit was really hard to decide who's side are you on. Well, after some while, I turned to Aeris cause I think she knew better how to enjoy about life than Tifa. Cloud was cold in the beginning but soon he started to warm up and then the thing started to interest me and touch my heart.

I kinda liked FF6 story of Locke and Celes, even though their story was kinda like in a shadow. Actually, in the beginning I thought Locke would become couble with Terra cause she was in more important part than Celes.

In FF8 I think Squall's and Rinoa's love was more important than the plot itself, it had much talking and less action, and I think this is one reason why it's so bashed. I didn't mind it, cause I'm not much fight person anyway. Squall and Rinoa... I was just so... cute.

FF9. I liked the story cause Zidane and Dagger were different, acted differently and didn't understand each others cause they had hm.. different way to show their love. Zidane was just like a 6-years old kid, who steals his first love's schoolbag to get her attention, Garnet was raised in a castle and a girl who had only romantic images from the books and what people at the castle had taught to her. She didn't know and couldn't ever think she could fall in love with guy like Zidane. Pervert and childlish, how could a princess fall in love with guy like that? She fell in love with him after Zidane showed how wise and serious he actually was behind his lady's man- cover.

FF10... I only know it's about Yuna and Tidus(right?)... I think I die... :uh?:

06-06-2002, 03:11 AM
FF8. I mean come on. The disks have them hugging on them.

06-13-2002, 02:38 AM
Hey Ummm this may Seem A Little incorrect But Setzer And Celes... For Christ Sake their Married Arent they? (Remebr Ill Let You use My Airship If You give Me Her hand... or Something Like that) No FF Characters Can Top That The ultimate Vow of true love!

06-20-2002, 03:54 AM
And the reason she accepted his offer was because that was the ONLY way that they were going to be able to get to Vector was if she sold her hand to him for the price of an airship ride.


06-20-2002, 06:01 AM
I agree that 9 has the best love story. To me its the most emotional, and the most believable. 8 was too sappy, 10 is a very close second though. 7 never really played out.

I won't mention 1-6 since they aren't in the poll.